Jobs and Announcements

Collaborative Fund for Women and Families
The Collaborative Fund for HIV/AIDS Women and Families

The Collaborative Fund for HIV/AIDS Women and Families in Sub-Saharan Africa calls for submissions of proposals from groups of women groups (non governmental and community based organisations) seeking funding support for Treatment Literacy & Preparedness. The overall objective of this grant is to support initiatives of women-led and/or women PLWHA led organisations especially those that represent specific interests of women living with HIV/AIDS.

Further details: /newsletter/id/32376
Regional workshop on Strengthening responses to the Triple Threat in Southern Africa - Learning from field programmes
Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), 2 Jul 2007

A study identifying how project activities have responded to long-term livelihood insecurity and short-term acute need will be discussed at a SARPN, CW and OI two-day experience-sharing workshop to be held in Maputo, Mozambique on 1-2 July 2007. The workshop is targeted at policy makers and influencers, practitioners and researchers from national, regional and international government and non-governmental organisations from the region.

Request for comments, views and information on the Gates Foundation
Global Health Watch, 2007

The Global Health Watch is an alternative world health report produced every two and a half years. The aim is to critique and assess the state of global health governance and action with a strong equity lens and with an explicit political and economic critique. One of the forthcoming chapters in the next Watch will be on the Gates Foundation and we are looking for informants, particularly from low and middle income countries, who have any considered views and observations on the Gates Foundation.

Further details: /newsletter/id/32373
Request for proposals: Vaccine-Preventable diseases
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is inviting letters of inquiry (LOIs) from qualified applicants to assist 12 GAVI-eligible countries establish external advisory groups and manage related grants. While this RFP will ultimately yield full proposals, the immediate request is for Letters of Inquiry from qualified applicants with the capability of managing an overall effort to strengthen national decision-making processes in up to 12 countries. On the basis of review of the LOIs, up to three organisations will be invited to begin preparation for submission of a full proposal. Submission of a full proposal will be by invitation only. Deadline for submission is 6 July 2007.

3rd South African AIDS Conference: 5-8 June 2007, Durban, South Africa

"Building Consensus on prevention, treatment and care", the conference aims to serve as a platform for deliberations on the key contentious issues relating to prevention, treatment and care. In particular, the conference will highlight state-of-the-art developments in prevention technologies; new approaches to prevention; the long-term impact of highly active antiretroviral therapy on incidence, prevalence, morbidity and mortality; the role of nutrition in HIV/AIDS; and the role of research into the use of complimentary and traditional medicines in HIV/AIDS.

African Women's Development and Communication Network (FEMNET) Internship
The Communication Initiative, 5 April 2007

The African Women's Development and Communication Network (FEMNET) is offering an internship as part of their capacity building programme. It is open to female students (both local and international) and to those who have just completed their studies and are looking for experience and mentorship in the area of African women's human rights, gender mainstreaming, African feminist movements and communications.

Designing and implementing social transfer, Cape Town, 22 July to 4 August 2007
The Economic Policy Research Institute

The Economic Policy Research Institute, the Institute for Development Studies (Sussex ), Maastricht University and the University of Cape Town is offering a two-week course on the design and implementation of social transfer programmes. The course will run in Cape Town from July 22 to August 4 and is aimed at government officials, donor agency representatives and others involves in national social protection initiatives.

Essential Medicines Grant Competition
Open Society Institute

In an effort to build local capacity surrounding access to medicines issues, OSI's Public Health Program is issuing a request for proposals. Grants for up to $75,000, renewable for up to three years, will be awarded to local NGOs with a mandate and demonstrated capacity to advance policy and civil society engagement related to access to medicines in Brazil, India, Kenya, Malaysia, South Africa, and Thailand. Interested organisations should submit an application no later than Monday 16 July 2007.

Further details: /newsletter/id/32335
Human Resource for Health Research Conference
Ministry of Health, Zambia

The Ministry of Health, Zambia is organizing a “Human Resource for Health (HRH) Research Conference” on 7-8 June 2007. The goal of the conference is to review evidence (current knowledge, experiences and lessons), discuss how evidence can effectively be translated into HRH policy and make specific recommendations to effectively respond to the HRH crisis in Zambia. The Theme of the Conference is “Transforming Research into Action: Providing Evidence for HRH Policy development, Program Design and Implementation”.

International Women's Summit : Women's leadership on HIV and AIDS

The World Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA), in partnership with the International Community of Women Living with HIV and AIDS (ICW), and other international organisations, will host the first ever global conference on women and AIDS. The summit will bring together 1500 women and men to develop strategies, skills and partnerships in response to the impact of AIDS on women. The conference will be from 4-7 July 2007, Nairobi , Kenya.
