Taxing for health: taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages in east and southern African countries
Kadungure A; Loewenson R (2023 July)
Themes: Values, policies and rights, Health equity in economic and trade policies, Public-private mix, Resource allocation and health financing
Effective Waste Management in a Local Food Market: The Longacres experience in Lusaka, Zambia
Phiri P CPCR, EQUINET (2023 July)
Themes: Health equity in economic and trade policies, Governance and participation in health
Delving into the Cityscape: Transforming the connections between urban environments, social factors, and public health in Nairobi, Kenya
Oranga A KDI; EQUINET (2023 July)
Themes: Health equity in economic and trade policies, Governance and participation in health
Enhancing sustainable access to safe clean water and gender-sensitive sanitation services in Epworth,Zimbabwe
Ndlovu T, CFHD; EQUINET (2023 July)
Themes: Health equity in economic and trade policies, Governance and participation in health
Solid waste management in Slum Communities of Bwaise III Parish: Transforming Solid Waste into Valuable Resources in Kampala, Uganda
Gramsen Kizza F; I4DEV; EQUINET (2023 July)
Themes: Health equity in economic and trade policies, Governance and participation in health
A conceptual framework for healthy urban systems for food and waste management in ESA countries
EQUINET urban health community of practice (2023 June)
Themes: Health equity in economic and trade policies
Socioeconomic and geographical inequalities in health care coverage in Mozambique: a repeated cross-sectional study of the 2015 and 2018 national surveys
Daca CSL; San Sebastian M; Arnaldo C; Schumann B; Namatovu F (2023 June)
Health-promoting urban food systems in selected local authorities in Zimbabwe
UCAZ, TARSC, Bulawayo, Chegutu, Harare, Kariba, Kwekwe, Masvingo and Victoria Falls local authorities, MoHCC (2023 May)
Themes: Health equity in economic and trade policies
Case study on health-promoting urban food systems in Kariba
Kariba Municipality; UCAZ; TARSC; EQUINET (2023 March)
Themes: Health equity in economic and trade policies, Poverty and health, Governance and participation in health
Case study on health-promoting urban food systems in Masvingo
Masvingo city Council; UCAZ; TARSC; EQUINET (2023 March)
Themes: Health equity in economic and trade policies, Poverty and health, Governance and participation in health