Useful Resources

Toolkits from the Alliance to mobilise communities for HIV/AIDS
International HIV/AIDS Alliance, 2006

”Tools Together Now!” is a toolkit of 100 Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) tools to help facilitate community mobilisation. “Tools Together Now!” is designed to help put “All Together Now! - Community mobilisation for HIV/AIDS,” into practice. Used together, these two resources will provide a powerful way for organisations and communities to work more effectively together to address HIV/AIDS.

Civil society engagement with African governments
E-Civicus, 9 September 2006

The Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (OSAA) supports the work of civil society organisations in Africa through the publication of a number of reports highlighting their contributions to addressing threats to peace and security as well as development in Africa . OSAA seeks to strengthen African civil society organisations through the annual publication of this NGO directory.

Professor Hans Rosling: International Health (Karolinska Institutet), 2006

Gapminder is a non-profit venture for development and provision of free software that visualise human development. This is done in collaboration with universities, United Nations (UN) organisations, public agencies and non-governmental organisations. Google Subscribed Links makes it possible to search deep into Gapminder's moving graphs visualizing world development. Important document series available at this site include 'Human Development; Data Animation'and 'The World Chart'- developed in collaboration between WHO and Swedish institutions with the aim of visualising world health development, thereby enable better use of international health data for learning, advocacy and hypothesis generation. Others include a paper on 'Free software for a world in motion', focusing the need for new educational software environments for exploration of global statistics; and World Development Indicators (WDI, a publication of the World Bank's annual compilation of data about development.

IDeA knowledge capacity building toolkit
IDeA Knowledge

This toolkit has been developed to help civil society to increase local authorities’ capacity to deliver change. It’s response to the demand from local authorities for supporting development skills required for managing and delivering successful organisational change. The tools and information on this website include guidance, case studies and methodologies. These tools are coordinated and managed as a unit so that they achieve the intended outcomes and realise benefits. It breaks down into manageable chunks with monitoring and review points for assessing progress and performance in a long-term focus.

Stand Up Against Poverty Toolkit
Oxfam Global Month of Action, 14 September-17 October 2006

This Oxfam 'toolkit' suggests ways to participate in the 'Global Month of Action.' Oxfam describes the goals of poverty reduction and ways to contribute to the global efforts to reduce poverty.

Canada's access to medicines regime
Canadian Government

Canada's Access to Medicines Regime provides a way for the world's developing and least-developed countries to import high-quality drugs and medical devices at a lower cost to treat the diseases that bring suffering to their citizens. It is one part of the Government of Canada's broader strategy to assist countries in their struggle against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other diseases. This website has all of the information that developing and least-developed countries, non governmental organisations and pharmaceutical companies need to take advantage of the regime.

New website for human rights
Human Rights Tools

A new website for human rights professionals called Human Rights Tools offers four main services: a library of carefully selected and commented resources; key resources for country analysis to rapidly establish the human rights profile of a particular country and to facilitate analysis and follow-up of developments; daily updated human rights headlines; and free newsletter.

Where the poor are?: An atlas of poverty
Global Distribution of Poverty

This document brings together a diverse collection of maps from different continents and countries, depicting small area estimates of vital development indicators, including health indicators such as infant mortality rate, at unprecedented levels of spatial detail. The atlas of 21 full-page poverty maps reveals possible causal patterns and provides practical examples of how the data and tools have been used, and may be used, in applied decisions and poverty interventions.

Working with OHCHR: A handbook for NGOs
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)

The Handbook aims to provide NGOs with a comprehensive and user-friendly guide to the work of OHCHR, including key information on human rights mechanisms, entry points for NGOs and contact details with a view to assisting NGOs in identifying areas of possible cooperation and partnership with OHCHR; it also anticipates the changes of the current United Nations reform process. The Handbook is up to date as of June 2006, and is currently available in electronic format and in the English language only. Efforts are underway to secure its translation in other UN languages in the next few months.

Protecting children from sexual exploitation and sexual violence in disaster and emergency situations
Delaney S: Eldis, 5 July 2006

This practical manual outlines how to protect children from sexual violence and sexual exploitation, specifically in disaster and emergency situations. The aim is to provide fundamental information to assist personnel working in emergency situations in responding to protect children: before disaster strikes; in the immediate aftermath; and in the longer term reconstruction phase. The report also includes recommended actions and key considerations to be taken into account in the event of sexual violence or sexual exploitation.
