
As a forum for dialogue and exchange EQUINET holds a number of meetings, conferences and workshops within the theme areas of its work, as a network, and for the governance and administration of the network. These meeting reports and briefings from the secretariat are shown in this section. Further information on the meetings and their follow up can be obtained from the theme co-ordinators found in the section on 'Our work' or from the EQUINET secretariat.

The most recent publications are displayed below.

Advancing public health rights, claims and standards in mining, Report of a Side Session at the Alternative Mining Indaba, 6 February 2018, Cape Town South Africa
EQUINET; TARSC; SATUCC; Benchmarks Foundation; SADC CNGO (2018 February)
Health equity in economic and trade policies
South Africa
The role of an essential health benefit in the delivery of integrated health services: Learning from practice in East and Southern Africa, Report of a regional research workshop, November 27-28 2017, Zanzibar, United Republic of Tanzania.
EQUINET; Ifakara Health Institute; Training and Research Support Centre (2017 December)
Equitable health services, Public-private mix, Resource allocation and health financing, Governance and participation in health
East and southern Africa region
Are Health Centre Committees a Vehicle for Social Participation in Health? Report on a Regional HCC Review Meeting, June 2017
CWGH; TARSC; UCT; LDHO (2017 June)
Governance and participation in health
East and southern Africa region
Using Policy dialogue to Strengthen Health Centre Committees as a Vehicle for Social Participation in Health System in East and Southern Africa. Report of Policy dialogue workshop
Zambia Ministry of Health; Lusaka District Health Office; TALC, CWGH in EQUINET (2016 January)
Governance and participation in health
Global Health Diplomacy and regional health standards in the extractive sector, Session Report, 10 April 2017,
ECSA Health Community; EQUINET (2017 April)
Health equity in economic and trade policies, Governance and participation in health
East and southern Africa region
