Jobs and Announcements

Call of Expressions of Interest: Politics of Domestic Resource Mobilization for Social Development: Zimbabwe Case Study
Project from: 2011 to 2015

UNRISD invites expressions of interest from researchers for two further research papers for its ongoing project case study on Zimbabwe from researchers with extensive expertise on Zimbabwe, either on taxation or social policy. Two papers will be commissioned as a result of this call: The Political Economy of Taxation and Fiscal Governance in Zimbabwe and Social Policy and Social Spending in Zimbabwe.

Multinational Working Groups 2015 Competition
Deadline: February 28, 2015

The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) invites proposals from African and Diaspora researchers for its 2015 Multinational Working Groups Competition. The Council’s Multinational Working Groups Competition is for researchers to explore themes covering multiple countries. Researchers should apply as individuals with clearly-thought out projects. CODESRIA’s evaluators will identify the best applications and the Council will constitute groups of 12 to 15 researchers around dominant themes. Each group constituted will be led by a CODESRIA-appointed coordinator who will oversee group activities, follow up on progress by members, facilitate the exchange of ideas among group members and help ensure quality. The Multinational Working Groups Competition provides grants of USD 5000 to each researcher over a 15-month period to facilitate the completion of already-started work. Researchers are supposed to produce an article or book chapter at the end of the grant period.

National Research Forum: Evidence for advancing Universal Health Coverage in Zimbabwe
19th and 20th March 2015; MoHCC, NIHR, TARSC, Harare, Zimbabwe

The Ministry of Health and Child Care, the National Institute of Health Research and the Training and Research Support Centre in collaboration with the Technical Working Group on Universal Health Coverage and the ‘Rebuild programme’ is holding a one and a half day National Research Forum with the THEME “Evidence for advancing Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Zimbabwe” on 19th and 20th March 2015 in Harare. The forum aims to gather people from all constituencies and sectors doing research on any aspect of UHC in Zimbabwe, to present and share their research findings, discuss the policy implications and identify priorities for future work. Registration for the conference will open on 5th January 2015, and interested delegates are asked to email to their name, institution, address and whether they can meet the registration fee or whether they need sponsorship for it.

PhD position at the Centre for Development and Environment / University of Bern in the R4D project "Towards food sustainability: Reshaping the coexistence of different food systems in South America and Africa
Deadline 20 February 2015

This PhD is part of a project that addresses the sustainability of food systems in Kenya and Bolivia. It is focusing on the five basic aspects of food sustainability: Food security, the right to food, poverty and inequality, environmental integrity, and social-ecological resilience. The aim of the project is to analyse different food systems according to these aspects, develop an framework for assessing ‘food sustainability’ in concrete contexts, formulate policies and discuss them in local to global policy dialogues and workshops to communicate the results.

Call for papers European Conference on African Studies (ECAS) 2015: Living in State Housing: Expectations, contradictions and consequences – call for panel papers
Closing Date: 9 January 2015

State-supported low-cost housing is a significant tool and electoral strategy across African cities, which often draws on notions of urban formality, social decency, rights, material integrity, welfare, and citizenship to underpin its aims. This session examines he contradictions of
housing urban poor people in cities where affordable and well-located
space is highly restricted, where social inequalities and tensions are
rife, and where unemployment persists in shaping residents daily
lives. The panel hopes to attract papers from across the continent to
build understanding of the lived experiences of state-housing in an
effort to contribute to further scholarship in this relatively
neglected area. Delegates can submit paper titles and abstracts via the link on the website and will be notified by email of the acceptance or rejection of their proposal.

Emerging Powers in Africa Project call for grant proposals
Call closing December 2014 (negotiable)

Fahamu’s Emerging Powers Project is issuing a call for grant proposals to examine the political, economic, social and cultural impact of the emerging powers footprint in Africa. The grant is specifically related to empowering civil society actors in gaining the appropriate knowledge and developing the necessary tools to articulate an informed perspective on the emerging powers in Africa and the corresponding impact. In particular, attention should be given to the forthcoming China-Africa Forum (FOCAC), the India-Africa Forum Summit, and the South Korea-Africa development cooperation meeting that is going to take place in 2015, as well as the recent Africa-Turkey Summit that took place in November 2014. Applicants are encouraged to explore how these platforms inform Africa’s relationship with emerging actors; what impact have these engagements had on Africa’s relationship with these and other actors; and how African civil society actors should advance African voice. The grants are for 5000 Euro, with further details on the application procedure on the website.

Save the Children South Africa: Action/2015 Campaign Coalition Coordinator
Call for applicants closes January 10 2015

The action/2015 Campaign Coalition Coordinator will help drive the strategic direction and delivery of the South African action/2015 coalition. This is a high-level position which will play a key role in building a broad based national action/2015 coalition and in supporting the design and delivery of the coalition’s action/2015 campaign. This is a 3 month consultancy opportunity. Further information on the website.

Universal Health Coverage network to be launched in Africa on UHC Day
Africa Civil Society Network for Universal Health Coverage, Accra, December 2014

The African Platform for Universal Health Coverage (AP-UHC) will be launched with events in 9 African countries and online during the first Global Day for Universal Health Coverage (12th December 2014). The same date, two years ago, all countries unanimously supported a resolution at the United Nations General Assembly which encouraged member states to “plan or pursue the transition of their health systems towards Universal Health Coverage”. AP-UHC will contribute to civil society efforts for the implementation of Universal Health Coverage policies at national, and Africa level as the practical expression of the Right to Health in Africa. The network is a result of the global effort to improve and expand healthcare delivery to every locality where everybody receives the health services they need. The network will provide adequate support to national NGOs in their advocacy, using people-centred, right-based approach, to influence governments and policy makers at regional, national and community levels to implement Universal Health Coverage policies.

Call for Applications: Teen and Young Adult Reading Groups
Closing date: 12 December 2014

FunDza aims to get youth reading and writing for pleasure. The organisation creates, collects and shares stories that ignite the imagination of youth from under-resourced communities. FunDza is calling for applications from reading groups to apply to join its 'Popularising reading' programme. The programme is designed to support reading groups for teens and young adults, especially in South Africa. Small organisations and reading groups are also welcome to apply.

Call for conference session papers: Private sector and Universal Health Coverage: Examining evidence and de-constructing rhetoric
Closing date: 15th January 2015

The international Conference on Public Policy is being held 1st to 4th July 2015 in Milan Italy and will include a session on "Private sector and Universal Health Coverage: Examining evidence and de-constructing rhetoric". The conference aims to support exchanges between researchers on public policy from all over the world and registration opens 1st January 2015. The specific session aim seeks to discuss evidence on the scope and effectiveness of the commercial sector (and the paradigm of public private partnerships) in achieving Universal Health Coverage in low and middle income countries. The organisers invite abstracts for papers reporting findings of empirical research to critically examine role of private sector, scope of public-private interactions, and their implications for the UHC agenda. Abstracts should outline original research/ reviews and methodologies suitable for examining private sector engagement in health care systems. Commentaries/ Opinion pieces will NOT be accepted. Abstracts should include title, authors and affiliations (please * presenting author), abstract text (500 words); keywords (up to 5); a statement listing any research funders or other sources of financial support which have contributed to the work presented and declaration of potential conflict of interest. For further details please contact Oxfam UK.
