Useful Resources

Key district health indicators
Health Systems Trust, 24 August 2007

There are currently a large number of indicators being collected and used in the health system, however there are certain problems associated with facility-based indicators. In an attempt to demystify the indicators and to make them more accessible to managers of facilities and to those at higher levels of the system who support facility managers, this booklet has taken the top ten key indicators based on routine facility information and has unpacked them. It is hoped that this publication will make these indicators more easily understandable, will promote greater use of these indicators and will therefore ultimately play a role in improving their quality.

The reporting skills and professional writing handbook: A self study
Kendrick N: Education, Language and Development Training Programmes (UK), 2007

Field workers, managers and consultants working with development projects of all sectors will benefit from this new resource launched by Education, Language and Development Training Programmes (ELD). A UK charity working since 2000 conducting hundreds of training courses for NGOs in Asia, ELD brings a wealth of experience and guidance on what really works in his step-by-step, practical and clearly explained handbook. Reports are an essential project management tool. Effective reporting helps to compare the reality in the field with the plan, aids management thinking and increases transparency. This is not a ‘book about reporting skills’. The Handbook looks at the entire reporting process from setting objectives, through data gathering and analysis tools, to planning, drafting, editing and designing the report. The programme is full of clear explanations and examples, frequent practical exercises, and an extended case study to fully apply all the tools presented.

Key district health indicators
Barron P: Health Systems Trust, 30 June 2007

There are currently a large number of indicators being collected and used in the health system. Currently there are a number of problems associated with facility-based indicators. In an attempt to demystify the indicators and to make them more accessible to managers of facilities and to those at higher levels of the system who support facility managers, this booklet has taken the top ten key indicators based on routine facility information and has unpacked them. It is hoped that this publication will make these indicators more easily understandable, will promote greater use of these indicators and will therefore ultimately play a role in improving their quality.

Healthcare in South Africa 2007
Still L, Profile Media

This publication is presented as a valuable tool for all health care professionals and anyone who needs to evaluate health care options either for their own families or on behalf of their staff, clients or patients. The first part of the book deals with the size and shape of private and public healthcare services, unfolding health care regulations and a description of how all the participants in the industry fit together. It also offers readers a guide to checking on the health of different medical schemes, as well as understanding the details of benefits and options.

Food Security Information Systems and Networks
Resources for Trainers, Food Security Information for Action: 2007

This course introduces and provides guidance in assessing different kinds of information systems related to food security analysis.

Guide on incorporating Health System Strengthening in Global Fund Round 7 Proposals
Physicians for Human Rights

Physicians for Human Rights has released a Guide to Using Round 7 of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to Support Health Systems Strengthening. This is an extensively revised update to a health systems strengthening guide for Round 6. The Guide points out that successful proposals in earlier rounds have included a wide variety of systems investments cri tical to the fight against the three diseases, such as supporting salaries and expanded training capacity as part of an emergency human resources program, increasing access for the poor to health services, and strengthening primary level health infrastructure. The Guide also provides information on several technical partners who may be able to assist in developing health systems strengthening-related proposals.

Guidelines on integrating Sexual and Reproductive Health Services into Global Fund Round 7 Proposals
Physicians for Human Rights

A group of NGOs has published guidelines on integrating the provision of sexual and reproductive health services into Global Fund Round 7 HIV/AIDS proposals. The Global Fund has thus far made few grants that deal with sexual and reproductive health (SRH). The guidelines state, however, that the Fund supports SRH-HIV/AIDS integration efforts and has indicated that SRH-based proposals would be acceptable as long as the impact on HIV and AIDS is clearly demonstrated. Seven priority areas are identified in the guidelines.

HIV Manual: The PIH Guide to the Community-Based Treatment of HIV in Resource-Poor Settings
Partners In Health

Partners In Health has recently converted the 2006 edition of 'The Partners In Health Guide to Community-Based Treatment of HIV in Resource-Poor Settings' into an interactive, online version. The new website allows visitors to share insights about the manual and experiences in the field, to ask questions of each other, to answer others’ concerns and to foster a community of care. This interactive manual is distinctly a work in progress. Their long-term goal is to build an online knowledge community, a community where people working to ensure quality health care and social justice for the poor can exchange, comments, questions, lessons and examples drawn from their own experience, both with Partners In Health and with each other. Parners In Health expect this exchange to enrich all of their work, as well as future editions of The HIV Manual.

Health handbook for women with disabilities
Hesperian Foundation

Women with disabilities often discover that the social stigma of disability and inadequate care are greater barriers to health than the disabilities themselves. A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities will help women with disabilities overcome these barriers and improve their general health, self-esteem, and abilities to care for themselves and participate in their communities. This groundbreaking handbook was developed with the help and experience of women with disabilities in 42 countries-women with various disabilities. The book is full of useful advice on organising for disability-friendly health care, caring for daily needs with limited access to equipment, having healthy and safe sexual relationships, choosing family planning methods that work best with specific disabilities, preparing for pregnancy and childbirth, and defending against violence or abuse.

Introduction to DevInfo

DevInfo is a database system that harnesses the power of advanced information technology to compile and disseminate data on human development. In particular, the system has been endorsed by the UN Development Group (UNDG) to assist countries in monitoring achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It facilitates data sharing at the country level across government departments, UN agencies and development partners by providing methods to organise, store and display data in a uniform way. By the end of 2006, more than 90 national, regional and global DevInfo adaptations had been developed around the world. DevInfo has been adapted by several UN agencies for the dissemination of regional and global databases.
