Jobs and Announcements

Healthcare in Africa conference: 6-7 March 2012, Cape Town, South Africa
Registration Dates Not Announced

The Healthcare in Africa conference will take place from 6-7 March 2012 in Cape Town, South Africa. It aims to bring together influential healthcare stakeholders from government, providers, suppliers and patient groups to confront and explore key issues around healthcare systems in Africa. Activities include interactive online brainstorming sessions, presentations of case studies and lectures form specialists and other stakeholders in healthcare in Africa. The following topics will be addressed: What is the right balance of private and public healthcare for Africa? How can healthcare systems best meet the demands of both infectious and chronic diseases? What are the best practices for affordable medicine in Africa, and what can be learnt from other emerging markets?

Register for the Thirteenth World Congress on Public Health: 23-27 April 2011, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Registration Deadline: 14 April 2012

The Ethiopian Public Health Association and the World Federation of Public Health Associations invite public health professionals from around the world to participate in the Thirteen World Congress on Public Health 2012. The theme of the conference is ‘Towards global health equity: Opportunities and threats’. The conference has four main objectives. It is intended to serve as an international forum for the exchange of knowledge and experiences on key public health issues, as well as contribute towards protecting and promoting public health at global, continental and national levels. It is also intended to help create a better understanding of Africa’s major public health challenges within the global public health community and to facilitate and support the formation of the African Federation of Public Health Associations.

Registration now open for Forum 2012: 24-26 April 2012, Cape Town, South Africa
COHRED And The Global Forum

Forum 2012 will bring together key actors to make research and innovation work for health, equity and development: governments, industry, social enterprise, non-governmental organisations, researchers, media, funders , international organisations and others. Partipcipants will explore who will explore ways to go ‘beyond aid’ by building on the rapidly expanding research and innovation capacity of low- and middle-income countries as basis for development. The Forum has three main themes: improving and increasing investments in research and innovation; networking and partnerships in research, technological innovations, social innovations and delivery of better health care; and improvement of health, equity and development of low-income countries by creating a supportive environment, including priority setting in research for health, fair research contracting, research cooperation and ethics, nanotechnologies, technological and social innovations, and using the web as a tool for planning research.

Registration open for SEYCOHAIDS 2012
8-10 June 2012: Lilongwe, Malawi

SEYCOHAIDS 2012 is the largest international gathering for young people on HIV and AIDS in the Eastern and Southern Africa region, where young researchers, policy makers, activists, educators and people living with HIV will be able to link with people in other countries and meet to share and learn about HIV prevention methods, treatments, care policies and programmes relating to HIV and AIDS in Africa. The broad objectives for the Conference are to: ensure effective and meaningful youth participation in international AIDS response; identify gaps and challenges in government policies in providing youth-friendly HIV and AIDS services; develop regional and country-level strategic programmes for youth and HIV and AIDS; identify and build the capacity of new and emerging youth leaders for the AIDS response to ensure sustainability of youth initiatives at the national, regional and international levels; sustain adult-youth partnerships and dialogue; develop the Southern and Eastern Africa youth network on HIV and AIDS; develop country specific youth networks on HIV and AIDS; establish funding mechanisms for regional and country youth networks; and monitor government and donor commitments to youth and HIV and AIDS. Applicants must be no older than 35 years old at the time of the application.

Registration open for the People’s Health Assembly, 6-11 July 2012 Cape Town
Deadline April 14 2012

Registration is open for participation in the People’s Health Assembly (PHA), organised by the People's Health Movement (PHM). The PHA is a global event bringing together health activists from across the world to share experiences, analyse global health situation, develop civil society positions and to develop strategies which promote health for all. It will look at forms of action to address identified challenges and build capacity among health activists to act. It is an opportunity for PHM as a whole to reflect on the global struggle, to review and reassess, to redirect and re-inspire. PHA3 aims to impact directly in the struggle for social change: for health for all, decent living conditions for all, work in dignity for all, equity and environmental justice.

Health Policy Action Fund (HPAF) - Call for Proposals
Closing date 28 February 2012.

The Health Policy Action Fund (HPAF) invites Civil Society Organisations from 30 IHP+ countries to submit proposals for funding of health policy work at national level. The grants will fund work over an 18-month period starting in April 2012, and have a maximum of US$ 30,000 per grantee. Interested applicants are requested to visit the HPAF website at for the detailed Criteria for Selection and the proposal application forms. The HPAF aims to support southern civil society organizations, networks and coalitions to become more effectively engaged in national health policy processes. Supported by the grants, recipients engage in health policy and implementation monitoring and analysis, policy dialogue with key national health stakeholders, and hold governments and aid donors accountable to work towards achieving universal and equitable access to health care and the health-related Millennium Development Goals.

Call for nominations for the 2012 Red Ribbon Award
Closing Date: 29 February 2012

The Red Ribbon Award honours and recognises exceptional grassroots leadership in responding to the AIDS epidemic. Ten community-based organisations will be selected through a community-led process and invited to attend the 19th International AIDS Conference in Washington DC, United States, from 22 to 27 July 2012 where they will have the opportunity to showcase their work. All 10 organisations will receive US$10,000 each. Eligible organisations include grassroots initiatives, community-based organisations, faith-based organisations, small non-governmental organisations and organisations of people living with HIV. Themes include: prevention of sexual transmission; prevention among people who use drugs; treatment, care and support; advocacy and human rights; and stopping new HIV infections in children and keeping mothers alive (women’s health).

Call for post-doctoral fellowship applications: The Achieve Research Partnership ‘Action For Health Equity Interventions’
Application Deadline: 13 February 2012

ACHIEVE is aimed to equip new researchers with the competencies necessary for closing the gap between measuring inner city health inequities and reducing them. The program has two main foci: Population Health and Health Services Interventions Research; and Community Engagement, Partnerships, and Knowledge Translation. Three to five Fellows may be accepted for the 2012-2014 term. To be eligible, you must have a PhD completed within the past three years or a health professional degree plus Master’s level degree (Master’s degree completed within the past three years). If you are currently completing your PhD/ Master’s degree, you must expect to complete all requirements of this degree by 1 September 2012. Acceptance to the programme cannot be deferred.

Healthcare In Africa Conference: 6-7 March 2012, Cape Town, South Africa
Registration Dates Not Announced

The Healthcare in Africa conference will take place from 6-7 March 2012 in Cape Town, South Africa. It aims to bring together influential healthcare stakeholders from government, providers, suppliers and patient groups to confront and explore key issues around healthcare systems in Africa. Activities include interactive online brainstorming sessions, presentations of case studies and lectures form specialists and other stakeholders in healthcare in Africa. The following topics will be addressed: What is the right balance of private and public healthcare for Africa? How can healthcare systems best meet the demands of both infectious and chronic diseases? What are the best practices for affordable medicine in Africa, and what can be learnt from other emerging markets?

Register for the Thirteenth World Congress On Public Health: 23-27 April 2011, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Registration deadline: 14 April 2012

The Ethiopian Public Health Association and the World Federation of Public Health Associations invite public health professionals from around the world to participate in the Thirteen World Congress on Public Health 2012. The theme of the conference is ‘Towards global health equity: Opportunities and threats’. The conference has four main objectives. It is intended to serve as an international forum for the exchange of knowledge and experiences on key public health issues, as well as contribute towards protecting and promoting public health at global, continental and national levels. It is also intended to help create a better understanding of Africa’s major public health challenges within the global public health community and to facilitate and support the formation of the African Federation of Public Health Associations.
