EQUINET carries out research, reviews and analysis to stimulate and support debate on current issues across its theme areas. The publications from this work are produced as discussion papers and are found here.
Equinet discussion papers
The most recent publications are displayed below.
How does target-driven funding affect comprehensive primary health care in east and southern Africa?
Loewenson R, Kaim B, Thole C, Moyo A, Kabango T, Asibu W, Kalolo P, Machilika N, Mutashobya G, Kijuu B, Abdallah K, Nziramwoyo P, Nampewo S, Serunjogi F, Namukisa R, Nakamya F, Zulu A, Chiwala A, Mwakoi C, Mutasa E, Katsande I, Madzukwa H, Gordon L (2019 September)
PAR work, Values, policies and rights, Equitable health services, Resource allocation and health financing, Governance and participation in health
East and southern Africa region
EQUINET Discussion paper 119: Critical assessment of different health financing options in east and southern African countries
Doherty J (2019 June)
Resource allocation and health financing
East and southern Africa region
EQUINET Discussion paper 118: Comparative review: Implementation of constitutional provisions on the right to healthcare in Kenya and Uganda
Centre for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) (2019 March)
Values, policies and rights
Responding to inequalities in health in urban areas in east and southern Africa: Brief 5: What does the evidence indicate for advancing urban health and wellbeing?
Loewenson R; Masotya M (2018 December)
Equity in health, PAR work, Health equity in economic and trade policies, Poverty and health, Governance and participation in health, Monitoring equity and research to policy
East and southern Africa region
EQUINET Diss 117: Pathways to urban health equity: Report of multi-method research in east and southern Africa
Loewenson R; Masotya M (2018 December)
Equity in health, PAR work, Health equity in economic and trade policies, Poverty and health, Public-private mix, Governance and participation in health, Monitoring equity and research to policy
East and southern Africa region