System wide effects of the Global Fund : Interim findings from three country studies
Stillman, K ; Benett, S (2005 September)
Themes: Equity in health, Resource allocation and health financing, Equity and HIV/AIDS
Southern African Trade Union Coordination Council (SATUCC)
Southern African Trade Union Coordination Council (SATUCC) ()
Themes: Health equity in economic and trade policies
Enjoying the new SADC
Southern African Trade Union Coordination Council ()
Themes: Health equity in economic and trade policies
On a never-ending waiting list : Toward equitable access to anti-retroviral treatment? Experiences from Zambia
Jones, PS (2005)
Themes: Equity in health, Values, policies and rights, Equitable health services, Equity and HIV/AIDS
The GATS and South Africa\'s National Health Act ; A cautionary tale
Sinclair, S (2005 November)
Themes: Values, policies and rights
Declaracao da consulta da sociedade civil da Africa austral sobre a omc e o HIV/SIDA
Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN) ; Economic Justice Network (EJN) (2005 December)
Themes: Health equity in economic and trade policies, Poverty and health, Equity and HIV/AIDS
Southern African Regional Poverty Network (ASRPN)
Southern African Regional Poverty Network (ASRPN) ; Economic Justice Network (ENJ) (2005 December)
Themes: Health equity in economic and trade policies, Poverty and health, Equity and HIV/AIDS
Who returns to work and why? Evidence and policy implications from a new disability and work reintegration study : A summary
Zeifer, I ; International Social Security Association Research Programme (2002)
Themes: Values, policies and rights, Health equity in economic and trade policies
HIV/AIDS, social security, and the two-tier structure of African economies
Paddison, O ; Docquier, O ; Faye, O (2003 May)
Themes: Values, policies and rights, Equity and HIV/AIDS
Occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises. Occupational safety and health services for small and medium-sized enterprises - Experiences and solutions.
Mehrtens, G ; Beyer, D ; Brandenburg, S ; Sandner, S ()
Themes: Values, policies and rights, Health equity in economic and trade policies