Useful Resources

The Social Medicine Portal

This website is devoted to promoting the principles and practice of social medicine. The goal in developing this site is to put readers in touch with some of the diverse international resources available for health activists and those interested in the interactions between health and society.

Treating HIV & AIDS: A training toolkit

NAM, the publisher of and the electronic newsletter "HIV & AIDS Treatment in Practice", has launched a major new resource, 'Treating HIV & AIDS: A Training Toolkit'. This project is a response to the scaling-up of antiretroviral therapy in resource-limited settings, and was developed with the support of doctors providing training on ARVs in Botswana, Kenya and South Africa.

African Regional Youth Initiative (ARYI) newsletter

The African Regional Youth Initiative (ARYI) is a collaboration of youth and community-based projects and organisations in Africa working to fight HIV/AIDS and malaria. The ARYI releases a newsletter every two months full of latest activities and events being implemented by ARYI members around the world. The January edition of the newsletter has just been released.

AMEDEO weekly emails

AMEDEO has been created to serve the needs of healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, administrators, other members of the health professions, and patients and their friends. They can easily access timely, relevant information within their respective fields. AMEDEO’s core components include weekly emails with bibliographic lists about new scientific publications, personal Web pages for one-time download of available abstracts (see example), and an overview of the medical literature published in relevant journals over the past 12 to 24 months. All these new information resources are free of charge.

Scientific journal information

This web site contains comprehensive information on scientific journals impact factor, science citation index, history of science and tips on good publication practice. This information is relevant to health professionals in developing countries particularly those with academic affiliations/aspirations.

AIDS on the Agenda: Adapting Development and Humanitarian Programmes to Meet the Challenge of HIV
Oxfam GB, in association with ActionAid and Save The Children

This book is written for policy-makers, managers, and programme staff in development and humanitarian organisations, to promote debate about the changes that need to be made to their programmes if they are to work effectively in a world which has been changed for ever by the pandemic of AIDS. It is not concerned with AIDS-specific interventions such as home-based care, counselling and testing, condom promotion, or AIDS education. It is about adapting mainstream development and humanitarian work to create a holistic response to the impact of AIDS on poor and marginalised communities.

Analysis of HIV/AIDS in Uganda

As part of its Country AIDS Policy Analysis Project, the AIDS Policy Research Centre at the University of California San Francisco has published a multidisciplinary, fully referenced, peer-reviewed analysis of HIV/AIDS in Uganda. The paper includes sections on epidemiology, political economy, socio-behavioural context, impact, and response - at household, sectoral, and macrolevels. It is accompanied by a comparative table of 70 key HIV/AIDS and socioeconomic indicators. The analysis is available in Word, PDF, and Text-only formats.


The second edition of Healthlink Worldwide's Resource Centre Manual was released on 20 October 2003. Building on the success of the original manual launched in February 2000, the new version has been updated. It is designed for health and disability workers planning to set up and develop a resource centre within resource-poor communities around the world, and will be particularly useful to people operating on a limited budget.

Further details: /newsletter/id/30152
Missing the message: Report on HIV communication

After years of neglect, more money and political interest is being directed towards AIDS than ever before. But is today's response to the pandemic learning from the lessons of the past, lessons now stretching back over 20 years? Missing the message? provides an overview of the issues, and suggests how the problems of HIV Communication can begin to be addressed through work with policymakers, civil society and the media.

New Web-Based "Commonwealth Forum on Globalization and Health"

Launched in April, the Commonwealth Forum consists of a number of articles and excerpts on various facets of globalization and health, available directly from the Forum's web-site or through links to other URLs. Initial discussion questions are also suggested. Participants are encouraged to suggest new readings for future postings. New materials will be added on a monthly basis.
