
As a forum for dialogue and exchange EQUINET holds a number of meetings, conferences and workshops within the theme areas of its work, as a network, and for the governance and administration of the network. These meeting reports and briefings from the secretariat are shown in this section. Further information on the meetings and their follow up can be obtained from the theme co-ordinators found in the section on 'Our work' or from the EQUINET secretariat.

The most recent publications are displayed below.

‘We are subjects, not objects in health’: Communities taking action on COVID-19
Loewenson R; Colvin C; Rome N; Nolan E; Coelho V; Szabzon F; Das S; Aich U; Tiwari P; Khanna R; Gansane Z; Traoré Y; Yao S; Coulibaly S; Asibu W; Chaikosa S (2020 September)
Equity in health, Values, policies and rights, Health equity in economic and trade policies, Poverty and health, Equitable health services, Governance and participation in health
A case study of Public Private Partnerships in the Health Sector in Malawi
Tobias M (2020 May)
Public-private mix, Resource allocation and health financing
Regional Meeting of the Extractives and Health Group, Meeting report, 1-2 February 2020, Cape Town, South Africa
TARSC; EQUINET; SATUCC; SAMA; Benchmarks (2020 February)
Health equity in economic and trade policies, Governance and participation in health
East and southern Africa region
How does target-driven funding affect comprehensive primary health care in east and southern Africa?
Loewenson R, Kaim B, Thole C, Moyo A, Kabango T, Asibu W, Kalolo P, Machilika N, Mutashobya G, Kijuu B, Abdallah K, Nziramwoyo P, Nampewo S, Serunjogi F, Namukisa R, Nakamya F, Zulu A, Chiwala A, Mwakoi C, Mutasa E, Katsande I, Madzukwa H, Gordon L (2019 September)
PAR work, Values, policies and rights, Equitable health services, Resource allocation and health financing, Governance and participation in health
East and southern Africa region
Mapping the constitutional provisions on the right to health and the mechanisms for implementation in Kenya. A case study report,
Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV and AIDS (KELIN) (2018)
Values, policies and rights
