Jobs and Announcements

Journal of Health Diplomacy (call for papers on Africa, health and diplomacy
Call closes: 3 November 2014

The Journal of Health Diplomacy (JHD) is now receiving manuscripts for its third issue, titled: Africa, health and diplomacy. This issue is broadly concerned with the theory and practice of health diplomacy of African states, as a co-operation with the Regional Network for Equity in Health in East and Southern Africa (EQUINET). The issue will include invited and submitted manuscripts. To be considered for the latter, please submit your proposed manuscript to by 3 November 2014. Manuscripts submitted to JHD will undergo a peer-review process, with referees selected for their particular knowledge/experience on the topic of the manuscript. In light of this, we ask authors to ensure that their identity is not revealed directly or indirectly on any page. Manuscripts that are being considered for publication elsewhere, or that have been previously published must not be submitted to the journal. A complete set of author guidelines is available on the journal website. JHD welcomes contributions from all academic disciplines, including international relations, political science, anthropology, sociology, history and geography. We are also interested in interdisciplinary perspectives that cross the boundaries between different theoretical fields and represent novel understandings of health diplomacy.

Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research
Cape Town International Convention Centre, South Africa, 30 September to 3 October 2014

The Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research which will be held in Cape Town, South Africa, from 30 September to 3 October 2014 with pre-Symposium satellite sessions on 29 and 30 September. The theme of the symposium is the science and practice of people-centred health systems, chosen to enable participants to address current and critical concerns of relevance across countries in all parts of the world. Researchers, policy-makers, funders, implementers and other stakeholders, from all regions and all socio-economic levels, will work together on the challenge of how to make health systems more responsive to the needs of individuals, families and communities. Participation is encouraged from experts and newcomers to the broad field of health systems research.

10th Public Health Association of South Africa,
Protea Ranch Resort, Polokwane, South Africa, 3-6 September 2014

The 10th anniversary of the Public Health Association of South Africa (PHASA) conference will be celebrated with the hosting of the conference in Polokwane (Limpopo) from 3 to 6 September 2014. The workshops will take place on the 3rd, the actual conference on the 4th and 5th, and the student symposium on the 6th of September. The theme for the 2014 conference is ‘Dignity, rights and quality: towards a health care revolution’. An invitation is extended to all our members, stake holders, policy makers, public health academics and students, health professionals, health service managers and individuals from non-governmental and community-based health organisations.

Call for proposals: The role of non-state providers in strengthening health systems towards Universal Health Coverage
Call Closes August 5 2014

The Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research in collaboration with the WHO Department of Service Delivery and Safety, Canada’s International Development Research Centre and the Rockefeller Foundation, is launching a new research program focused on the role of non-state providers in strengthening health systems towards the achievement of Universal Health Coverage. Research funded under this call must contribute to answering the research question: What are the factors that have enabled or hindered interventions by governments to engage non-state providers in strengthening health systems towards the achievement of Universal Health Coverage and what are the reasons for it? Between 8-12 proposals will be awarded amounts of up to US$ 120,000 depending on the context in which the study is taking place. The Principal Investigator must be a researcher in an institution based in a low or middle income country. further detail and application procedures can be found on the website for the call.

Pre-GSHSR meeting organised by the Emerging Voices for Global Health 2014: Cape Town, September 29, 2014
University of the Western Cape , Call closes 15 September 2014

This Pre-conference is organised by the Emerging Voices for Global Health 2014. The programme showcases oral and poster presentations from 'Emerging Voices' (EV) who are young promising researchers from across the globe.
The EV's aim to bring a fresh perspective on People-Centred Health Systems and other Health Systems Research themes at the Pre-conference.

Call for papers on participatory visual methodologies
Deadline For Manuscript Submission: 15 October 2015

Global Public Health invites the submission of full-length articles for a special journal issue on the theme Participatory Visual Methodologies and Global Public Health, co-edited by Claudia Mitchell and Marni Sommer, Send note of intention to submit & working title to

Call for Papers: The Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, Special Issue: Health and Disability
Deadline for submissions: November 30, 2014

The Journal of Human Development and Capabilities (JHDC) is pleased to announce a call for papers for a special issue on Health and Disability. This call for papers aims to advance the state of knowledge and expertise regarding health, disability and human development, as well as the linkages among them and a range of policies, institutions, and social structures that influence such links and their dynamics. Submissions related to this topic are welcome. In particular, though not exclusively, we welcome submissions in the following themes: i) Social justice and resource allocation; ii) Health system financing and access; iii) Public health and health policy; iv) Disability, poverty and human development; v) Social determinants of health and disability; vi) Disability definition and measurement; vii) HIV/AIDS and antiretroviral therapies; viii) Health care services and provision, and; ix) Maternal, child and reproductive health. Full papers in English, in .doc or .docx formats should be submitted by November 30th, 2014. Strict compliance with this deadline is required. Papers submitted will be evaluated through a standard peer review process. Authors of the selected papers will be notified by e-mail. Submission of a paper implies that the author has the intention of publishing the paper in the JHDC, and it is not currently under evaluation at another journal.

FCGH platform statement now open for endorsements
Joint Action and Learning Initiative on National and Global Responsibilities for Health

In the next step towards a Framework Convention on Global Health (FCGH), the proposed global health treaty grounded in the right to health and aimed at health equity, the proposers seek to secure a place in the UN Sustainable Development Goals resolution in 2015 for the FCGH, in particular, calling for the launch of a UN/WHO process towards the treaty. Towards this goal and beyond, the FCGH platform statement is now open for endorsements. All are welcome to endorse, and endorsements is encouraged on behalf of organizations where that is possible. The statement provides key principles and core content of the FCGH, as well as explanations of the need for the treaty. The FCGH platform statement and information on endorsement is found at the website shown, together with other briefing materials.

14th CODESRIA General Assembly: Creating African Futures in an Era of Global Transformations: Challenges and Prospects
Dakar, Senegal, 15-19 December 2014

The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa will hold its 14th General Assembly from 15th to 19th December 2014 in Dakar, Senegal under the theme ‘Creating African Futures in an Era of Global Transformations: Challenges and Prospects.’ CODESRIA’s general assemblies are the largest gatherings of African social scientists. This one will be no exception, with intellectuals from all social science disciplines, the humanities and law, gathering to explore and propose ideas that can lead to a continent that is more peaceful, democratic, prosperous and inclusive in the context of on-going global transformations, The celebration of fifty years of independence a few years ago was taken in many countries as an opportunity to re-examine the dreams of independence against the hard realities of life in Africa today. The number of Africans who live amidst violence (physical, structural and symbolic) and poverty is huge. Twenty years after the Rwandan genocide and the end of apartheid, the question of how to reverse the trends that, if unchecked, may lead to the further devaluation of life and greater threats to human freedom, dignity, and well-being on the continent must be posed. Given this, there is a critical need to reinvent a future for ourselves and re-define the social, cultural, moral, ethical and institutional foundations of citizenship and belonging at the local, national and continental levels, in a free, united, democratic and prosperous Africa that is at peace with itself and with the world.

Africa speaks: Request for a video clip
Final call: closing date 30 June 2014

The Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR) is to be held from 30 September – 3 October 2014 in Cape Town, South Africa ( This is the first time this Symposium has been held in Africa. The theme of the 2014 symposium is: the science and practice of people–centred health systems. The involvement of people both in their own health decisions and in those concerning the development of a health system is a vital platform for effective service delivery and for ensuring the health system offers wider value in society.
The opening plenary (on 30th September 2014) will have a specific African focus – and its theme is governance and health in Africa. As part of this opening ceremony the organisers would like to feature different voices from the African continent and provide African stakeholders with an opportunity to share their perspective on the theme of the symposium. They would like you to identify a stakeholder whose voice you feel would be important to feature in the opening plenary and to record a short interview with them. It could be someone you work closely with – such as a health worker, a researcher, a community member or a client or user of the health service. Someone that you feel represents a critical constituency from the African continent. Depending on the volume and quality of material received we will seek to project the clips at other moments during the conference, and also post them on the conference website.

Further details: /newsletter/id/39013
