Jobs and Announcements

UNGASS media grants
The Panos Global AIDS Programme

The Panos Global AIDS Programme invites print journalists from Eastern Africa; Western Africa; the Caribbean; South Asia to participate in a small grants programme aimed at raising debate at country level on the progress made by their countries in the attainment of the goals of the Declaration of Commitment agreed upon during the United Nations General Assembly Special Sessions (UNGASS) on HIV/AIDS held in June 2001. Panos will be giving out UNGASS Monitoring grants to one journalist each from Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Botswana and South Africa. To apply, CVs and samples of related published work may be sent not later than 8 April 2006 to the relevant contact for that part of the world.

Call for Papers: Canadian Association of African Studies
Health, Poverty and Development with special thematic sessions on HIV/Aids sponsored by CCASLS

April 21-24, 2006
Marriott Chateau Champlain, Montreal, Quebec Canada
Papers are sought that reflect a wide range of approaches Africa's health issues,from historical to current perspectives, and from all related disciplines. Papers that do not conform to the Conference's overall theme will also be welcome; CAAS' mandate is to promote research and enquiry into all aspects of African studies. Please send all abstracts to CAAS , including those for the CCASLS workshop on HIV/Aids:Submission Deadline: March 15th, 2006. Please visit the CAAS website for all information and Submission forms.

Further details: /newsletter/id/31354
CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation: Project Co-ordinator
Civil Society Networks

CIVICUS is recruiting a Project Coordinator to initiate and coordinate CIVICUS’ involvement in various international networks. Besides managing the key activities of those networks, which are led by CIVICUS, the incumbent would also research potential further networking opportunities, monitor the development of civil society networks globally as well as design appropriate initiatives. The tasks involved under this job are managerial, conceptual as well as administrative.

Further details: /newsletter/id/31352
EcoHealth One Conference
Forging Collaboration Between Health and Ecology

The First Biennial Conference of the International EcoHealth Association:
October 7th-10th 2006 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Meeting Theme: Promoting Global Health - Sustaining Natural Resources
The EcoHealth ONE conference will represent a reformulation of the EcoHealth Network as the International Eco-Health Association.Abstracts to be submitted by April 15th 2006.

ISEqH Fourth International Conference
September 11 to September 13, 2006

The International Society for Equity in Health, ISEqH, welcomes those interested in promoting equity in health to share experience and expertise at its Fourth International Conference in Adelaide, Australia. The overarching theme for the ISEQH's Fourth International Conference, Creating Healthy Societies through Inclusion and Equity, reflects the central role of social, political, and economic determinants in creating health. We encourage you to submit your abstract for oral or poster presentation. This conference offers a unique opportunity for those with a common interest in equity and health. ISEqH is particularly keen to encourage researchers from the southern hemisphere to participate.

Natural Health Products in Clinical Practice
Scientific Research Symposium

May 24, 2006 -- Edmonton, Alberta
The Natural Health Product Research Society of Canada (NHPRS) is hosting a special research symposium on Natural Health Products in Clinical Practice. The NHPRS has invited the world’s leading experts to share their research results that cover the spectrum of healing modalities germane to clinical practice.

Newly formed Civil Society Coalition on HIV/AIDS UNGASS

Following the recent announcement about the newly formed Civil Society (which is the transformation of the UNGASS Civil Society Steering Committee), this announcement provides readers with more information about the work of the Coalition, about options for getting involved, and who to contact to do so.

Further details: /newsletter/id/31298
Pan African Health 2006 Congress explores accessing and managing funding for health care in Africa

Pan African Health 2006 (Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg, 29-31 August 2006) considers the theme ‘Accessing and managing funding for healthcare initiatives in Africa’. This will include sharing information and experiences, reinforcing existing relationships and staying abreast of developments in the healthcare and healthcare funding arenas. To exhibit, register as a conference delegate or to nominate an African initiative for the Healthcare Award for Excellence and Innovation please contact Jenny Wong on: Tel: + 27 11 465 8871.

PHASA: Third Public Health Conference
Call for abstracts and notice of conference : Preconference workshop 15 May 2006

The Public Health Association of Southern Africa (PHASA) announced its Third Public Health Conference to be held in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 15-17 May 2006. This conference brings together professionals working in all disciplines of public health to share research findings pertinent to population health in the Southern African Region. This year's core theme is: "Making health systems work."

Scholarship Programmes for the International AIDS Conference in Toronto, August 2006

International AIDS Conferences bring together 20,000 people from around the world to create important capacity-building opportunities for researchers and communities. This event showcases local lessons and achievements from around the world and provides the opportunity for dialogue and partnership building between science and the global community of persons living with HIV/AIDS.
The Canadian Scholarship Programme aims to support Canadian residents who would not otherwise be able to attend the Conference. The International Scholarship Programme is open to international residents including Canadians working abroad. The CIHR Institute of Infection and Immunity (CIHR-III), through the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada, intends to support Canadian researchers and trainees through these scholarship programs that have a conference abstract accepted.
