Jobs and Announcements

Japanese Award for Most Innovative Development Project (MIDP)
Deadline: 24 August 2009

The Global Development Network (GDN) is now accepting submissions for the 2009 Annual Global Development Awards and Medals Competition for the Japanese Award for Most Innovative Development Project. A competitive grant programme administered by GDN, the competition provides an opportunity for organisations to expand their on-going field work in any development related project. Finalists are invited to attend the Annual Global Development Conference, held each year in a different country, to showcase their project proposals before an eminent jury for the final round. This year the Annual Conference will be held in Prague from January 16-18, 2010. The winning proposal will receive a cash award of US$30,000 and the runner-up organisation will receive US$5,000.

8th International Conference on Urban Health (ICUH)
18–23 October 2009: Nairobi, Kenya

The 2009 International Conference on Urban Health (ICUH) will bring together the leaders of urban health research, practice, side by side with community voices to frame these issues, provide clear insight, and offer direction and best practices toward healthy urbanisation. The Conference has three planned components. First, the Scientific Programme consists of eight broad tracks or themes in the field of health and urbanisation. Second, the Urban Health Champions Forum is intended for leaders of local and national governments and civil society and will review prevailing policies that affect investment in urban areas. Third, a Community Voices Forum will involve meetings in local informal settlements of Nairobi three weeks prior to the conference to obtain perspectives from the community on urban health.

Call for abstracts on health communication for a book chapter: 8th International Conference on Urban Health
Deadline: 1 July 2009

You are invited to submit abstracts of chapters for a book titled Strategic Health Communication in Urban Contexts, which will be featured as part of the 8th International Conference on Urban Health later this year. The forthcoming book is designed to address issues of urbanization, local, national, regional, and global health, and strategic uses of communication in local urban contexts. The focus is on the triangular interplay among the three components of health, behaviour and strategic communication in urban contexts. Contributions can be based on research, theory, practice or experience. Send a 500-word abstract by 1 July 2009. Notifications of acceptance will be announced on July 15. Complete chapters of about 5,000 words, excluding references and tables, will be expected no later than 1 October 2009.

Call for Expressions of Interest: Assessing efforts towards universal financial risk protection in low- and middle-income countries
Deadline for submission: June 30th, 2009

The Alliance HPSR and the Health Systems Financing Department (WHO) are launching a new programme of work that aims to explore and compare country-specific experiences in developing and implementing universal financial risk protection, with a focus on the factors that have helped or hindered the expansion of financial protection mechanisms. We are interested in learning both from positive and negative experiences. It is envisaged that the final product of this programme of country case-study work will be a book encompassing all of the case-studies, and highlighting cross-cutting policy lessons and issues that are applicable beyond the case-study countries. Research teams are encouraged to submit Expressions of Interest (EoI) by June 30th, 2009. These EoI will be technically reviewed. Research teams that submit the most promising EOI will be invited to a proposal development workshop, where applicants will work with technical advisers to develop proposals for 12 to 18 months of work. Researchers in low and middle income countries are eligible to apply to this call for proposals. See the website for more information

Call for papers on pricing, access to medicines and generic medicines
Final submission: 20 July 2009

Though studies related to pricing, access to medicines and generic medicines do appear in various journals, a special issue covering all these topics is much needed at this time and would be helpful to nurture pharmaceutical policy debate. Southern Medical Review, a journal with a development focus, is calling for contributions across the following areas: access to medicines and the role of different stakeholders, access to medicines models in the developed world and their relevance (if any) to developing countries, research papers and commentaries based on WHO/HAI medicine pricing surveys and Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and Access to Medicines, the promotion of generic drugs, the political economy of the pharmaceutical industry and access to medicines. For further information visit the website address.

Call for submissions: International Conference on Realising the Rights to Health and Development for All
Submissions due: 18 June 2009

This Conference, which will be held from 26–29 October 2009 in Hanoi, Vietnam, aims to further the understanding of the complex and powerful relationships between health, development and human rights and to propose practical ways that policies, strategies and research can optimally respond to these challenges. The themes of the Conference include: HIV/AIDS and other current and emerging public health threats; maternal and child health; climate change; and economic globalisation. The four-day International Conference will engage representatives of research institutes, universities, governmental and non-governmental organisations, as well as leading international and regional scholars, human rights practitioners, health professionals and members of civil society.

Forum on Private Sector Response for Reproductive Health and Family Planning
21–24 July 2009: Nairobi, Kenya

The East, Central and Southern African Health Community, in collaboration with USAID-EA, are organising a Forum on Private Sector Response for Reproductive Health and Family Planning to be held in Nairobi, Kenya, July 21–24 2009. The broad objective of the forum is to strengthen the contribution of the private sector in reproductive health and family planning services, education and research. More specifically, it aims to explore ways of increasing the private sector contribution to public health agenda for reproductive health and family planning, build consensus on mechanisms and areas of public subsidy to the private sector to enhance reproductive health and family planning service provision, identify and discuss how to manage policy, technical and regulatory constraints to involving private sector in health initiatives, and share best practices in private sector response to reproductive health and family planning issues.

IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention
19–22 July: Cape Town, South Africa

The world’s largest open scientific conference on HIV/AIDS is held every two years, and attracts about 5,000 delegates from all over the world. It is a unique opportunity for the world’s leading scientists, clinicians, public health experts and community leaders to examine the latest developments in HIV-related research, and to explore how scientific advances can – in very practical ways – inform the global response to HIV/AIDS.

Make change happen with a Sheila McKechnie International Young Campaigner Award
Deadline: 30 June, 2009

The International Young Campaigner Award recognises campaigners who are 24 or younger, who are based outside the UK, in many of the least developed countries of the global South. Eligible campaigners will be working to achieve social, economic or environmental justice in their home countries – and specifically on issues relevant to girls and young women. The young person who wins the award will benefit from mentoring, coaching and guidance from experienced campaigners to help them achieve results with their campaign. This award is sponsored by the Sheila McKechnie Foundation. It’s award is an opportunity for campaigners working outside the UK in some of the world's poorest countries, to become involved in the awards support programme. The successful applicant will be supported both in their home country and in the UK to help them make best use of the resources available to them, build their networks and alliances in the international community, and develop a successful strategy to achieve change.

People's Health Movement Secretariat moves to Cape Town, South Africa
People’s Health Movement: 23 May 2009

From 1 June 2009, the PHM Global Secretariat will be hosted by PHM-South Africa in Cape Town, South Africa. Ms Bridget Lloyd has been appointed Global Co-ordinator. For the last three years, from June 2006 to June 2009, PHM’s Global Secretariat has been based in Cairo at the Association of Health and Environment Development (AHED) and led by Dr Hani Serag with the support of the Global Secretariat Committee (Dr Jihad Marshal, Dr Alaa Shukrallah and Dr Ghassan Issa). Cape Town will be the fourth location of the PHM Global Secretariat. From January 2000 to December 2002, the Secretariat was hosted by Gonoshasthaya Kendra in Savar, Bangladesh and led by Dr Qasem Chowdhury) and then from January 2003 – May 2006 in Bangalore, India when it was hosted by the Community Health Cell and led by Dr Ravi Narayan.
