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2008-03-01 - EQUINET NEWSLETTER 85 : Sound policy or attack on health rights: Are laws criminalising deliberate HIV transmission good for public health?
2008-02-01 - EQUINET NEWSLETTER 84 : How healthy for Africans is the Alliance for a Green Revolution for Africa (AGRA)?
2008-01-01 - EQUINET NEWSLETTER 83 : Talking development and walking trade – the health consequences of policy conflict in the “Economic Partnership Agreements”
2007-12-01 - EQUINET NEWSLETTER 82 : What do we need to do to keep health workers in Africa?
2007-11-01 - EQUINET NEWSLETTER 81 : Closing the gap: from implementing to publishing research in Africa
2007-10-01 - EQUINET NEWSLETTER 80 : Reclaiming the resources for health
2007-09-01 - EQUINET NEWSLETTER 79 : Advancing public health calls for wider public health skills
2007-08-01 - EQUINET NEWSLETTER 78 : New reports suggest IMF policies undermine efforts on AIDS, health and education
2007-07-01 - EQUINET NEWSLETTER 77 : No! to the united graves of Africa: Unity of the living and healthy, not a unity of the diseased, dying and dead
2007-06-01 - EQUINET NEWSLETTER 76 : A call to the 2007 G8 Summit to support African national health plans and comprehensive health workforce strategies
