
Information entry into this database is still underway.

EQUINET is carrying out work on indicators for health equity within the SADC Region. The publications in this section of the database provide information on the distribution of indicators relevant to health equity in southern Africa from a range of available published sources and information on approaches to monitoring equity. A sample of the indicators available is shown below. We welcome comments, feedback and contributions on the data provided through the feedback form provided. This database is maintained through the EQUINET secretariat at TARSC in co-operation with the University of Zimbabwe Medical School.

The most recent publications are displayed below.

Promoting the Three R’s -Reduce, Recycle and Reuse- in waste Management in Kadoma, Zimbabwe
Abdullah Dzinamarira Foundation Trust; Young Men Christian Association; TARSC; EQUINET (2024 January)
Equity in health, Health equity in economic and trade policies, Poverty and health, Public-private mix, Governance and participation in health
East and southern Africa region
Transforming Mbale City’s urban food system in the Good Food for Cities Programme
Food Rights Alliance; Rikolto; Global Consumer Centre; TARSC; EQUINET (2024 January)
Equity in health, Values, policies and rights, Health equity in economic and trade policies, Poverty and health, Governance and participation in health
East and southern Africa region
Health-promoting food and waste management systems in Kwekwe City: Turning waste into assets
City of Kwekwe; TARSC; EQUINET (2024 January)
Equity in health, Health equity in economic and trade policies, Poverty and health, Public-private mix, Governance and participation in health
East and southern Africa region
From a Waste Dumpsite into a Food Basket in Bembeke, Dedza, Malawi
Country Minders for Peoples Development (CMPD); TARSC; EQUINET (2024 January)
Equity in health, Health equity in economic and trade policies, Poverty and health, Public-private mix, Governance and participation in health
East and southern Africa region
A conceptual framework for healthy urban systems for food and waste management in ESA countries
EQUINET urban health community of practice (2023 June)
Health equity in economic and trade policies
East and southern Africa region
