EQUINET Conference 2022 Announcement: Catalysing change for health and social justice
EQUINET (2022 March)
EQUINET Diss 124: Health sector financing and COVID-19: East and Southern Africa trends and a Zambia case study
Chitah B (2022 January)
Themes: Resource allocation and health financing
Promoting social dialogue to improve working conditions for Community Health Workers in South Africa
Public Services International (2021 December)
Themes: Human resources for health
EQUINET Information sheet 7 on COVID-19: Turning vaccines to vaccination in the region
TARSC/EQUINET (2022 January)
Themes: Equity in health, Values, policies and rights, Health equity in economic and trade policies, Equitable health services, Governance and participation in health
Beyond Corporate Social Responsibility: Strengthening Human Rights Due Diligence through the Legally Binding Instrument on Business and Human Rights
The South Centre (2021 October)
Themes: Values, policies and rights
Report of the East and Southern Africa Regional People’s Health University
EQUINET; PHM (2021 December)
Themes: Equity in health, Values, policies and rights, Health equity in economic and trade policies, Equitable health services, Public-private mix, Resource allocation and health financing, Governance and participation in health
Comparison of the Response in Rwanda, South Africa and Zimbabwe
Dzinamarira T; Mapingure M; Rwibasira G; et al. (2021)
Themes: Equitable health services
Nutrition related non-communicable diseases and sugar sweetened beverage policies: a landscape analysis in Zambia
Mukanu M; Karim SA; Hofman K; Erzse A; et al (2021)
Themes: Values, policies and rights, Health equity in economic and trade policies
Video clips from the East and Southern Africa Regional Peoples Health University
EQUINET and PHM (2021 December)
Themes: Equity in health, Values, policies and rights, Health equity in economic and trade policies, Public-private mix, Resource allocation and health financing, Governance and participation in health
Making Change Visible: Evaluating Efforts to Advance Social Participation in Health, An Implementer’s Resource,
Loewenson R; Simpson S; Dudding R; Obando F; Beznec P (2021 November)
Themes: Governance and participation in health