Useful Resources

Free human rights training manuals
IFHHRO, 2008

The International Federation of Health and Human Rights Organisations promotes the monitoring of health-related human rights, including the right to health. The Federation focuses on the role of health professionals in this regard. It also provides free training material in human rights issues.

Public Health Toolkit
US Association of Schools of Public Health, 2008

As part of its ‘This is Public Health’ campaign, ASPH has developed the ‘This is Public Health’ toolkit to which will serve as a resource for anyone interested in educating others about public health issues or the field of public health. The materials in the toolkit are suggestions or templates, which can either be used as is, or tailored to suit your specific audiences. The toolkit also includes links for other sources that can increase knowledge of public health inside and outside classroom. The toolkit contains information on the 'This is Public Health' campaign and the field as a whole. Materials will be provided that target a range of individuals, accommodating varying age groups and differing levels of familiarity with the field of public health.

WHO Global Health Atlas

In a single electronic platform, the WHO’s Communicable Disease Global Atlas brings together for analysis and comparison standardised data and statistics for infectious diseases at country, regional and global levels. The analysis and interpretation of data are further supported through information on demography, socioeconomic conditions and environmental factors. In so doing, the Atlas specifically acknowledges the broad range of determinants that influence patterns of infectious disease transmission.

2008 World Population Data Sheet
Population Reference Bureau, 19 August 2008

The demographic divide - inequality in the population and health profiles of rich and poor countries - is widening. Two sharply different patterns of population growth are evident: little growth or even decline in most wealthy countries and continued rapid population growth in the world’s poorest countries. The 2008 World Population Data Sheet and its summary report offer detailed information about country, regional and global population patterns. It provides up-to-date demographic, health, and environment data for 209 countries and 25 regions of the world. It points up stark contrasts between developed and developing countries and predicts that the world population will soon have an urban majority. In 2008, for the first time, half of the world’s population will live in urban areas. Despite some improvement, maternal mortality continues to be very high in developing countries. In the least-developed countries, 35% of the population consumes fewer than the minimum calories required to lead a healthy active life. That figure rises above 60% in several sub-Saharan countries.

New website: Health Information for All (HIFA) 2015

HIFA2015 is a campaign and a knowledge network, building the HIFA2015 Knowledge Base, a picture of information needs and how to meet them. HIFA2015 involves more than 1,500 people from 110 countries worldwide. Members include health workers, publishers, librarians, information technologists, researchers, social scientists, journalists, policy-makers and others - all working together towards the HIFA2015 goal: by 2015, every person worldwide will have access to an informed healthcare provider. Membership is free and open to all.

Public health toolkit
This is Public Health, 19 August 2008

As part of the ‘This is Public Health’campaign, ASPH has developed the This is Public Health toolkit which will serve as a resource for anyone who is interested in educating others about public health issues or the field of public health. The materials in the toolkit are suggestions or templates, which can either be used as is, or tailored to suit your specific audiences. The toolkit also includes links for other sources that can increase knowledge of public health both inside and outside the classroom. Materials will be provided that target a range of individuals, accommodating varying age groups and differing levels of familiarity with the field of public health. Organisations with communication or presentation tools to share with others on this site can email and ASPH to upload your suggestions.

The reporting skills and professional writing handbook (a practical guide for development professionals): module one- professional writing and the writing process
Kendrick N: Education, Language & Development, 2008

Professional writing can be a difficult process for development practioners, especially for those who do not have English as a first language. This module is part of the reporting skills and professional writing handbook comprised of eight easy to follow steps covering the entire writing process aimed at creating an understanding of what professional writing is and how to improve these writing skills.

Toolkit: disseminating research online
Fisher C: Global Development Network, 2008

What are the benefits of disseminating research online? How would you go about it if you do not have your own website? This toolkit addresses these and other questions, providing broad tips and suggestions for communicating academic research using the internet. It draws on best practice for web strategies from the information and commercial worlds. The toolkit identifies and focuses on five key elements of the process, including the Global Development Network (GDN) approach to research communication including GDNet style guides and a downloadable power point presentation about communicating research online. The author stresses that this toolkit does not cover everything needed for a comprehensive research dissemination strategy for institutes. Such a strategy will involve other channels of communication (paper-based outputs, meetings, workshops etc) and will depend on target audiences, institutional set up and finances.

Handbook on community-led total sanitation
Kar K, Chambers R: Plan International, 2008

Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) is a participatory process focused on promoting change in sanitation behaviour through social action - stimulated by facilitators from within or outside the community. Aimed at empowering local communities this handbook is a source of ideas and experiences to be used for CLTS orientation workshops, advocacy to stakeholders as well as for implementing CLTS activities. It is intended as a tool for field staff, facilitators and trainers to plan, implement and follow up on CLTS activities.

New website

The new website has been launched. It presents news and resources on the Joint Africa-EU Strategy and its Action Plan.
