Useful Resources

Lancet goes mobile

You can now download selected content from the latest issue of The Lancet to read at your leisure on your mobile device - PDA, wireless PDA or smartphone.

Further details: /newsletter/id/30529 Spotlights on HIV/AIDS: Vaccines and Microbicides

The Science and Development Network (SciDev.Net) has launched two new online 'spotlights' on the science of HIV/AIDS, dealing specifically with the topics of microbicides and vaccines. The spotlights provide an overview of the issues in relation to developing countries through the latest news, summaries of key reports and links.
* Vaccines:
* Microbicides

The International Reproductive Health Medical Education Listserv

IRHMedEd is a new forum for people actively working in preservice medical and health education in international reproductive health (IRH). IRHMedEd aims to strengthen the growing community of experts in this field by facilitating a global dialogue and creating an environment for exchanging lessons learned, sharing resources and ideas, solving individual and common problems, and advancing the field of IRH Medical Education.

Global health watch newsletter

The Global Health Watch (GHW) is a new project which articulates civil society's vision for global health. It is a platform for the strengthening of advocacy and campaigns to promote equitable health for all. The global community has failed to achieve 'Health for All by the Year 2000'. New targets such as the Millennium Development goals look increasingly unachievable. Questions need to be asked about whether current policies in global health are working. The Global Health Watch for 2005 will not only look at some of the most important problems such as commercialisation of health and access to medicines, but also suggest solutions and monitor the efforts of institutions and governments concerned with promoting health world-wide.

Further details: /newsletter/id/30480
HIV/AIDS Conference: Useful URL's

The URL for the unofficial "wiki" for the International HIV/AIDS conference taking place in Bangkok, Thailand, from July
11th-16th, is at It will allow posting of notes, comments, introductions, information about sessions, event and presentation listings. For more on the conference itself, which is expected to draw between 11,000 and 15,000 delegates - and whose theme is "Access for All" - please see To contact someone about the wiki, please write to Jim Cashel at

Knowledge Sharing for Health Systems in Developing Countries
New Evidence Base and Resources

The Alliance on Health Policy and Systems Research Alliance aims to promote the generation, dissemination and use of knowledge for enhancing health system performance. The new Evidence Base aims to broker knowledge between researcher and policy and programme analysts focusing on developing countries.

Further details: /newsletter/id/30501
New Youthnet online

YouthNet, a program of Family Health International, is pleased to announce Youth InfoNet No. 7, a one-stop monthly source for new publications and information on youth reproductive health and HIV prevention. You can read the newsletter online at the URL provided.

Human rights related educational materials

The Department of International Law and Human Rights of the University for Peace, with the support of the Government of the Netherlands, has been working since October 2003 on an innovative human rights project, the Human Rights Educational Project (HREP). The aim of the project is to develop and disseminate educational materials related to human rights in response to the need of individuals and organisations, particularly in developing countries, to obtain convenient access to up-to-date human rights instruments and academic materials. Professionals, practitioners, volunteers, educators and human rights defenders can all benefit from the availability of human rights instruments through the use of a manual and a CD-ROM.

Further details: /newsletter/id/30460
Newsletter on poetry and HIV/AIDS launched

A new newsletter of Poetry on HIV/AIDS in Africa has been launched. The name of the newsletter is AIDS out of AFRICA. AIDS out of AFRICA will be a bi-annual newsletter appearing in June and December.

PDA4HEALTH electronic forum

PDA4HEALTH, a new electronic forum setup by SATELLIFE, aims to share up-to-date information, knowledge, and experiences on the use of handheld computers for data collection and information dissemination in developing country health settings. Organisations and institutions engaged in field projects are encouraged to exchange the lessons they have learned, challenges faced, and successes achieved. Join for free by sending a message to the email address below.
