Jobs and Announcements

Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) Job Vacancy Senior Programme Officer
Closing date for applications: 28 February 2016

The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) invites applications from African scholars to fill the vacant position of Senior Programme Officer (Research) in its pan-African Secretariat located in Dakar, Senegal. This position is categorised as belonging to the senior staff of the Council and as such is filled on the basis of an international announcement. The successful candidate will work as a senior member of the Secretariat under the overall supervision of the Executive Secretary of the Council. Candidates wishing to apply for the position are requested to note the following: The Senior Programme Officer (Research) has as his/her primary responsibility the management of the Council’s Research Programme including overseeing National, Multinational and Trans-National Working Groups, Comparative Research Networks, as well as thematic and issue-specific research programmes, special initiatives and projects. In this connection, the Senior Programme Officer will be responsible for managing all aspects of the portfolio of programmes entrusted to him/her, and overseeing the work of Programme Officers managing programme clusters within the Research Programme, each of which may include several of the following programmes: the Gender Programme, the Academic Freedom Programme, the African Humanities Programme, the Governance Programme, the Health, Politics and Society Programme, the Programme on Children and Youth, the Higher Education Leadership Programme, the Environmental Governance Programme, the Economic Policies Programme, the Lusophone Initiative, and the South-South Tri-continental Collaborative Programme. The Research Programme also organises major conferences tied to the Council’s programmes and strategy. In addition to his/her specific responsibilities, the successful candidate will be called upon to perform the following functions: initiate, develop and, where appropriate, manage new projects and programmes; lend support for the realisation of the other scientific activities of the Council; organise academic and policy meetings; promote contacts with researchers, professional associations and regional organisations; prepare research and funding proposals on themes connected to his/her areas of expertise as may be requested by the Executive Secretary; and where appropriate, liaise with funding organisations under the direction of the Executive Secretary.See website for application details.

Fellowships to Support Doctoral Research on Gender-Based Violence (GBV)/ Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)
Closing date for applications: 31 March 2016 (11:59pm, Nairobi time)

As part of efforts to increase capacity to conduct research on GBV/VAWG in the continent, the African Population and Health Research Center, in partnership with the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, International Rescue Committee and the Department for International Development has announced a call for applications to support 3 doctoral students interested in working in and contributing to this field of research. The expectation is that the fellows will contribute to the field through their doctoral research and, in future, will work in this field, applying their knowledge and expertise. The award of these fellowships is contingent on funding availability. See website for details.

Health Systems Trust Conference 2016
4-6 May 2016, Gauteng, South Africa

Health Systems Trust is hosting a conference from 4-6 May 2016 at the Birchwood Conference centre, Gauteng South Africa. Under the banner of Health for all through strengthened health systems: sharing, supporting, synergising, the event is designed to advance the global public health agenda in improving health outcomes. The three-day conference will convene approximately 300 healthcare workers from the public and private sectors as well as policy- and decision-makers, civil society groupings and academics. The conference will provide an opportunity to discuss challenges faced and solutions adopted at various levels in the health system. See website for details.

Aid and International Development Forum (AIDF) Africa Summit 2016
2-3 February 2016, United Nations Conference Centre, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Gathering 250+ senior representatives and advisors from regional governments, UN agencies, international and regional NGOs, CBOs, investors and donors, research institutes and the private sector, this summit looks at how technological innovations and best practice can improve aid delivery and development strategy in East Africa. The summit demonstrates best practice approaches, current initiatives and latest innovations, offering trans-disciplinary discussions with participants from all relevant stakeholder groups. The agenda has been developed in consultation with UN organisations. The specific objectives of this summit are: to showcase expertise, approaches and innovations by different global stakeholders, to discuss best practice, guidelines and policy that support technological innovations and to provide an opportunity for knowledge exchange and networking amongst public, private and civil society stakeholders.

Health Systems Trust Conference 2016
Call for Abstracts and Pre Conference Workshops: Deadline 10 January 2016

The abstract reviewers are looking forward to receiving outlines for oral and poster presentations demonstrating innovations and good practice in Primary Health Care projects and programmes. Knowledge sharing and skills transfer are an important component of the Conference. To this end, the organisers also invite abstract submissions for the pre-conference workshops which should include interactive participation and offer practical outcomes to the delegates. Through the media of storytelling, drama, film, music or art, the organisers aim to create a platform for thought-provoking discussions through a non-conventional Conference experience. The organisers would like to hear from all those who work in and around South Africa’s health system, especially: district- and facility-based healthcare workers and community members of facility governance structures; development partners; universities; district, provincial and municipal structures; the National Department of Health; AIDS councils; private health sector; non-governmental and community-based organisations; health communicators; film producers; and artists.

The Ninth Call for Applications for the African Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowships (ADDRF)
Deadline: 15 January 15, 2016

The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC), in partnership with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), is pleased to announce the ninth call for applications for the African Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowships (ADDRF). The ADDRF Fellowship Program seeks to facilitate more rigorous engagement of doctoral students in research, strengthen their research skills, and provide them an opportunity for timely completion of their doctoral training. The Program targets doctoral students with strong commitment to a career in training and/or research. The overall goal of the ADDRF Program is to support the training and retention of highly-skilled, locally-trained scholars in research and academic positions across the region. The ADDRF will award about 20 fellowships in 2016 to doctoral students who are within two years of completing their thesis at an African university. In this phase of funding and in consideration of IDRC’s health programming priorities, candidates whose dissertation topics address health policy or health systems issues will be given special consideration. The application form and supporting documents (attached) must be submitted on email (see website for details).

Call for Expressions of Interests: Consultants
Deadline: 30 January 2016

Formed in 2006, the One in Nine Campaign is a network of organisations and individuals driven by feminist principles and the desire to live in a society where women are the agents of their own lives, including their sexual lives. The Campaign supports and advocates for the rights of women who speak out against sexual violence as well as other survivors in five ways: Solidarity in Action and Building Feminist Activism, Feminist Knowledge Production and Research, Media Advocacy, Justice and Legal Transformation and Direct Action. The One in Nine Campaign is calling for application from all interested individuals/service providers in the following fields: Organisational Development, Strategic planning and reviews, Resource Mobilisation /Fundraising for NGOs, Research, Documentation (written and/or visual), Monitoring and Evaluation, Staff development/Team building, Creative Arts for social change (all art forms welcomed), Health and Wellness, Marketing (especially for small businesses, NGOs, Cooperatives) and Setting up and registering of Cooperatives. The organisation seeks to update its Consultants database and preference will be given to individuals who identify as Women and feminists and registered service providers that are led by Women.

Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa (DENOSA) 3rd South African Nurses' Conference
24 - 26 February 2016, Gauteng, South Africa

DENOSA is hosting the Third South African Nurses’ Conference from the 24th to the 26th February 2016.This is a biannual event born out of a need to build capacity and create an enabling environment for South African nurses to effectively and positively influence health policy. It further affords the cadre an opportunity to critically analyse the South African health system and propose solutions. The Third South African Nurses’ Conference 2016 explores the theme: Together we can strengthen the theory and the clinical practice; inspire unity in seeking solutions to challenges facing the profession. The theme will be explored according to the following track of interest: Advancing a Holistic Nursing practice; Investing in Nursing: The Human Capital in health; Contemporary Nursing Issues; The Threshing floor: Teaching and learning; Students voice as the rising nurse leaders. The 3rd Conference intends to showcase the critical role nurses play in delivering holistic quality care. The Conference promises thought provoking plenary sessions, workshops and networking opportunities; with focus on the following tracks of interest: Advancing a Holistic Nursing practice; Investing in Nursing: The Human Capital in health; Contemporary Nursing Issues; The Threshing floor: Teaching and learning; Students voice as the rising nurse leaders.

Fourth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, 14-18 November 2016
Call For Abstracts And Organised Sessions

Health System Global announces the Call for Abstracts for the Fourth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research on the Symposium website. The theme is Resilient and responsive health systems for a changing world. Submissions are invited for both organized sessions and individual abstracts. Please visit the site to find out about: key dates and deadlines, how to submit your abstract and other details on taking part in the Symposium. Please also make sure to visit the site regularly as HSG will keep updating it with announcements and relevant resources in the coming months. Please share the call with colleagues and anyone else who might be interested. The deadline to submit a proposal for an Organized Session at the Fourth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research is 24 January 2016. If you haven’t already, please have a look at the Call for Abstracts page on the Symposium website. Proposals can be submitted for Participatory Sessions and Panel Presentations.

Health Systems Trust Conference 2016
4-6 May 2016, Gauteng, South Africa

Health Systems Trust (HST) is hosting a conference from 4-6 May 2016 at the Birchwood Conference Centre, Boksburg, Gauteng. Under the banner of Health for all through strengthened health systems: sharing, supporting, synergising, the event is designed to advance the global public health agenda in improving health outcomes. The conference will provide a forum in which those who contribute in various ways to the South African health system can exchange ideas, develop support mechanisms for common challenges, and foster synergies between interested groups. The vision of the organisers is of a vibrantly non-conventional conference experience. The three-day conference will convene approximately 300 healthcare workers from the public and private sectors as well as policy- and decision-makers, civil society groupings and academics. The past decade has seen an unprecedented wave of change and reform in order to strengthen the effectiveness of health systems, primarily through the introduction of primary health care re-engineering, National Health Insurance, and quality improvement and assurance. In addition, a range of programmatic activities designed to move towards increasing life expectancy, decreasing maternal and child mortality and combating HIV and AIDS and decreasing the burden of disease from TB have been implemented on a wide scale. New initiatives such as the 90-90-90 targets and attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals bring a further dimension to health systems strengthening. Collaborations among healthcare workers and stakeholders have researched, devised and applied a range of strategies and models to translate these reforms into reality. The HST conference will provide an opportunity to discuss challenges faced and solutions adopted at various levels in the health system. To avoid losing the opportunity to share these lessons and curate related good practice as broadly as possible, the organisers encourage interested parties to be a part of this conference. Applications for pre-conference workshops, individual and poster abstracts, and for media submissions close Sunday 10 January 2016.
