Useful Resources

Ichweiss nicht was soll es bedeuten: Language matters in medicine
Via PAHO : PLoS Medicine Editors- 2006 (February) : 3 (2): e122

It is now nearly impossible to be a successful medical or life scientist without basic skills to read and communicate in English. There are, however, many other potential consumers of medical and scientific research results-health-care professionals, educators, and the general public-for whom proficiency in English is a luxury that only some can afford. While basic translation services can help the reader to decide whether to invest the effort and obtain a better translation, proprietary machine translation packages can do quite a bit better.One example relevant to medical content is the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) machine translation system.

SADC Protocol on Health

This site lists and bears the various health protocols formulated by the SADC member states.

DATAD - Database of African theses & dissertations
The Association of African Universities (AAU)

A project of the Association of African Universities (AAU) since 2000, DATAD aims to develop an electronic index of all African theses and dissertations past and present - using a common format - and to disseminate this index as widely as possible via Internet and CD-ROM for the purpose of promoting and exchanging knowledge. DATAD also aims to increase universities' capacity to respond to requests for data based on the index, to encourage institutions to make entire theses and dissertations - as opposed to abstracts - available on-line, and to encourage the publication of peer-reviewed articles based on African thesis and dissertation research.

Funding Road Map: Users' Guide to Navigating Canada's Large Granting Agencies

Global health research can often fall within the scope of more broad fields. Consequently, this roadmap includes funding sources that support specifically global health research, as well as those that support global research projects that involve health elements and global health projects that involve research elements. Similarly, training opportunities may be for specifically global health research projects, or opportunities that involve health or research components.

How-To-Guide. MDG-based national development strategies

This "how-to" guide consolidates the efforts of UN Country Teams (UNCTs) by presenting a step-by-step approach to support country counterparts in MDG-based national development strategies. It recognizes the extensive contributions of all development partners to achieving MDG outcomes.

Exchange on HIV/AIDS

The first issue of Exchange, previously Sexual Health Exchange, is produced in collaboration with the Royal Tropical Institute of the Netherlands and Novib (Oxfam Netherlands). The main focus of this edition is mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in civil society organisations (CSOs). The magazine also examines issues such as: lack of access to prevention and treatment for mobile population groups; the consequences of abstinence-only programmes for sexual minorities; and youth and the media in South Africa.

The Union newsletter

The e-newsletter of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) is a free monthly newsletter designed to provide news about the activities of The Union, as well as information and resources related to the prevention and control of tuberculosis and lung disease. Please feel free to pass it on to your friends and colleagues. To subscribe, go to our website at or send an email to To unsubscribe, click on the REMOVE link at the bottom of the page.

Further details: /newsletter/id/31258
World Malaria Report 2005

The World Malaria Report 2005 is the first comprehensive effort by the Roll Back Malaria Partnership to take stock of where the world stands in relation to one of its most devastating diseases. It reveals that the tide may be beginning to turn against malaria as control and prevention programmes start to take effect.

A facilitators’ guide to participatory workshops with NGOs/CBOs responding to HIV/AIDS

This guide aims to support people who facilitate participatory workshops with non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and community-based organisations (CBOs) responding to HIV/AIDS in developing countries. It is based on the practical experiences of the International HIV/AIDS Alliance (the Alliance). The Alliance is an international NGO that supports communities in developing countries to prevent the spread of HIV, support and care for those infected and ease the impact of HIV on families and communities.

A guide to sexual and reproductive health rights

This guide, published by the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education (RFSU), provides a comprehensive introduction to the political debate surrounding sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). It discusses the changes in the approach to population issues that emerged from the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development, emphasising the conference's explicit recognition of reproductive rights as human rights. Countries pledged to reduce maternal mortality, fight HIV and AIDS, and improve people's sexual and reproductive health and rights. The guide discusses the controversy over the goals that were adopted and the reservations expressed by many countries.
