Jobs and Announcements

Dakar Financing Summit for Africa’s Infrastructure Development
NEPAD Agency and African Union Commission: 13-14 December 2013, Dakar Senegal

On 13 and 14 December 2013, the Government of Senegal will host the “Dakar Financing Summit” on Africa’s infrastructure. African Heads of State and Government, influential business leaders and financiers will meet to provide concrete outcomes to accelerate financial investments for priority regional infrastructure projects on the continent. The Summit is a rallying call for the public and private sectors to partner towards infrastructure development in Africa. The Dakar Financing Summit is organized by the NEPAD Agency and African Union Commission, in collaboration with the African Development Bank (ADB) and UNECA. To register go to the website given.

Delivering UHC: what role for the for-profit private sector? LSHTM, Oxfam, London, 4 April 2014
Call for papers: Call closes 13 December 2013

LSHTM and Oxfam are inviting proposals for conference papers on the role of the for-profit private sector in delivering Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in low and middle income countries. The conference will take place at the LSHTM in London, UK on 4 April 2014. The conference will bring together academics, policy makers and civil society to explore evidence on the role and contribution of the for-profit private sector in scaling up access to achieve UHC. The organisers are seeking papers that demonstrate promising and innovative examples of for-profit private sector health care delivery in low- and middle-income countries that have made a significant and positive contribution to closing the health care gap and advancing UHC. Papers exploring examples from high-income countries will also be considered. Papers can have a country or regional (e.g. Africa/ Asia/ Europe/ Caucasus/ Latin America) focus and should pay particular attention to how for-profit providers expand access to quality and effective services for under-served populations as well as the challenges they face in doing so. Papers will also be considered that explore the specific role of for-profit providers within country wide successful advances towards UHC. Abstracts should be submitted as email attachments to in English. All conference proceedings will be conducted in English.

Distance learning course on occupational safety and health, 9 February 2014 – 31 July 2014
Applications close: 20 January 2014

The International Training Centre of the International Labour
Organization (ILO) is offering a distance learning course on OSH delivered through an internet based platform. The proposed programme will incorporate the international ILO experience on OSH and the ITC-ILO’s international training experience applied to the methodology. This programme is addressed to participants of both developing and developed countries, who will thus have an opportunity to share their different experiences. People interested in participating should complete and submit the application form available on the website not later than 20 January 2014. Applications should be accompanied by a nomination letter from the sponsoring institution indicating how the participant will be financed.

Eliminating Women and Girls Sexual and Reproductive Health Vulnerabilities in Africa
February 3 – 7, 2014 | Yaoundé, Cameroon

The Sixth Africa Conference on Sexual Health and Rights will be held in Yaoundé, Cameroon from February 3 – 7, 2014, and hosted by the Women in Alternative Action (WAA), Cameroon. The theme of the conference is “Eliminating Women and Girls Sexual and Reproductive Health Vulnerabilities in Africa”. The conference is part of a long-term process of building and fostering regional dialogue on sexual health and rights that leads to concrete action that will enhance stakeholders’ ability to influence policy and programming in favour of a sexuality healthy continent including that of the African Union and its bodies.

ICASA Conference 2013
CTICC, Cape Town, South Africa 7-11 December 2013

The conference theme “Now More Than Ever: Targeting Zero” is derived from the UNAIDS’ vision of striving for “Zero new HIV infections. Zero discrimination. Zero AIDS-related deaths”, but it also highlights the need to “now more than ever” maintain the commitment to ensure access to treatment for everyone in Africa irrespective of their ability to pay for such treatment. The hosting of this Conference in South Africa is highly symbolic as it was in South Africa during the XIIIth International AIDS in 2000 that a turning point was reached in breaking the silence around AIDS in Africa, which resulted in an unprecedented commitment by donors, government and civil society to increase access to treatment in an attempt to turn the tide of this epidemic. The 17th ICASA is an opportunity to renew this global commitment by drawing the world’s attention to the fact that the legacy is now under threat as a result of the global economic downturn. This year’s ICASA is an opportunity for the international community, and all Africans, to join efforts in committing to achieving an AIDS-free Africa. Given the urgency of the issue we are anticipating 7 000 -10 000 of the world’s leading scientists,policy makers, activists, PLHIV, government leaders – as well as a number of heads of state and civil society representatives – will be joining the debate on how to achieve this vision.

Linkages across the continuum of HIV services for key populations affected by HIV
Call for applicants: Call closes 16 December 2013

USAID invites applications to carry out a five year, $72 million, global program to strengthen the capacity of governments and civil society in partner countries to implement high quality, sustainable, evidence-based and comprehensive HIV and AIDS prevention, care and treatment services with key populations at scale. Grant number SOL-OAA-14-000013

Masters in occupational safety and health (3rd edition), English; Distance + Turin, 8 September 2014 – 30 September 2015
Call for applicants: Closing date 31 May 2014

The University of Turin, Italy, in partnership with the International Training Centre (ITC) of the International Labour Organization (ILO), is offering a Master course in Occupational Safety and Health. This one-year programme, to be held in English, includes an Internet-based distance learning phase, a face-to-face residential period on the ITC/ILO's campus in Turin followed by another distance phase for the preparation of the dissertation. The proposed programme combines the advantages of the academic experience in OSH of Turin University with the ITC/ILO's international training experience. An international approach has been applied to the contents, the methodology development as well as to the composition of the training team. This programme involves participants from both developing and developed countries, who will thus have an opportunity to share their different experiences. Applicants to visit the website for information on applications. A number of partial fellowships are available only for participants from developing countries on a competitive basis.

Call for participation: PHM Health for All Campaign
Global Secretariat, People's Health Movement

The PHM Health for All (HFA) campaign is a platform for expressing solidarity, mutual learning and sharing experiences with struggles across the world. We are bringing together existing campaigns and new campaigns under the umbrella of Health for All. The PHM call for individuals and organisations to share what they are already engaged with and what local initiatives already exist that fit the Health for All Campaign and offer showcase your actions on the PHM website. Send your ideas, action, struggles, interests to

Georgetown University Law Center Global Health Law Scholars
O'Neill Institute Global Health Law, USA,

The Global Health Law Program offers up to five prestigious Global Health Law scholarships per academic year. Global Health Law Scholars, in addition to the title, will receive full or partial tuition awards. These awards may be sponsored by Georgetown Law and/or major outside organizations in law and health, and may be coupled with internship opportunities. Applicants will be selected by a committee on the basis of their (1) academic qualifications in the fields of law/ethics and public health, health policy, health economics, bioethics, or other relevant disciplines; (2) public or private sector work experience on global or domestic health law issues; and (3) demonstrated potential for excellence within the field of global health law. Students' financial needs may also be considered. For more information visit the website.

High level Symposium on Global Health diplomacy
12 November 2013 : Geneva

The 6th Annual High-level Symposium on Health Diplomacy, jointly organised by the Global Health Programme and the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences, will convene experts on the subject of "Health Diplomacy Meets Science Diplomacy" in order to discuss the dimensions of diplomacy for science, science in diplomacy, and science for diplomacy. The all-day event will be moderated by Professor Michel Kazatchkine, Senior Fellow at the GHP and UN Secretary-General Special Envoy on HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia and will feature keynote presentations from Dr. Vaughan C. Turekian, Editor-in-Chief of Science & Diplomacy and Sir George Alleyne, Director Emeritus, Pan American Health Organization. The event will also include panel discussions and presentations from high-level professionals, ambassadors, ministers, esteemed academics and representatives of international organisations. Registration (free) on the website.
