Health equity in economic and trade policies

Africans call for greater voice in IMF
South North Development Network, 24 October 2007

African countries have called for greater voice in the International Monetary Fund (IMF), including not only an increase in formal voting power and representation at its decision-making bodies but also in the diversity of its staff members, to better represent their interests at the institution. In statements during the IMF’s Annual Meetings, African finance ministers and central bank governors have reiterated their calls for at least a tripling of basic votes as an outcome of the current quota and voice reform process to protect the voting shares of low-income countries. They also called for a meaningful and expeditious increase in their representation at the Executive Board, including an amendment to the Fund’s Articles of Agreement to enable Executive Directors representing large constituencies to appoint more than one Alternate Executive Directors.

Count down to the conclusion of Economic Partnership Agreements negotiations: Case for SADC and ESA
Trade and Development Studies Centre, 9 October 2007

The representatives of governments within the region, regional trade related organisations, ESA and SADC, parliamentarians, academia, the business sector, SMEs, labour met in Harare on 3-4 October 2007 to assess the readiness of ESA and SADC EPA configurations to sign an EPA; to take stock of the outstanding issues in the negotiations to date and; and to discuss measures to put in place in the event that the EPA is not signed by December 2007. On the basis of close analysis of the sate of EPA negotiations so far, new proposals and the issues arising, the hurdles met thus far, the challenges that lay ahead and the incisive presentations during the two days, further discussions were held.

Further details: /newsletter/id/32628
Credit squeeze and criticisms deepen crisis: IMF Fails to make progress on Reforms
Giles C, Callan E: Financial Times (UK), 21 October 2007

Rodrigo Rato bowed out as managing director of the International Monetary Fund with effusive plaudits from world financial leaders in public but sharp criticism of his role and the Fund's relevance from the same people when talking outside official news conferences. The emerging consensus among rich and poor countries alike was that the reform process of the IMF had moved backward. Worse, they added that acrimony over the Fund's role in assessing the economic policies of its members, their effects on other countries threatened to create just the disorder in the global economy it is intended to prevent.

Doubt over EU development credentials
Financial Times (Europe), 17 October 2007

This letter to the editor in the Financial Times expresses concern over Economic Partnership Agreements being negotiated between the EU and its African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) trading partners. The group of writers claim that the Commission is incorrect to claim that it has no legal choice but to raise tariffs in January 2008, and further recommend that instead of making threats, the Commission should focus on creating accords with the ACP that would genuinely support development.

European parliament ratifies TRIPS Amendment
BRIDGES 11 (36), 24 October 2007

The European Parliament on 24 October endorsed an amendment to WTO intellectual property rules aimed at easing poor countries' access to essential medicines, after the EU's 27 member governments promised to help developing nations manufacture and import affordable drugs. Legislators from across the political spectrum had thrice postponed voting on the amendment, pending additional pledges of monetary and political support for developing country public health programmes from EU member states and the European Commission.

Governments (still) pondering how to make drugs accessible
Cronin D: Inter Press Service News Agency, 30 October 2007

The struggle to make medicines affordable to the world’s poor, especially in Africa, is raging on at the highest levels. In the last week of October the European Commission took a landmark decision on generic drugs and next week a high-level intergovernmental meeting will look at ways to prevent patents from blocking access to drugs. In an agreement announced on October 23, European Union (EU) governments were told that they are free to make available generic versions of patented drugs for export to poor countries which lack their own manufacturing facilities.

Kenya Probes Official Link Into Bid To Strip Government Of compulsory licensing Powers
Garwood P: Intellectual Property Watch, 28 September 2007

Kenyan authorities are probing who in government may have been “compromised” by the pharmaceutical industry to try strip the African country of its right to produce medicines without patent-holder approval. There have been repeated efforts to delete parts of Section 80 of the Industrial Property Act, which was enacted in 2001. It enabled the government to issue compulsory licenses to local manufacturers to produce generic versions of pharmaceuticals, such as antiretrovirals for HIV/AIDS patients, without seeking approval from the drug company that holds the patent rights.

Kenya: Legal obstacles emerge over Free Trade deal with Europe
Muriuki A, Odhiambo A: Buisness Daily Africa, 24 October 2007

A landmark case has entered the Kenyan corridors of justice as a group of farmers and a human rights watchdog move to challenge the State over ongoing negotiations for a new trade agreement with Europe. Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC), a non-governmental organisation, and small-scale growers contend that though the process of the negotiations for a new Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) between Kenya and its key trade partner is of national concern, the State has failed to exhaustively involve all those who stand to be adversely affected by the pact.

SADC Executive Secretary on the Communications Strategy and Plan of Action for the SADC Free Trade Area (FTA)
Were S: Southern African Development Community (SADC) News, 10 October 2007

The author begins by presenting a brief background on the SADC Regional Economic Integration Agenda and the pertinent decisions made by the Heads of State and Government in this regard, and reminds us of the purpose of the workdhop in preparing for the launching of the FTA in 2008. The author insists the need to create awareness in this process cannot be over emphasised, and elaborates that the process of creating awareness on the SADC Free Trade Area (FTA) would require a meaningful and effective involvement by all the stakeholders.

World City Syndrome: Neoliberalism and inequality in Cape Town
McDonald DA: Routledge, New York, 2008

The literature on world cities has had an enormous influence on urban theory and practice, with academics and policy makers attempting to understand, and often strive for, world city status. In this groundbreaking new work, David A McDonald explores Cape Town’s position in this network of global cities and critically investigates the conceptual value of the world city hypothesis. Drawing on more than a dozen years of fieldwork, McDonald provides a comprehensive overview of the city’s institutional and structural reforms, examining fiscal imbalances, political marginalization, (de)racialization, privatization and other neoliberal changes. The book concludes with thoughts on alternative development trajectories.

Further details: /newsletter/id/32611
