Jobs and Announcements

In Memory of Chimusoro Sam Moyo

In deep sorrow we mourn the sudden and untimely death of Sam Moyo, profound scholar and progressive activist, beloved comrade, Member of the Executive Committee of IDEAs. Sam was in New Delhi, India to participate in a conference on "Labour Questions in the Global South" when a car he was travelling in was involved in a terrible accident. Sam was critically hurt and passed away on 22 November 2015. We send sympathies to his family. The words below are by Bella Matambanadzo. "An unimaginable loss has happened. Our phenomenal intellectual pan African giant on land issues, Professor Sam Moyo, has died following injuries sustained during a terrible car accident in New Delhi, India. We are in disbelief. We are waiting for him to come home. We feel ripped apart with pain...."

Further details: /newsletter/id/56574
Call for Expressions of Interests: Consultants
Deadline: 30 January 2016

Formed in 2006, the One in Nine Campaign is a network of organisations and individuals driven by feminist principles and the desire to live in a society where women are the agents of their own lives, including their sexual lives. The Campaign supports and advocates for the rights of women who speak out against sexual violence as well as other survivors in five ways: Solidarity in Action and Building Feminist Activism, Feminist Knowledge Production and Research, Media Advocacy, Justice and Legal Transformation and Direct Action. The One in Nine Campaign is calling for application from all interested individuals/service providers in the following fields: Organisational Development, Strategic planning and reviews, Resource Mobilisation /Fundraising for NGOs, Research, Documentation (written and/or visual), Monitoring and Evaluation, Staff development/Team building, Creative Arts for social change (all art forms welcomed), Health and Wellness, Marketing (especially for small businesses, NGOs, Cooperatives) and Setting up and registering of Cooperatives. The organisation seeks to update its Consultants database and preference will be given to individuals who identify as Women and feminists and registered service providers that are led by Women.

Call for participation to delphi study : NHWA - Compendium of HWF Indicators
WHO, 1-15 November 2015

The World Health Organization Health Workforce Department is inviting you to participate in a Delphi study to be conducted as part of a broader agenda to develop and implement National Health Workforce Accounts (NHWA) in support of the implementation of the Global strategy on human resources for health: health workforce 2030 (GSHRH) which will be submitted to the Sixty-ninth World Health Assembly in May 2016. The concept of NHWA calls for a harmonized, integrated approach for annual and timely collection of health workforce information. Fundamentally, the purpose of NHWA is to structure the information architecture and interoperability, to define core workforce indicators, to enable strategic workforce planning and to facilitate comparability of the health workforce landscape (within countries and across regions). The purpose of this study is to acquire the views of a global group of health systems experts on the relevance, availability and use of existing health workforce indicators working towards a core set of well-defined indicators. These indicators will be mapped against the proposed NHWA modules. Should you be interested to participate, the study tool will be available on line from 1-15 November 2015 and would require about 30 minutes to complete. Please confirm your interest and availability by return email to with a subject line: NHWA – Delphi Study, with the following information: First name; Surname; professional title;
affiliation; country; email address and telephone.

Call for watchers: 138th Executive Executive Board (EB138) World Health Organisation meeting
25-30 January 2016, Geneva, Switzerland

People's Health Movement (PHM) is preparing for another round of watching at the 138th Executive Executive Board (EB138) meeting taking place from 25 to 30 January 2016 in Geneva, Switzerland. PHM believes that the World Health Organisation (WHO) is the legitimate space for global health policy making. Through the WHO Watch initiative, PHM intervenes in the discussion of WHO's key decisions making bodies and brings the voice of the movements struggling for Health for All. PHM are in the early stages of putting together the Watch and hope to get more and new watchers from around the world involved, consulting with country circles on key issues, and developing a solid commentary on issues of interest discussed at the meetings. During the meeting, PHM will have a skype channel open where the key points of the discussions will be shared.

CFH Grants 2016 Round 1for NGOs Working for the Development of Conservation, Food and Health in Developing Countries
Deadline for submission of concepts: 1 January 2016

The Conservation, Food and Health Foundation is currently accepting concept notes for its first round of 2016 Grants. Non-profit organisations in developing countries that are focusing in one of the three fields – conservation, food and health are invited to apply. The foundation supports projects that demonstrate strong local leadership, promote professional development in the conservation, agricultural, and health sciences; develop the capacity of local organisations; and address a particular problem in the field. Average grant size is US$17,000. Grant request can be made for maximum US$25,000. Conservation Grants aims to improve ecological and environmental conditions in the developing world. Research activities, training, and technical assistance efforts are supported under Conservation Grants. Food Grants are allocated to efforts aimed at improving access to food for consumption in developing countries. Health Grants are focused at programs that are preventive in nature. Research, technical assistance, and training projects are supported under Health Grants. It supports research, technical assistance, and training projects that improve public health through community-based efforts that address health promotion, disease prevention, family planning, and reproductive health; and increase the understanding and treatment of tropical diseases.

Competition: African Voices Photography
Deadline: 1 December 2015

University College London (UCL) invite staff members or students of any African university to submit photographs which capture personal stories and experiences of contemporary Africa. The winning selections will be exhibited in physical form and online as part of the AfricanVoices season at UCL and then displayed by the UCL African Studies Research Centre (Institute of Advanced Studies) on walls, online and at other events with the photographer’s name displayed clearly in each case. The best overall entry will be awarded a tablet and there will be four runners-up prizes for the best photograph in each category. Photographs will be judged in four categories: Cities, Health, Human Wellbeing and Intercultural Interaction. The competition is not open to professional photographers.

Fourth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, 14-18 November 2016
Call for abstracts and organised sessions

Health System Global announces the Call for Abstracts for the Fourth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research on the Symposium website. The theme os Resilient and responsive health systems for a changing world. Submissions are invited for both organized sessions and individual abstracts. Please visit the site to find out about: key dates and deadlines, how to submit your abstract and other details on taking part in the Symposium. Please also make sure to visit the site regularly as HSG will keep updating it with announcements and relevant resources in the coming months. Please share the call with colleagues and anyone else who might be interested.

Nairobi, Kenya to host 10th WTO Ministerial Conference
World Trade Organisation (WTO), 10 December 2014

The General Council, on 10 December 2014, agreed that the 10th Ministerial Conference be held in Nairobi, Kenya from 15 to 18 December 2015.

South African Health Review 2015/16 Call for Chapters
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 30 November 2015 Deadline for full manuscripts: 29 February 2016

The South African Health Review (SAHR), published annually by Health Systems Trust (HST) for 18 years, is an accredited peer-reviewed journal that is widely respected as an authoritative source of research, analysis and reflection on health systems. The SAHR advances knowledge agenda-setting, production and sharing. Being published in the Review affords authors the opportunity to participate in and contribute to a recognised and established community of expertise which offers a South African perspective on prevailing local and international public health issues. Concepts for chapter submissions should represent manuscripts that highlight critical commentary on current areas of significant interest or debate, and offer empirical understandings for improving South Africa’s health systems reform and application of health policy, focusing on innovative and good practice models. Researchers, educators, students, policy-makers, planners, capacity-builders, managers and specialist practitioners in the field of health systems and related health development disciplines are invited to submit abstracts for the 2015/16 SAHR to Guidelines for authors can be downloaded via the below link. Strict adherence to these guidelines is essential. Submission of an abstract for the SAHR does not guarantee acceptance. All manuscripts will undergo systematic peer review according to documented standards.

The Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders
Application deadline: 9:00pm GMT Wednesday 11 November, 2015

The Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders, begun in 2014, is the flagship program of President Obama’s Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) that empowers young people through academic coursework, leadership training, and networking. In 2016, the Fellowship will provide 1,000 outstanding young leaders from Sub-Saharan Africa with the opportunity to hone their skills at a U.S. higher education institution with support for professional development after they return home. The Fellows should be between the ages of 25 and 35, have established records of accomplishment in promoting innovation and positive change in their organizations, institutions, communities, and countries. The 2016 fellowships include: A six-week Academic and Leadership Institute at U.S. colleges and universities; A Summit with President Obama in Washington, DC and an optional six-week professional development experience (PDE) at a, civil society organization, or public sector agency.
