Human Resources

A workplace-based HIV self-testing intervention as a determinant for self-testing knowledge, beliefs, and use among unskilled workers in Wakiso Uganda
Nsereko G M; Musanje K; Ayesiga E R; et al. BMC Public Health 25(187), 1-12, doi:, 2025

This paper examined the effect of a workplace-based HIV self-testing intervention (HIVST) on the use of HIV self-testing among unskilled workers in Wakiso Uganda. A quasi-experimental one-group pretest-posttest design was conducted among 46 participants systematically and randomly selected. A comparison of the mean differences between the pre-post-test scores for the intervention group showed a statistically significant difference for HIVST knowledge, perceived susceptibility, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, and HIVST use. However, perceived barriers increased exponentially than earlier hypothesized amidst the knowledge acquired. Multiple regression showed that HIVST knowledge and individual beliefs predict 37.2% of the variance in HIVST use and that the overall biggest predictor of HIVST use was perceived susceptibility. The authors propose advocacy for frequent knowledge sharing about self-testing among unskilled working populations in Uganda. Organizations, alongside HIV testing implementing partners, should awaken people operating in risky environments and those engaging in risky sexual acts on the threat of succumbing to HIV as this greatly increases HIVST and repeat testing.

Assessing feasibility and acceptability of increasing access to sexual and reproductive health and rights through pharmacy outlets and community health volunteers: lessons from pilot study in Kenya
Liambila W; Obare F; RamaRao S; et al: BMC Health Services Research 24(1663), 1-16, doi:, 2024

This paper assessed in 2022 the feasibility and acceptability of using pharmacy outlets and community health volunteers to increase women’s and girls’ access to information, medication abortion and other sexual and reproductive health services and rights. The study utilized a single arm pre-test and post-test design that involved implementing a set of interventions and comparing the baseline and endline indicators using simple frequencies considering the number of respondents involved in the study. Data collected from 10 pharmacy staff and 20 community health volunteers, along with pharmacy sales records, showed steady increase in service uptake. Medication abortion clients increased from 15 to 112 monthly, with 527 total clients, of whom 523 also obtained family planning methods. All pharmacy staff and health volunteers reported satisfaction and positive attitudes toward service provision. The intervention demonstrated the feasibility and acceptability of providing medication abortion and reproductive health services through private pharmacies, with community health volunteers effectively increasing awareness and strengthening referral systems. Results suggest potential for addressing unsafe abortion, a leading cause of maternal mortality in Kenya.

Identity Crisis Among Clinical Officers at Malawi’s Public Hospitals Amidst the Implementation of Functional Reviews
Chinguwo, P: Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 0(0).

In Malawi’s healthcare system, a significant doctor shortage compels clinical officers who are mid-level health professionals, to shoulder responsibilities traditionally reserved for medical doctors. This study delves into the unintended consequences of functional reviews within Malawi’s health sector. The research, employing a qualitative case-study approach across five public hospitals, investigated how the functional reviews triggered an identity crisis among clinical officers. The findings revealed that the implemented changes caused an identity crisis among clinical officers. This identity crisis, demonstrably exacerbated occupational stress among clinical officers. To address this unforeseen consequence and safeguard the well-being of clinical officers in particular and healthcare workers in general, this paper proposes the incorporation of psychosocial risk assessments before implementing functional reviews in the health sector. This proactive approach can help identify potential threats to social identity and mitigate the risk of increased stress among healthcare workers. Ultimately, this research contributes to the growing body of knowledge that underscores the intricate link between social identity and the impact of large-scale workplace changes within the healthcare system.

Health care workers’ experiences of calling-for-help when taking care of critically ill patients in hospitals in Tanzania and Kenya
Mkumbo E; Willows T; Onyango O; et al: BMC Health Services Research 24(821), 1-9, doi: , 2024

When caring for critically ill patients, health workers often need to ‘call-for-help’ to get assistance from colleagues in the hospital. This study aims to describe health workers’ experiences about calling-for-help when taking care of critically ill patients in hospitals in Tanzania and Kenya. Ten hospitals across Kenya and Tanzania were visited and in-depth interviews conducted with 30 health workers who had experience of caring for critically ill patients. The study identified three thematic areas concerning the systems for calling-for-help when taking care of critically ill patients: i. Calling-for-help structures: with a lack of functioning structures for calling-for-help; ii. Calling-for-help processes: with calling-for-help processes noted to be innovative and improvised; and iii. Calling-for-help outcomes: with the help provided not that which was requested. Calling-for-help when taking care of a critically ill patient is a necessary life-saving part of care, but health workers in Tanzanian and Kenyan hospitals experience a range of significant challenges. Hospitals lack functioning structures, processes for calling-for-help are improvised and help that is provided is not as requested. These challenges are observed to be likely to cause delays and to decrease the quality of care, potentially resulting in unnecessary mortality and morbidity.

Health workforce strategies during COVID-19 response: insights from 15 countries in the WHO Africa Region
Ahmat A; Okoroafor S; Asamani J; et al: BMC Health Services Research 24 (470), 1-8, doi:, 2024

This paper examined the health workforce governance strategies applied by 15 countries in the WHO Africa Region in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors extracted data from country case studies developed from national policy documents, reports and grey literature obtained from the Ministries of Health and other service delivery agencies. This study was conducted from October 2020 to January 2021 in 15 countries - Angola, Burkina Faso, Chad, Eswatini, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal and Togo. All 15 countries had national multi-sectoral bodies to manage the COVID-19 response and a costed national COVID-19 response plan. All the countries also reflected human resources for health activities along the different response pillars. These activities included training for health workers, and budget for the recruitment or mobilization of additional health workers to support the response, and for provision of financial and non-financial incentives for health workers. Nine countries recruited an additional 35 812 health workers either on a permanent or temporary basis to respond to the COVID-19 with an abridged process of recruitment implemented to ensure needed health workers are in place on time. Six countries redeployed 3671 health workers to respond to the COVID-19. The redeployment of existing health workers was reported to have impacted negatively on essential health service provision. The paper raises strengthening multi-sector engagement in the development of public health emergency plans as critical to promote the development of the holistic interventions needed to improve health workforce availability, retention, incentivization, and coordination and to ensure optimized utilization based on competencies, especially for the existing health workers.

Knowledge and practice of health workers towards maternal and child health in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: a cross-sectional study
Ndela B; N’siala A; Ngwala P; et al: Reproductive Health 21(62), 1-9, doi:, 2024

This paper aimed to assess the knowledge and practice of health workers (HWs) towards maternal and child health (MCH) in Kasai and Maniema, two Democratic Republic of the Congo provinces with very high maternal mortality ratios and under-5 mortality rates. This cross-sectional study was conducted with all HWs in charge of MCH in 96 health facilities of Kasai and Maniema provinces in 2019. Among participating HWs, 43% were A2 nurses, 82% had no up-to-date training in MCH, and 48% had only 1-5 years of experience in MCH. In the two provinces combined, about half of HWs had poor knowledge and poor practice of MCH. Good knowledge and practice scores were significantly associated with high qualification, continuing up-to-date training in MCH, and 6 years of experience or more in MCH. The authors argue that conversion of A1 nurses into midwives as well as the provision of up-to-date training in MCH, supervision, and mentorship could improve the skill level of HWs and could thus reduce the burden of MCH in the DRC.

How Functional Reviews in the Health Sector Exacerbated Occupational Stress and Burnout Among Clinical Officers at Public Hospitals in Malawi
Chinguwo P: Clinical Sociology Review 18(2), 1-37, 2023

The authors present how the implementation of some functional reviews in the health sector exacerbated occupational stress (OS) and burnout among clinical officers at public hospitals in Malawi through a qualitative case study at four district hospitals and one central hospital, all state-owned. The functional reviews are found to have aggravated occupational stress and burnout among clinical officers at public hospitals, and perpetuated interprofessional conflicts between clinical officers and medical doctors. The authors recommend that a psychosocial risk assessment should be conducted to avoid or minimise the risks of occupational stress and burnout among clinical officers posed by the implementation of functional reviews in the health sector.

Implementation framework for income generating activities identified by community health volunteers (CHVs): a strategy to reduce attrition rate in Kilifi County, Kenya
Riang’a R, Nyanja N, Lusambili A, et al: BMC Health Services Research 24:132, 1-17, 2024

This study sought to identify strategies for implementing Income-Generating Activities (IGAs) for Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) in Kilifi County in Kenya to improve their livelihoods, increase motivation, and reduce attrition. Focus group discussions were carried out with CHVs and in-depth interviews among local stakeholder representatives and Ministry of Health officials. A need for stable income was identified as the driving factor for CHVs seeking IGAs, as their health volunteer work does not provide remuneration. Individual savings through table-banking, seeking funding support through loans from government funding agencies, and grants from corporate organizations, politicians, and other donors were proposed as viable options for raising capital for IGAs. Empowering CHVs with entrepreneurial and leadership skills, and connecting them to support agencies were proposed to support implementation and the sustainability of IGAs. Group-owned and managed IGAs were preferred over individual IGAs. The authors propose that agencies seeking to support CHVs’ livelihoods should engage with and be guided by the input from CHVs and local stakeholders.

Incidence of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) among healthcare workers during the first and second wave in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: a descriptive study
Milambo J, Ndirangu J, Mangala S, et al: BMC Infectious Diseases 23:519, 1-7, 2023

Healthcare workers (HCWs) are at the frontline of response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This study investigated the burden of COVID-19 among HCWs and infection prevention and control (IPC) gaps during the first to the third wave of the pandemic in a retrospective cohort study in the Democratic Republic of Congo using its National Department of Health database and a WHO questionnaire. The investigation revealed that about 32% of HCWs were infected from household contacts, 11% were infected by health care facilities, 35% were infected in the community and 22% were infected from unknown exposures. IPC performance was moderate, with lower or minimal performance on triage and screening, hand hygiene, PPE availability, waste segregation, waste disposal, sterilization, and training of HCWs. HCWs who tested positive for the COVID-19 virus was higher among frontline healthcare workers from 6 provinces of DRC. The authors recommend strategies to strengthen IPC capacity building and provide HCWs with sufficient PPE stocks and budgets to improve IPC performance and enable adherence to WHO recommendations to minimize COVID-19 transmission in HCFs, communities, and public gatherings.

The Economic Burden of COVID-19 Infections amongst Health Care Workers
World Bank, Resolve to Save Lives : World Bank, New York, 2023

This report estimates the economic burden of health care worker infection and death during COVID-19 to understand the direct and indirect cost of health care worker (HCW) infections, their contributions to wider community transmissions and the economic toll of disrupted health services. The economic burden of HCW infection was heaviest in the countries that had low HCW density and were most severely affected by staff shortages. The heaviest costs were associated with secondary infections and excess maternal and child deaths. The costs of onward viral transmission outweighed those associated with direct HCW infections, ranging from 13% of total economic costs linked to HCW infections in Kenya to 70% in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The burden in Kenya was estimated at almost $34,000 or 18 x GDP per capita and in Eswatini at almost $36,000 or 9 x GDP per capita. As a percentage of annual health expenditure, the total burden associated with HCW infection and death was highest in Western Cape, South Africa, at 8.4. The report demonstrates the importance of prioritizing the protection of health care workers.
