Equinet discussion papers

EQUINET carries out research, reviews and analysis to stimulate and support debate on current issues across its theme areas. The publications from this work are produced as discussion papers and are found here.

The most recent publications are displayed below.

Discussion paper 44: A review of non-financial incentives for health worker retention in east and southern Africa
Dambisya, YM; Health Systems Research Group, Department of Pharmacy, School of Health Sciences, University of Limpopo (2007 March)
Human resources for health
East and southern Africa region
Discussion paper 47: Food sovereignty and nutrition in east and southern Africa: A synthesis of case study evidence
Chopra, M; Tomlinson, M; Medical Research Council (2007 February)
Poverty and health, Equitable health services
East and southern Africa region
Discussion paper 46: School feeding in east and southern Africa: Improving food sovereignty or photo opportunity
Tomlinson, M; Medical Research Council (MRC) (2007 March)
Poverty and health, Equitable health services
East and southern Africa region
Discussion Paper 45: The impact of food aid on food markets and food security in Malawi
Jere, P (2007 April)
Poverty and health, Equitable health services
Discussion paper 38: Equity and Health System Strengthening in ART Roll Out: An analysis from literature review of experiences from east and southern Africa
Makwiza, I; Nyirenda, L; Goma, F; Hassan, F; Chingombe, I; Bongololo, G; Theobold, S; REACH Trust, Malawi (2006 July)
Equity and HIV/AIDS
East and southern Africa region
