Promoting the Three R’s -Reduce, Recycle and Reuse- in waste Management in Kadoma, Zimbabwe
Abdullah Dzinamarira Foundation Trust; Young Men Christian Association; TARSC; EQUINET (2024 January)
Themes: Equity in health, Health equity in economic and trade policies, Poverty and health, Public-private mix, Governance and participation in health
Transforming Mbale City’s urban food system in the Good Food for Cities Programme
Food Rights Alliance; Rikolto; Global Consumer Centre; TARSC; EQUINET (2024 January)
Themes: Equity in health, Values, policies and rights, Health equity in economic and trade policies, Poverty and health, Governance and participation in health
Health-promoting food and waste management systems in Kwekwe City: Turning waste into assets
City of Kwekwe; TARSC; EQUINET (2024 January)
Themes: Equity in health, Health equity in economic and trade policies, Poverty and health, Public-private mix, Governance and participation in health
From a Waste Dumpsite into a Food Basket in Bembeke, Dedza, Malawi
Country Minders for Peoples Development (CMPD); TARSC; EQUINET (2024 January)
Themes: Equity in health, Health equity in economic and trade policies, Poverty and health, Public-private mix, Governance and participation in health
A conceptual framework for healthy urban systems for food and waste management in ESA countries
EQUINET urban health community of practice (2023 June)
Themes: Health equity in economic and trade policies