Jobs and Announcements

Call for papers: 16th Annual Canadian Conference on International Health
25–28 October 2009: Ottawa, Canada

The theme of the conference this year is ‘Health equity: Our global responsibility’. The conference will examine inequities of health status, and the impact on the health of marginalised, vulnerable and indigenous populations of changing environments, whether these changes are due to climate, technology, the economy or threats to human security. Presentations exploring lessons learned and new ways of understanding health equity and social justice locally, nationally and globally are invited. Anticipated outcomes of the conference will be evidence of improvements in social determinants and their impacts on health and social outcomes, evidence of the impact of environmental technological and economic change on health equity, and consideration of the need for a paradigm shift in intersectoral policy and practice, locally, nationally and internationally.

Eighth International Conference on Urban Health (2009 ICUH)
19–23 October 2009: Nairobi, Kenya

The 8th International Conference on Urban Health is being organised by the International Society for Urban Health (ISUH) in partnership with the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) and the Government of the Republic of Kenya. This will be the first time the Conference is held in Africa, and not North America or Europe! The annual ICUH meetings provide an international forum for knowledge exchange among urban health stakeholders. They address issues pertaining to urban health, with an emphasis on interventions that help to alleviate barriers to urban health care and to promote strategies and policies that enhance the health of urban populations. The ultimate goal of the ICUH is to mobilise and energise like-minded professionals addressing the effects of urbanisation and urban environments on the health of urban populations.

Invitation to Ivan Toms Annual Memorial Lecture
Faculty of Health Sciences, UCT Medical School

The Ivan Toms Memorial Lecture will coincide with the week of Human Rights Day and thus call to attention Ivan's commitment to justice and humanity. Ivan was an exceptional South African and a true champion of primary health care and the right to health. From his role as a doctor in the SACLA clinic in Crossroads, through his management roles in the National Progressive Primary Health Care Network and SHAWCO, to that of his most recent post as Director of Health Services in the City of Cape Town, Ivan campaigned for many things: one of which was to secure the effective delivery of accessible health services to all based on the principles of primary health care. The lecture will take place on Wednesday, 18 March 2009 at 18h00–20h00, at the New Learning Centre Auditorium, Faculty of Health Sciences, UCT Medical School, Anzio Rd, Observatory.

Leading Change: Building Healthier Nations
International Council of Nurses 24th quadrennial congress, 27 June–4 July 2009 Durban, South Africa

The ICN 24th Quadrennial Congress, its first in Africa, will showcase the key role nursing plays in leading the way to healthier nations. The Congress will permit access to and dissemination of nursing knowledge and leadership across specialities, cultures and countries. The three ICN pillars - Professional Practice, Regulation and Socio-economic Welfare - will frame the Congress sessions and programmes. To share your ideas and expertise you are invited to submit an abstract for a concurrent session, a symposium or a poster. The submission guidelines and abstract form will be available on the Congress website as of Monday, 17 March 2008.

Sixth Annual Scientific Conference of Tropical Institute of Community Health and Development (TICH): Revitalisation of primary health care towards Millenium Development Goals
29 April–2 May 2009: Kisumu, Kenya

All interested parties are invited to the 6th Annual Scientific Conference of TICH. The Conference theme is ‘Revitalisation of primary health care towards Millenium Development Goals’. The sub-themes are: ‘Community strategy: Enhancing stewardship in health systems strengthening’; ‘Health systems financing: Reducing out of pocket expenditure in health’; and ‘Human resource for health: The role of community health workers in improving health outcomes’. This conference will differ from the conventional paradigm of conferencing by: creating multi-voice sessions in order to capture experiences from different communities such as marginalised groups; addressing deficiencies in research to policy; and focusing on the quest for practical, proven and effective solutions.

Call for abstracts: International Society for Equity in Health (ISEqH) Fifth International Conference: Social and Societal Influences on Equity in Health
Deadline for submission: 28 February 2009

The 5th International Conference of the International Society for Equity in Health will be hosted by the Greek School of Public Health in Crete. The meeting will bring together, researchers, policy-makers, practitioners and others concerned with equity in health to develop and international health agenda for governments, universities and organisations all over the world. The Conference will explore the theme ‘Social and Societal Influences on Equity in Health’ through a varied program of plenary sessions, forums, poster sessions and scientific sessions. You are invited to participate in the advancement of knowledge, exchange of experiences and promotion of equity in health.

Call for contributions: Forum 2009: Innovating for the health of all
Havana, Cuba, 16-20 November 2009

The Global Forum for Health Research invites all interested parties to contribute their ideas for presentations and also welcomes innovative ideas for discussion topics and for the format of sessions in Forum 2009 in three different categories. First, in ‘Innovative presentations and discussion topics, çontributors may be invited for oral or poster presentations or as a panellist in a discussion session. Second, in ‘Innovative approaches to sessions’, a diverse array of formats will be presented, including panel discussions, workshops and roundtables. These seek to engage the participants in constructive dialogue and debate to identify pathways to solutions for critical health problems. Third, in ‘Other innovative proposals’, proposals may include suggestions for executive meetings, prizes, declarations, action plans, networking events, launches of books and of innovative initiatives and partnerships, among others.

Call for contributions: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics
Topic: Feminist disability studies and/or feminist bioethics

The guest editor seeks contributions to the issue on any topic related to feminist disability studies and bioethics, including (but not limited to):critiques of bioethics by feminist disability theorists from within feminist bioethics, the relevance of feminist disability studies in developing countries, what’s still missing from feminist arguments in the debates about stem cell research and other forms of biotechnology, the importance of perspectives of disabled embodiment in feminist bioethics, how the critiques of bioethics advanced in disability studies are gendered and the integration of political analyses of disability into feminist bioethics. All submissions should be prepared in accordance with the journal’s style guidelines which are posted on the IJFAB website. The deadline for submissions is 30 April 2009.

Expression of interest: Equal treatment editor and co-ordinator
Treatment Action Campaign: 2009

Equal Treatment, the magazine of the Treatment Action Campaign, is accepting CVs for the position of editor. It is used by communities throughout Southern Africa in treatment literacy and advocacy work. The key areas of responsibility include developing content for each issue of the magazine, liasing with partners to source and verify content, and aiding in the coordination of the magazine’s production. Successful candidates should have a keen interest in working in community-based settings on HIV & TB prevention and care. Excellent writing skills and experience in training and editing are a necessity. A good knowledge of HIV, TB and related health is also required. The candidate must have excellent computer and communication skills and be fluent in English. Interested candidates are asked to email their CVs and a letter of interest.

Global Health Research Initiative: New Research Grants Competition
Registration date: 13 March 2009

The Global Health Research Initiative (GHRI) is a partnership formed by five Canadian agencies - the Canadian Institutes of Health Research; the Canadian International Development Agency; Health Canada; the International Development Research Centre; and the Public Health Agency of Canada - to strengthen Canada’s role on the global health research scene. The research component of the 'African Health System Initiative' (AHSI-RES) is a five-year research programme (2008-2013) that forms one component of the African Health System Initiative (AHSI) supported by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). This call for proposals invites teams of researchers and decision-makers to submit research proposals focusing on human resources for health (HRH) and/or health information systems (HIS). Equity is a cross-cutting theme. Registration is due on 13 March 2009. Full application is due on 22 April 2009.
