Jobs and Announcements

Population health vulnerabilities to vector-borne diseases: Increasing resilience under climate change conditions in Africa
Call for letters of interest: Call closes September 10 2012

Research groups or consortia from African national institutions are invited to express interest in undertaking multidisciplinary research to elucidate population health vulnerabilities due to vector-borne diseases (VBDs) in dryland socio-ecological systems. The research will also need to explore how state-of-the-art, VBD control tools and strategies can be used more effectively to reach remote or otherwise marginalized populations (especially women and children), and conceive, strengthen and improve their adaptation and resilience strategies to climate, environmental and socio-economic and demographic change. For this purpose, resilience is defined as the capacity to prevent, withstand, recover, or adapt to VBD risks associated with climate change. TDR will implement the research programme with funding support from IDRC and in technical collaboration with WHO’s Department of Public Health and Environment, WHO’s Regional Office for Africa (AFRO)Programme for the Protection of the Human Environment and the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), Columbia University, New York.

UHC Forward: Call for bloggers at Second Global Symposium on Health Systems Research
31 October - 3 November 2012: Beijing, China

Are you planning to attend the Second Global Health Symposium? If so, UHC Forward is looking for bloggers to write about universal health care at the symposium for the UHC Forward website. Please email Nkem Wellington for more information at the email address given.

Vacancy: PLHIV Stigma Index International Coordinator
Deadline for applicants: 26 September 2012

The People Living with HIV Stigma Index (PLHIV Stigma Index) collects information on stigma, discrimination and the rights of people living with HIV that will help in advocacy efforts. The main aim of collecting this information and presenting it in the form of an index is to broaden understanding of the extent and forms of stigma and discrimination faced by people living with HIV in different countries. The intention of the participating organizations is to make the PLHIV Stigma Index widely available so that it can be used as a local, national and global tool to gather evidence and support subsequent evidence-based advocacy.
The PLHIV Stigma Index is coordinated by an International Partnership. The International Partnership comprises of GNP+, ICW and UNAIDS. The position of PLHIV Stigma Index Coordinator will be supported by the International Partnership. The position will be hosted by GNP+.

2012 African Nutrition Society /ANEC Travel Fellowship
Applications close noon 30 August 2012

As part of the Nutrition Society’s efforts to support learned societies in the developing countries, the Nutrition Society ANEC Travel Fellowship 2012 Award supports deserving students worldwide to enable them participate in the 5th Africa Nutritional Epidemiology Conference (ANEC V) in Bloemfontein, South Africa 30 September to 4 October 2012. ANEC V this year comes under the Umbrella of the Nutrition Congress Africa 2012 (NCA2012) which is a joint scientific meeting between the South African Nutrition Congress, South African Dietetics Association and the African Nutrition Society. The Fellowship is open to university students or young scientists with an interest in nutrition who wish to participate in the Nutrition Congress Africa (NCA2012), the largest continental scientific gathering on nutrition in Africa taking place between the 30 September to 4 October 2012 in Bloemfontein, South Africa. The award is given towards travel costs including return air travel, accommodation and conference participation.

2012 CIVICUS World Assembly
Montreal, Canada, 3 to 7 September 2012

The 2012 CIVICUS World Assembly intends to be more than the primary annual gathering of civil society and other stakeholders of society. It will also see the start of a process of defining a new charter of citizen demands. This comes in response to recent changes in civil society organisation, marked by crisis, volatility and rising dissent, in which the relationships between the state, business, citizens and other parts of the social sphere are being redefined and renegotiated. The World Assembly has three themes: 1. Changing nations through citizens: how can the power of citizen action be maximised to achieve social and political change at the national level? 2. Building partnerships for social innovation: what new partnerships are needed for change, how can they be brokered and what principles should underpin them? 3. Redefining global governance: what needs to change in multilateral processes and institutions to enable effective citizen’s participation?

8th session of the African Development Forum
October 23-25, 2012, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The theme of ADFVIII will be on “Governing and Harnessing Natural Resources for Africa’s Development”, with a focus on mineral, land, fishery and forest resources. The forum will discuss the following key aspects of integrated natural resources management and development:
* Knowledge base, human and institutional capacities;
* Policy, legal and regulatory issues;
* Economic issues (taxation, investment, benefits, linkages and value creation);
* Governance, human rights and social issues;
* Participation and ownership;and
* Environmental, material stewardship and climate change.

Advocacy and Human Rights Defence Manager: Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT)
Call for applicants

A vibrant and cutting edge Cape Town-based NGO seeks an Advocacy and Human Rights Defence Manager to manage its Advocacy Programme. The position is available from the 1st August 2012. The organisation promotes the health and human rights of sex workers within the existing legal system in which sex work is criminalised, by providing and facilitating access to health care services for sex workers in several provinces in South Africa; facilitating the defence of sex workers’ human rights in and outside of court; providing safe spaces for sex worker empowerment and organising, and conducting action-oriented research and monitoring of sex worker human rights issues.

Call for Abstracts: ASPHA 3rd AGM and 4th Global Health Summit 9th-10th December, 2012, Accra -Ghana
Due August 14, 2012

The 3rd AGM of Schools of Public Health and the 4th Global Health summit to be hosted by Association of Schools of Public Health in Africa (ASPHA) will provide Schools of Public Health across the Globe a forum for sharing innovative ideas and adapting scientific knowledge specific to our particular environs to promote health, reduce disease burden and alleviate poverty to help accelerate health development in Africa. The theme is “Policy and Health Systems Research-The Contribution of Schools of Public Health”. Deadline of submission of Abstract: 14th August, 2012

Further details: /newsletter/id/37026
Call for Papers: International Health calls for papers on global mental health
Deadline 15 August 2012

International Health, an official journal of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, is looking for papers on the mental health issues faced by patients and professionals in both developed and lower income countries. They are welcoming original papers, short communications, reviews and commentaries on all aspects of mental health.

Health Systems Research Society consultation - HPSR
Call for feedback

A new Society for health systems research will be established at the Second Global Health Systems Research Symposium in Beijing (31 October to 3 November 2012). Draft documents and other information materials are available at: A group of health systems researchers from various settings are seeking to encourage interest in and ideas for the Society, to support the Working Group tasked to develop it for its launch in Beijing. They would particularly like to encourage discussion and feedback on specific questions, available through the link below. Please post your ideas through the link below. All ideas posted will be available to all those interested in the Society, and will be of particular value to the Working Group currently planning for the launch of the Society at the Symposium in Beijing.
