Useful Resources

Web site sheds light on research methods for evaluating health care cost, quality and access
Rosengren K: AcademyHealth, 10 January 2008

AcademyHealth launched a new online resource that provides researchers collaborating across disciplines with an easy-to-use tool for understanding health services research methods. The site includes an overview of the language, training resources, and analytic techniques used by researchers from different academic backgrounds and provides a forum for discussing methods used in the published literature. The site is designed as a launching pad for future methods training to improve understanding of HSR across disciplines and support ongoing development and refinement of HSR methods in general.

Further details: /newsletter/id/32829
Health Research Web
Council on Health Research for Development

Health Research Web provides easily accessible information that will:
* facilitate discussions among stakeholders at country level on strengthening their national health research systems;
* enable donors to better align their efforts to national research priorities
* increase accountability of researchers to national health priorities;
* form of a ‘portal’ for health research systems information in low and middle income countries allowing northern institutions and interested donors to find partners in the South.

Million Book Collection
The Universal Digital Library

For the first time in history, all the significant literary, artistic, and scientific works of mankind can be digitally preserved and made freely available, in every corner of the world, for our education, study, and appreciation and that of all our future generations.

New website: Health Services Research in Progress
Academy Health, HSRProj

HSRProj a free database coordinated by the National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology (NICHSR) for the National Library of Medicine. It carries evidence and expert testimony, links to research partners, and listings on current research projects.

Understanding and challenging HIV stigma: Toolkit for action
Clay S, Chiiya C, Chonta M: International HIV / AIDS Alliance, 2007

What is the impact of stigma on children? This toolkit aims to help explore and understand the different ways in which children are stigmatised, and to look at strategies to change attitudes and experiences. It provides guidance to help trainers plan educational sessions with community leaders, or to organise groups to raise awareness and promote practical action to challenge HIV stigma and discrimination.

Analysing equity using household survey data
O’Donnell O, van Doorslaer E, Wagstaff A, Lindelow M: World Bank

This volume aims to provide researchers and analysts with a step-by-step practical guide to the measurement of a variety of aspects of health equity. Each chapter includes worked examples and computer code. This is intended to help build more comprehensive monitoring of trends in health equity, a better understanding of the causes of these inequities, more extensive evaluation of the impacts of development programs on health equity, and more effective policies and programs to reduce inequities in the health sector.

Kenya: Basic Paediatric Protocols
Government of Kenya, Ministry of Health

These guidelines focus on the inpatient management of the major causes of childhood mortality such as pneumonia, diarrhoea, malaria, severe malnutrition, meningitis, HIV, neonatal and related conditions. The basis of these guidelines is the WHO IMCI Manual, “The Management of the Child with a Serious Illness or Severe Malnutrition.” This booklet is a result of a workshop in Machakos in February 2004 drawing together experienced paediatricians from the Ministry of Health, Kenyatta National Hospital, KEMRI and the University of Nairobi. It deals with the management of seriously ill children in the first 48 hours.

Launch of 'Sound Choices: Enhancing Capacity for Evidence-Informed Health Policy'
Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, 30 Ocotber 2007

While health systems constraints are increasingly recognized as primary barriers to the scaling up of health services and achievement of health goals, knowledge regarding how to improve health systems is often weak and frequently not well-utilized in policy-making. 'Sound Choices' seeks to better understand and address the capacity constraints in the field of health policy and systems research.

SALC Establishes HIV and Aids Programme
Southern Africa Litigation Centre: 16 October 2007

SALC announces the establishment of an HIV/Aids Programme under the direction of Project Lawyer, Priti Patel. The effect of HIV/Aids in the southern Africa region has been catastrophic. As of 2006, more than 30% of all people living with HIV resided in Southern Africa. The promotion and protection of fundamental human rights is critical to stemming the spread and impact of HIV/Aids on individuals and communities. The failure to comply with human rights standards aids in the spreading of HIV and magnifies the negative impact of the disease on communities.

Announcing SEMCA Community of Practice: Sustainability, Education and the Management of Change in Africa
SEMCA, September 2007

This is to announce: Sustainability, Education and the Management of Change in Africa SEMCA; a Community of Practice linking those involved in capacity development SEMCA is dedicated to the transformation of Higher Education in Africa for a new generation of graduates working closely with rural communities to research and produce innovative, sustainable development options and implement changes. This Community of Practice is supported by UNDP. SEMCA is a new community of practice that has been established to assist in linking higher education networks, universities, faculties, graduates, students as well as research, policy, development and other agencies all with an interest in capacity development - making research and education more relevant to both smallholders and to the modern, gobalised, knowledge economy.

Further details: /newsletter/id/32570
