Useful Resources

The synergy online library

The Synergy HIV/AIDS Online Library contains 3,666 searchable online documents relevant to HIV/AIDS project management, research, and reproductive health issues.

PATAM December 2004 newsletter available

PATAM is a social movement comprised of individuals and organisations dedicated to mobilizing communities, political leaders, and all sectors of society to ensure access to antiretroviral (ARV) treatment, as a fundamental part of comprehensive care for all people with HIV/AIDS in Africa. This movement was inaugurated on August 22nd 2002. The movement's co-founders are two of the world's leading AIDS activists, Zackie Achmat of the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) in South Africa and Milly Katana, lobbying and advocacy officer of the Health Rights Action Group in Uganda and member of Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria. PATAM's December 2004 newsletter is now available from their website.

SHARing Point Server

At the SHARing Point Server you can find people and their activities like projects, journal articles, abstracts, realtime health news and mailing list postings from Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America.

Eldis/HRC Health Resource Guide

The Eldis/HRC Health Resource Guide has been re-launched with a new look and expanded subject coverage. There are new sections on maternal and newborn health, child health, sexual and reproductive health, tuberculosis and malaria. Key readings on each topic have been chosen and prepared in collaboration with technical experts. Each section covers statistical trends and indicators, programme approaches, access to services and information, health systems, and rights and advocacy.

Guidelines for health workers involved in relief efforts
Asian Tsunami Disaster

Health workers and others involved in relief efforts will find links to treatment guidelines and other medical and public health references for the prevention and treatment of diseases prevalent in the aftermath of floods and other disasters on our website

Improving access to health information

A special issue of the INASP Newsletter is dedicated to the "Global Review on Access to Health Information in Developing Countries", a major initiative proposed by representatives of 20 leading health organisations worldwide. The Review aims to assess progress over the last 10 years, lessons learned and ways forward to improve access to relevant healthcare information.

Medical Database free to developing countries

The TRIP Database allows users to rapidly and easily identify high quality medical literature from a wide range of sources. The content of the TRIP Database is separated into a number of categories. Content includes systematic reviews, CATs, and journal clubs.

Organisations involved in Tsunami relief efforts

World Health Organization / Pan American Health and Education Foundation
* Action Aid
* American Friends Service Committee (AFSC Crisis Fund)
* Care International
* Medecins Sans Frontieres / Doctors Without Borders /
* Red Cross and Red Crescent
* Salvation Army
* Save the Children
* Oxfam
* United Nations Children's Fund, Unicef
* United Nations World Food Programme
* UN refugee agency, UNHCR

Scaling up ARV treatment: A toolkit

This toolkit from the World Health Organisation addresses the fact that lack of access to antiretroviral (ARV) treatment has perpetuated HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination in many countries. Increasing the availability and accessibility of ARV treatment will significantly reduce stigma and discrimination against HIV/AIDS patients.

Globalization and Health

Globalization and Health is an Open Access, peer-reviewed, online journal soon to be launched by BioMed Central. Globalization and Health will encompass all aspects of globalization and its effects on public health.
