Jobs and Announcements

HIV Capacity Building Partners Summit
19 -21 March 2013: Johannesburg, South Africa

The Capacity Summit 2013 will bring together leading organisations, capacity building experts, policy-makers and the HIV-affected community to translate the emerging consensus on defining and developing capacity building interventions that are institutionalised, country-owned, evidence based and sustainable to attain the HIV and health targets towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The Capacity Summit 2013 is designed to contribute to the good practice within the HIV and health service delivery in the east and southern African region. The Summit’s objectives are: to catalyse and advance knowledge about how to make capacity building work for HIV response and achieve health targets at community, country and regional levels; to address skills and capacity gaps and overcome barriers that limit capacity building interventions to achieve results that are community driven; to promote and enhance collaboration in order to effectively translate and expand on the successes achieved so far in capacity building for HIV and better health services delivery; to influence leaders, including key policy makers and external funders, to increase their commitment to gender-sensitive, country-owned and evidence-based capacity building interventions, including targeted interventions for the most at-risk communities and individuals; and to promote accountability among all stakeholders engaged at various levels of capacity building.

Human resources for universal health coverage: a call for papers
Sheikh M, Boerma T, Cometto G and Duvivier R: Bulletin of the World Health Organisation 91(2): 84, February 2013

The Third Global Forum’s programme will position health workforce development as a critical requirement for effective universal health care (UHC) and will be designed around one overarching theme – “human resources for health: foundation for universal health coverage and the post- 2015 development agenda” – as well as five sub-themes and their corresponding tracks: (i) leadership, partnerships and accountability for health for human resources (HRH) development; (ii) impact-driven HRH investments towards UHC; (iii) a supportive HRH legal and regulatory landscape for UHC; (iv) empowerment of health workers by overcoming policy, social and cultural barriers; and (v) the harnessing of HRH innovation and research through new management models and technologies. To provide a solid evidence base and background to the Third Global Forum’s proceedings, the theme issue will feature commissioned as well as independently submitted articles that will set the scene for and generate innovative thinking on HRH for UHC. The World Health Organisation is looking for contributions on the Forum’s general theme, five sub-themes and tracks, especially those emphasising aspects of HRH directly related to achieving UHC. Submission of relevant country experiences is particularly encouraged. The deadline for submissions is 10 March 2013.

Sixth South African AIDS Conference
18-21 June 2013: Durban, South Africa

The Sixth South African AIDS Conference will be held in Durban from 18-21 June 2013. The conference theme is "Building on our successes: Integrating responses". As South Africa enters the fourth decade of HIV and AIDS, the conference aims to look back at lessons learnt and reflect, celebrate the gains made, and find ways to build on past successes by integrating HIV with other health responses. The conference will bring together various members of the HIV research community, including clinicians, academics, civil society and government.

TB Vaccines Third Global Forum
25-27 March 2013: Cape Town, South Africa

Third Global Forum on TB Vaccines will bring together researchers, policymakers, donors, civil society and other stakeholders interested in the development of new TB vaccines that will contribute to global efforts to eliminate TB. The main goals of the Forum are to: review progress in the field, with a particular focus on the key issues and challenges outlined in the Blueprint for TB Vaccine Development, and discuss strategies to continue to advance and sustain the field; share the latest data and findings on key issues in TB vaccine research; and promote partnerships and collaboration amongst multiple stakeholders across sectors to accelerate and streamline TB vaccine research.

Third Global Forum On Human Resources For Health
Recife, Brazil: 10–13 November 2013

The World Health Organisation’s Workforce Alliance convened the First and the Second Global Forums on Human Resources for Health, in 2008 in Uganda, and 2011 in Thailand respectively. The Global Forums brought together key experts, fellow champions as well as frontline health workers around the common goal of improving the human resources for health to achieve the health-related Millennium Development Goals. Both Forums concluded with the adoption from committed participants of ambitious agendas suitable to translate political will, leadership and partnership into sustainable and effective actions. The Third Global Forum will be held in Recife, Brazil, from 10–13 November 2013.

6th International ISEQH Conference: Making Policy a Health Equity Building Process
Cartagena de Indias, Colombia - September 26-28, 2011

The International Society for Equity in Health- ISEqH - will hold its 6th International Conference: Making Policy a Health Equity Building Process in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia - September 26-28, 2011. Equity is an important issue to champion for, however nobody disagrees with it because is too broad. The conferebce aims to provide more detail, to be more specific and, at the same time, offer a multi disciplinary look. The organisers call for submissions for organised sessions by March 4th and individual abstracts by April 15. All participants are invited to submit an abstract for symposia and/or oral and/or poster presentations to It is not necessary to be a member of the International Society for Equity in Health to submit an abstract.

Call for abstracts: First International HIV Social Science and Humanities Conference
Submission Date: 25 February 2011

The International Association of HIV Social Scientists is calling for abstracts for the First International HIV Social Science and Humanities Conference. Abstracts should cover any of the following themes: treatment as prevention, HIV and the body, social epidemiology and social networks, global politics, responsibility and risk governance, and new directions for HIV and AIDS treatment. The abstracts should be original contributions to any of the themes listed above and demonstrate the contribution of the social sciences or humanities to any aspect of the HIV epidemic. The conference welcomes papers, session proposals and events that are innovative in their delivery, organization, range of topics and type of public or audience. As well as traditional research papers, proposals are open for sessions and papers using ‘new media’ or other new forms of presentation.

Call for applicants: African Programme on Rethinking Development Economics
5-19 May 2011: Johannesburg, South Africa

The African Programme on Rethinking Development Economics (APORDE) is a high-level training programme in development economics that aims to build capacity in economics and economic policy-making. The course will run for two weeks and consist of lectures and seminars taught by leading international and African economists. This call is directed at African, Asian and Latin American economists, policy makers and civil society activists who, if selected, will be fully funded. Only 30 applicants will be selected.

Call for applicants: Developing country scholarships
Closing Date: 14 February 2011

The CUD (Cutting-edge International Trainings and Courses for Development) Scholarships Programme for the year 2011-2012 is available for applicants from developing countries. Courses include Masters in Public Health, Master in Development, Environment and Society, Master of Science and Supplementary Environmental Management in Developing Countries, Management Systems in Health Services, and Methodology in Support of Innovation in Family Planning. Some of these courses and trainings are in French and candidates should be familiar with the language before applying for them. Nevertheless, selected candidates also need to learn French while participating in the programme. Only candidates from specific countries may apply, including South Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Eligible candidates will be those holding a graduate degree comparable to a Belgian University graduate degree. After completion of the programme, selected candidates should return to their country and pursue work in the field in which they have undergone the course or training.

Call for papers: African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines
No closing date given

The African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines will publish a special issue in 2011 entitled ‘Reviews of Modern Tools in Traditional Medicines’. Experts may write on any of the following topics: specific case management studies in traditional medicines, traditional medical practice in different systems of traditional medicines, African, Chinese or Indian traditional medicines, complementary and alternative medicines, other systems of traditional medicines, evaluation of herbal products as potential medicines/drugs, clinical trials of herbal medicines, traditional medicines and HIV and AIDS, chemical profiling of herbal medicines, cultivation of medicinal plants, safety evaluation of herbal products/medicines, standardisation of herbal medicines, packaging of herbal products, economics of herbal medicines, and biotechnology and traditional medicines. Accepted papers after review will be published without the usual publication fees. Abstracts of accepted papers may also appear in French. Authors should please read the instructions for authors on the journal’s website in preparing their manuscripts. Papers should be uploaded online on the journal’s website or sent to the editor and marked ‘Paper for Special Issue’.
