Useful Resources

The world's youth 2006 data sheet
Ashford L, Clifton D, Kaneda T: Eldis, 5 July 2006

This statistical chart covers the most important issues in the lives of adolescents including gender disparities, child labour, health, and education. Conclusions include the gap between boys' and girls' school enrollments having narrowed in the last decade as girls' enrollments have risen throughout the developing world. But girls still face disadvantages in parts of South Asia, western Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa. Surveys in developing countries reveal that less than half of young people can correctly identify two ways to avoid getting HIV/AIDS and reject common myths about the virus. Young women generally have less knowledge than young men.

AIDS vaccine clearing house
AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition

The AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition (AVAC) has launched the AIDS Vaccine Clearinghouse, a comprehensive and interactive source of AIDS vaccine information on the internet. The website provides a gateway to information and a link to people and organizations interested in AIDS vaccine advocacy, research and global delivery.

Guide to using the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria to support health systems strengthening in round 6
Physicians for Human Rights, May 2006

Physicians for Human Rights has complete a Guide to Using the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to Support Health System Strengthening in Round 6. Round 6 has great potential for advancing health system strengthening efforts in many countries, and we strongly encourage applicants to take advantage of this potential. It is especially useful for those involved in preparing Global Fund proposals, or who have the capacity to influence (or interest in influencing) these proposals.

Human Resources for Health (HRH) tool Compendium
HRH Global Resource Center

This Compendium is to help you find HR tools appropriate for your work. The tools and resource documents included in the Compendium have been reviewed by two or more people with HR expertise and have selected based on usefulness and easy availability. Most of the tools are available free electronically.

Gender and trade cutting edge pack

A pack by Bridge, a division of IDS, aims to support trade specialists in bringing a gender perspective into their work, and to help gender specialists to understand the broad implications of trade policy and practice. Some of the main questions this pack seeks to address are, in what ways can trade advance or impede gender equality? What practical ways can policy-makers and practitioners promote gender equality in work on trade?

New key issues guide on Market Development Approaches
Eldis Health Systems Reporter, 18 May 2006

This new key issues guide, from the Health Systems Resource Guide, is a tool for donors, governments and implementers to learn about MDAs for reproductive health and begin thinking of options and issues to encourage, design, implement, manage and evaluate MDAs. Content includes MDA tools, examples of MDAs and country case studies.

Human resources for health: A global crisis
IDS Health and Development Information: Young I

The IDS Health and Development Information Team has produced a range of resources which explore critical issues in human resources for health: Human resources for health dossier. This dossier is an information resource on the importance of human resources in improving health service delivery for poor people, developed in collaboration with the DFID Health Resource Centre. The dossier offers practical, up to date information with recommended readings, summarised documents and link to other resources.

Keeping children safe: A toolkit for child protection

This child protection toolkit aims to support agencies at international, national and local levels to put child protection standards into practice. The toolkit has a total of five components, three of which are online documents and include the following: standards for child protection, how to implement the standards training for child protection. The full document can be found at the link provided.

The eForum: Open space for Global Fund stakeholders
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria - Newsletter

In the first half of 2006, in the lead-up to the second Partnership Forum (Durban, South Africa, 3-4 July 2006), the Global Fund is opening up its website to all stakeholders, inviting them to actively participate in its strategic thinking and to help improve the way it supports its national partners in their fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. This eForum is an online meeting place where everyone can share ideas, suggestions and comments on the Global Fund's performance and future direction.

Transparency International's new website on corruption and health
Transparancy International

Transparency International has put together a website of resources on corruption and health. You may well see your own work reflected in the further reading lists. The idea for the website is to draw attention to some of the research contained in the TI Global Corruption Report 2006, but also to provide links to more detailed analyses and country studies. The website also provides information about the work TI National Chapters have been doing on the topic. Transparency International welcomes information about other resources you think we should include, or organisations working on corruption in health with which they could link.
