Jobs and Announcements

Globalization and Health
Edited by Richard Harris and Melinda Seid

From a public health perspective, globalization appears to be a mixed blessing. This international collection of essays on globalization and health examines the global health issues associated with the economic, technological, political, social, cultural and environmental effects of globalization-the increasing movement of capital, people, technology, goods, information, environmental pollution, and disease around the globe. Contact for more information.

Millions Saved: Proven Successes in Global Health
Center for Global Development

A new book from the Center for Global Development documents the success of 17 large-scale efforts to improve health in developing countries, and highlights their lessons for today’s global health challenges. From the eradication of polio in Latin America, to the elimination of measles in southern Africa, to HIV prevention in Thailand, this work provides clear evidence that large-scale success in health is possible.

Peoples’ Health Assembly II and the Global Health Watch
Joint Call for Case Studies and Testimonies

"We are calling individuals and organisations – activists, communities, health workers and academics – from around the world to submit case studies and testimonies to be part of the process of the second Peoples’ Health Assembly and the Global Health Watch report 2005. See below for more."

Further details: /newsletter/id/30755
WHO Call for Expressions of Interest: Monitoring and Evaluation

In order to contribute to improved global treatment preparedness in countries and communities, WHO has established the Preparing for Treatment Program (PTP), based in the Department of HIV/AIDS at WHO headquarters in Geneva. To the extent possible, resources available through the PTP will be provided to partner organizations that have expertise and are currently engaged in or have capacity to undertake treatment preparedness activities.

Further details: /newsletter/id/30753
New faculty staff required
Department of International Health at Boston University

The Department of International Health at Boston University is looking for new faculty with expertise in the following areas:
1. Practical experience with clinical and management issues at the primary care/district level of the health care system in developing countries.
2. Health finance, management and economics.
3 .Screening and treatment of non-communicable diseases in low resource settings.
4. Pharmaceutical management and policy.
5. Health policy, including the identification and analysis of policy options and the development of support for new policies. Health planning (including manpower) could be the focus of the policy person.
6. Experience with health reform especially if the person had a focus in the Former Soviet Union and/or Eastern Europe. A speaking knowledge of Russian would be helpful.
Anyone interested in further information or in applying should contact John Douglas at or
Susan Foster at

New publication on health policy and systems research

The Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, an initiative of the Global Forum for Health Research in collaboration with the World Health Organization, has just published its first biennial review of the emerging field of health policy and systems research. The central concern of this book is how knowledge of health systems can be significantly increased and effectively applied to improve the health of the worst-off of the world's population.

Further details: /newsletter/id/30704
We the Peoples 2005 Survey

"We invite your collaboration in the We the Peoples 2005 Survey. We the Peoples is an annual survey which analyses and reports on civil society activities, achievements and views regarding the Millennium Declaration and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). 2005 promises to be a year of opportunity. In September, a summit-session of the United Nations General Assembly will review progress since the Millennium Declaration of 2000. In July, the G-7 will meet in the UK. Around the world national coalitions are seeking to hold their governments to account for promises made. An international "Call to Action" Campaign is mobilizing civil society to press for accountability and significant progress on aid, debt cancellation and trade justice."

Advocacy Skills Course
25th - 29th October 2004, AMREF International Training Centre, Nairobi - Kenya

This course is for senior and mid-level programme/projects managers, medical and health personnel and government officers. The purpose of this course is to empower the participants with advocacy and lobbying skills in order to advocate for health and health related issues.

Further details: /newsletter/id/30658
AIDS: In search of a social solution
Publishers: TWN, Peoples\' Health Movement

Two decades after HIV/AIDS was discovered, it continues to spread across continents, infecting and killing millions and destroying entire communities. Sub-Saharan Africa, which accounts for 11 percent of the total world population, has 70 percent of all HIV/AIDS infections in the world, making it the worst-affected continent. Although one may dispute the alarming figures, the fact remains that HIV/AIDS has had devastating consequences for countries, societies, families and individuals. It is a global crisis and the outlook is worsening, with India, China and Russia projected to be the next centres of the pandemic.

Peoples’ Health Assembly II and the Global Health Watch
Joint Call for Case Studies and Testimonies

A call has been made for individuals and organisations – activists, communities, health workers and academics – from around the world to submit case studies and testimonies to be part of the process of the second Peoples’ Health Assembly and the Global Health Watch report 2005. Click on the link for more information.

Further details: /newsletter/id/30657
