Jobs and Announcements

Registration open for SEYCOHAIDS 2012
8-10 June 2012: Lilongwe, Malawi

SEYCOHAIDS 2012 is the largest international gathering for young people on HIV and AIDS in the Eastern and Southern Africa region, where young researchers, policy makers, activists, educators and people living with HIV will be able to link with people in other countries and meet to share and learn about HIV prevention methods, treatments, care policies and programmes relating to HIV and AIDS in Africa. The broad objectives for the Conference are to: ensure effective and meaningful youth participation in international AIDS response; identify gaps and challenges in government policies in providing youth-friendly HIV and AIDS services; develop regional and country-level strategic programmes for youth and HIV and AIDS; identify and build the capacity of new and emerging youth leaders for the AIDS response to ensure sustainability of youth initiatives at the national, regional and international levels; sustain adult-youth partnerships and dialogue; develop the Southern and Eastern Africa youth network on HIV and AIDS; develop country specific youth networks on HIV and AIDS; establish funding mechanisms for regional and country youth networks; and monitor government and donor commitments to youth and HIV and AIDS. Applicants must be no older than 35 years old at the time of the application.

Registration open for the People’s Health Assembly: 6-11 July 2012, Cape Town
Deadline: 14 April 2012

Registration is open for participation in the People’s Health Assembly (PHA), organised by the People's Health Movement (PHM). The PHA is a global event bringing together health activists from across the world to share experiences, analyse global health situation, develop civil society positions and to develop strategies which promote health for all. It will look at forms of action to address identified challenges and build capacity among health activists to act. It is an opportunity for PHM as a whole to reflect on the global struggle, to review and reassess, to redirect and re-inspire. PHA3 aims to impact directly in the struggle for social change: for health for all, decent living conditions for all, work in dignity for all, equity and environmental justice.

United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development 2012 (Rio+20)
20-22 June 2012: Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Also referred to as the Earth Summit or Rio+20 due to the initial conference held in Rio in 1992, the objectives of the Summit are: to secure renewed political commitment to sustainable development; to assess progress towards internationally agreed goals on sustainable development and to address new and emerging challenges. The Summit will also focus on two specific themes: a green economy in the context of poverty eradication and sustainable development, and an institutional framework for sustainable development.

Vacancy: Dean and Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town
Closing date for receipt of nominations: 20 April 2012. Closing date for receipt of applications: 30 April 2012

Applications are invited for the post of Dean and Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Cape Town (UCT). This post will become vacant at the end of 2012, when the current Dean retires. UCT is looking for a candidate of high academic standing with proven leadership and managerial ability in the health and higher education sectors, who is registered, or eligible for registration, as a health professional in South Africa. A sound understanding of the South African health system is crucial. The Dean is responsible for health care and academic partnerships, including managing the agreements with the Western Cape Government and the National Health Laboratory Services. At a university-wide level, the Dean will be a member of the Senior Leadership Group of the University and will be expected to contribute to furthering the strategic goals of UCT, including transformation.

World Health Organisation: Call for papers: Advancing knowledge and practice for using systems thinking for equitable health systems strengthening in LMICs
Deadline for submission: 22 April 2012

The overall goal of this call is the publication of a selection of papers to contribute to a new peer-reviewed journal on “systems thinking”. Please note that this call is not for proposals that simply seek to argue for the importance of systems thinking or make the case for why it matters - the call is strongly focused on enriching the knowledge base with practical guidance on relevant methods, tools and approaches to apply systems thinking for health systems in research and practice. The supplement will focus entirely on experiences in, or relevant to, low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Proposals can address: health systems as a whole (as opposed to programmatic or intervention-specific focus) and/or applying the principles of systems thinking (such as complex adaptive systems,soft systems methodology, reflective practice etc.) to health systems. Discussions of interventions or policies with system-wide effects are welcome.

United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development 2012 (Rio+20)
20-22 June 2012: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Also referred to as the Earth Summit or Rio+20 due to the initial conference held in Rio in 1992, the objectives of the Summit are: to secure renewed political commitment to sustainable development; to assess progress towards internationally agreed goals on sustainable development and to address new and emerging challenges. The Summit will also focus on two specific themes: a green economy in the context of poverty eradication and sustainable development, and an institutional framework for sustainable development.

Applications open for research career development grants (RCDGs), 2012
Closing date: 30 March 2012

As part of its national research capacity-strengthening mandate, the Consortium for National Health Research (CNHR) invites applications for research career development grants (RCDGs) from qualified Kenyan researchers (currently based in Kenya or working within the Diaspora) who wish to further develop their careers while undertaking research and training programmes in Kenya. The grants aim at enabling successful applicants to obtain high-quality research training that will lay the foundation for a successful independent research career. CNHR is planning to award 12 RCDGs commencing in October 2012. The grants will be competitively offered to support the development of research ideas, or acquisition of specialised research/training skills as a step towards a productive independent research career in areas of national health priority currently focused on the attainment of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 4 (child health); 5 (maternal health); 6 (infectious diseases); emerging and non-communicable diseases, with improvement of health systems as an overarching theme.

Call for abstracts: Second Global Symposium: 31 October-3 November 2012: Beijing, China
Deadlines for submission: Organised sessions: 15 March 2012; Individual abstracts: 1 May 2012

Organisers of the Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR) are calling on all interested parties to submit abstracts for the Second Global Symposium. Abstracts may be in one of three main themes: Knowledge translation; state-of-the-art health systems research; and health systems research methodologies. There are also three cross-cutting themes: Innovations in health systems research; neglected priorities or populations in health systems research; and financing and capacity building for health systems research. The overall goal of this call is to enhance health policy and management decision-making processes in low- and middle-income countries (particularly for the implementation and scale-up of effective interventions for MDGs 4, 5, and 6) through the identification and testing models of leadership development to strengthen the capacity of decision-makers to demand, access and use research.

Call for abstracts: The East, Central and Southern Africa College of Nursing 10TH Scientific Conference: Port Louis, Mauritius, 5-7 September 2012
Deadline: 30 April 2012

The East, Central and Southern Africa College of Nursing (ECSACON) is calling for abstracts for the 10th ECSACON Scientific Conference. The theme is “Acceleration towards attainment of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) through revitalising primary health care: nurses and midwives sharing high impact interventions”. Sub-themes: Improving maternal and child health: Moving towards achieving the MDGs; Health systems strengthening; Innovations and excellence in nursing and midwifery; Evidence-based primary health care practices/approaches.

Call for applicants: Research Career Development Grants (RCDGs) for Kenya’s Consortium for National Health Research
Deadline: 30 March 2012

As part of its national research capacity-strengthening mandate, the Consortium for National Health Research (CNHR) invites applications for Research Career Development Grants (RCDGs) from qualified Kenyan researchers (currently based in Kenya or working within the Diaspora) who wish to further develop their careers while undertaking research and training programmes in Kenya. The grants aim at enabling successful applicants to obtain high-quality research training that will lay the foundation for a successful independent research career. In the long term, the aim is to build a critical mass of researchers undertaking relevant research-for-health for the betterment of Kenyans. CNHR is planning to award 12 RCDGs commencing in October 2012. The RCDGs will offer research career development opportunities for periods of not more than 18 months (from 1st October 2012), and will be offered to successful applicants who apply for consideration either as: postdoctoral research fellow; mid-career research fellow; or mid-career clinical research fellow.
