Jobs and Announcements

International Campaigners Award
Sheila McKechnie Foundation: Applications Deadline 16 January 2007

The Sheila McKechnie Foundation is a charity that supports campaigners and gives them the skills they need to make a greater impact. The winner will receive a package of free support including: one to one coaching on campaign tactics and other areas that will help that person's campaign; advice from a senior UK-based campaigner with knowledge of their policy area; the opportunity to spend a day with a decision maker; and participation in a skills development weekend in the UK with other campaigners.

New Investigators in Global Health (NIGH) Program: 2007 call for abstracts
2 November 2006

The NIGH program is a competitive abstract submission and selection program designed to highlight exemplary research, policy and advocacy initiatives of new and future leaders in global health and empower participants with global health advocacy skills. The NIGH Program is open to all students currently enrolled in a degree-seeking program in a health related field OR new professionals within two years of achieving their terminal degree in a health-related field. Winners will receive a scholarship to help facilitate their attendance at the Global Health Council's International Conference on Global Health. The deadline for applications is 1 December 2006.

Support for advocacy work: International Campaigners Award
Sheila McKechnie Foundation, 2006

This new International Award gives advice, support and skills development for the award winner in the areas that are specific to their campaign. For example, the winner might need to develop an understanding of how to communicate in the media or to build alliances with other organisations. In this sense, were an HIV-AIDS campaigner to win it would be ensured that they received skills and advice related to how to influence this policy field. The winner would receive a package of free support including: one to one coaching on campaign tactics and other areas that will help that person's campaign, advice from a senior UK-based campaigner with knowledge of their policy area, the opportunity to spend a day with a decision maker, participation in a skills development weekend in the UK with other campaigners.

The Centre for African Family Studies (CAFS) Proposal Writing training

The Centre for African Family Studies (CAFS) presents the Proposal Writing training course scheduled to take place in Nairobi, Kenya from 5 to 9 March 2007. This is an intensive one-week learning opportunity for board members, managers and program staff who wish to diversify funding and resources for their organizations. This one-week course is designed to equip the participants with skills to develop a proposal using logical framework approach.

Further details: /newsletter/id/31894
17 job openings at the Clinton Foundation

Due to the rapid expansion of Clinton Foundation a number of key positions have emerged. Their programs are focused on four main areas of work: Health Security, Economic Empowerment, Leadership Development and Citizen Service, and Racial, Ethnic and Religious Reconciliation. The Clinton Foundation offers limited employment opportunities from time-to-time to exceptional candidates with experience and education directly related to our programs. We also offer opportunities in administration, information technology, communications, and operations. Currently seventeen posts are being advertised under the Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative. For more information see the weblink above.

Call for applications International Human Rights Training Programme
E-Civicus, 16 October 2006

The goal of the Annual International Human Rights Training Programme (IHRTP) is to strengthen the capacity of human rights organisations to undertake educational efforts aimed at building a global culture of human rights. Participants will be asked to develop an individual plan for putting their learning into action as part of the training. Internationally recognised human rights experts are also invited to give presentations and participate in panel discussions throughout the three week session. Candidates from qualifying organisations must be active members of their organisation for at least two years and be proficient in either English or French. The application deadline is 1 December 2006.

Call for CIVICUS World Assembly Workshop Proposals
E-Civicus, 20 October 2006

The overall theme for the 2007 CIVICUS World Assembly is 'Acting Together for a Just World', focussing on 'Accountability: Delivering Results'. CIVICUS recognises that transparency and accountability are essential to good governance and the achievement of a just world. At the 2007 CIVICUS World Assembly in May, CIVICUS will convene representatives of civil society organisations, government and international government organisations, media, business and donors to discuss and debate how to assist each other to be more accountable, and will encourage better engagement across sectors to achieve accountability. Application deadline: 20 December 2006.

Call for papers: Infrastructures to support integrated care: connecting across institutional and professional boundaries
International Journal of Integrated Care, Vol.6 2006

The International Journal of Integrated Care (IJIC) wishes to receive submissions that examine and assess the development of infrastructural arrangements to support integrated care working. Infrastructures for consideration might include the development of new forms of inter organisational partnership (such as networks, associations or joint ventures) or the development of support mechanisms within such partnerships such as new socio-technical assemblages, electronic information systems, and other systems designed to link together organizational and individual activities towards the goal of integrated care. The deadline for submissions for this Special Issue is 15 November 2006.

Call for proposals: Promoting Innovative Programs from the Developing World: Towards Realising the Health MDGs in Africa and Asia
Global Development Network

This is a 3 year USD 5.9 million project which involves conducting extensive international standard impact evaluations and cost-effectiveness analyses of both about-to-be-launched and ongoing health and health-related programs from the developing and transition world. Project participants will receive funds (ranging from US $75,000 to US $250,000) for conducting an international standard impact evaluation research project and will benefit from high-quality mentoring and interaction with international experts, networking with researchers from around the world, and development of program evaluation skills and expertise in best-practice impact evaluation techniques. The last date for submissions is November 17, 2006. The detailed call for proposals and guidelines for submission are available on:

Call for proposals: Southern African Development Community’s (SADC) Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP)
Southern Africa Trust

The Southern Africa Trust invites submission of concept notes from eligible organisations for work that addresses the RISDP and strengthens SADC national committees, in application for grants. Through this call the Trust aims to promote greater awareness of the RISDP and encourage analysis and action that strengthens its regional ownership and effectiveness.

Further details: /newsletter/id/31884
