Useful Resources

Human rights readers online

Claudio Schuftan's Human Rights Readers, familiar to any subscriber to health e-lists like afro-nets and PHA-Exchange, are now available in a central location. One hundred of the readers, which deal with different aspects of human rights work, are available at the website URL provided (use the table of contents bar and click on No. 69) and are intended as an eye-opener and as a mobilizer of its readers.

New Web Site Highlights Reproductive and Child Health Project in West Africa

On the occasion of World Health Day 2005, the Action for West Africa Region Reproductive Health and Child Survival Project (AWARE-RH) launches its new Web site, Echoing the World Health Day 2005 theme of "Make every mother and child count," the Web site supports AWARE-RH's aim to improve reproductive and maternal and child health services across 18 countries in West Africa.

Further details: /newsletter/id/30910
Resource guide on Marburg fever

Visit for a fact sheet on the Marburg haemorrhagic fever.

World Health Report 2005 Online

The World Health Report 2005 – Make Every Mother and Child Count, says that this year almost 11 million children under five years of age will die from causes that are largely preventable. Among them are 4 million babies who will not survive the first month of life. Read the report by clicking on the URL provided.

New E-Forum Sponsored by Health Communication Partnership

The Health Communication Partnership (HCP) has launched a new interactive E-Forum based on HCP's Partners in Action, a series of case studies about HCP's country-based partners. Partners in Action documents how those partners became successful and sustainable organizations, as well as the role that health communication played in their success. Those interested in participating in this new electronic community can log on through HCP's website or visit

New web feature on TB

Management Sciences for Health (MSH) has announced the launch of a new Tuberculosis (TB) section on their website ( The "Focus On" Tuberculosis section of the MSH website provides information on their work in TB control related to health systems, medicines, laboratories and TB/HIV.

World TB Day: Special Edition of HealthNet News

In observance of World Tuberculosis Day, SATELLIFE has produced a Special Edition of HealthNet News on tuberculosis and HIV treatment and care. Click on the link below for more information.

Further details: /newsletter/id/30861
A library in your letterbox

Accessing relevant development knowledge is a key challenge for many researchers in developing and transition countries. The Global Development Network (GDN) and the British Library of Development Studies (BLDS) have teamed up to address this issue with a new Document Delivery Service. The service will provide research institutes in the South with access to Europe's largest research collection on economic and social change in developing countries.

New journal tackles global public health

Global Public Health is a new peer review journal that will engage with key public health issues in the global context - mounting inequalities between rich and poor; the globalisation of trade; new patterns of travel and migration; epidemics of newly-emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases; the increase in chronic illnesses; escalating pressure on public health infrastructures around the world; and the growing range of conflict situations and environmental threats.

Structured discussion on HIV/AIDS and Mobile Populations in Southern Africa

The overall aims of this discussion are to share our experiences and raise awareness about the issues of mobile populations and HIV/AIDS, particularly in the Southern African region. The discussion will explore the specific factors that increase HIV/AIDS vulnerability for mobile populations as well as examine how HIV/AIDS affects migration patterns. It will also focus on the particular challenges raised by dwindling human resources in the healthcare sector and its links to HIV/AIDS.

Further details: /newsletter/id/30827
