Jobs and Announcements

New journal for Southern AIDS research

AIDS researchers from institutes in developing countries now have a new peer-reviewed outlet in which to publish their findings, with this week's launch (7 July) of the e-Journal of the International AIDS Society (eJIAS). eJIAS is the collaborative joint product of the International AIDS Society (IAS) and Medscape, an online provider of medical news.

New Medical Journal from PLoS (Public Library of Science)

PLoS Medicine, is a new journal from the Public Library of Science (PLoS). As an open access journal, articles in PLoS Medicine will be immediately and always freely available online from our website and from PubMed Central. Publication is monthly, with a first issue in Autumn, 2004, and submissions are now being accepted.

WHO Health Leadership Service (HLS) opportunity

The World Health Organization is recruiting young health professionals to a two-year work and training programme, specifically aimed at strengthening the knowledge and skills essential for leadership roles in public health at all levels - international, national and local. The global effort to combat poverty, inequities, disease and epidemics calls for dynamic and capable leaders. These future leaders need to start their careers today, and they need continually to build their competences as their responsibilities increase.

Further details: /newsletter/id/30565
Advanced Learning in International Health Research Ethics

The South African Research Ethics Training Initiative, SARETI, is a joint project by the University of KwaZulu-Natal, the University of Pretoria, faculty from Johns Hopkins University, and the Fogarty International Center of the US National Institutes of Health to offer advanced learning in bioethics and health research ethics. The programme is aimed at scientists, health professionals, members of ethics review committees, public health personnel, social scientists, philosophers, ethicists, health journalists, lawyers, and other professionals whose work impacts on health.

Further details: /newsletter/id/30479
Call for Proposals: Strategic Research on Governance, Equity and Health for Eastern and Southern Africa

The Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research is issuing a competitive Call for Proposals (in collaboration with The International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada) to strengthen health systems, promote civic engagement, and make research matter. This collaboration aims to support the integration of political, economic, social and policy analysis into research on public health and health care systems and policies in Eastern and Southern Africa. Only proposals focusing on this region will be considered.

Further details: /newsletter/id/30489
Co-ordinator: Global Equity Gauge Alliance

Are you committed to equity in health and health care? Do you believe in the importance of translating research into action for greater equity? Would you like to work with skilled and committed individuals in developing countries around the world? Are you willing to travel? This is an exciting opportunity for a committed, enthusiastic, and hard working public health professional to work with world-renowned researchers, advocates and policy-makers focused on cutting-edge public health work.

Further details: /newsletter/id/30476
Embodying Inequality: Epidemiologic Perspectives
Edited by Nancy Krieger, Policy, Politics, Health and Medicine Series

'To advance the epidemiological analysis of social inequalities in health, and of the ways in which population distributions of disease, disability, and death reflect embodied expressions of social inequality, this volume draws on articles published in the International Journal of Health Services between 1990 and 2000. Framed by ecosocial theory, it employs ecosocial constructs of "embodiment," "pathways of embodiment," "cumulative interplay of exposure, susceptibility, and resistance across the lifecourse," and "accountability and agency" to address the question; who and what drives current and changing patterns of social inequalities in health?' For ordering information visit the URL provided.

Public Health in Complex Emergencies training programs for the remainder of 2004

* July 26-August 7 - Asian Disaster Preparedness Center, Bangkok, Thailand;
* November 1-14 - Institute of Public Health, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.
Please click on the URL below for more information.

Further details: /newsletter/id/30500
Regional Conference on Youth and HIV/AIDS

'Youth Net and Counselling' will be hosting a conference on youth, children and HIV/AIDS. Below is the synopsis of the conference between August 24 - 27, 2004 at the Sun and Sand Holiday Resort, on the Shores of Lake Malawi, Malawi.

Further details: /newsletter/id/30508
SaFAIDS news call for papers

Papers or articles are requested for SAfAIDS News newsletter. The newsletter targets:
- professionals working in the HIV/AIDS sector
- staff in ASOs, NGOs, FBOs, government bodies, UN agencies and
universities in the region
- policy makers
- Community based organisations.

Further details: /newsletter/id/30485
