Jobs and Announcements

Research fellows
The Institute of Development Studies

IDS is one of the world's leading organisations for research, teaching and communications on international development. The Institute works with a network of global partners to generate cutting edge knowledge as a basis for bringing alternative ideas and fresh solutions to the real world challenges of development policy and practice. Research at IDS is grouped around five key themes – governance, participation, competing in the global economy, governing science and technology, and managing risk and vulnerability. Much of the work at IDS is multidisciplinary in nature, and most is carried out in collaboration with partners from around the world. The research community at IDS consists of approximately 50 Fellows and 40 other researchers and academic support staff, and is enhanced by Visiting Fellows from many countries.

Further details: /newsletter/id/31169
The Global Forum for Health Research announces a call for abstracts of presentations for its 2006 annual meeting
Forum 10, Cairo, Egypt, from 29 October to 2 November 2006

The Global Forum for Health Research invites you to submit an abstract for Forum 10 in any area of health research relevant to promoting health, combating diseases and improving global health in general and the health of poor and marginalized populations in particular. Papers addressing these areas from a national, sub-national or regional perspective are particularly invited. The Global Forum welcomes submissions from all parts of the world and encourages participation from lower income countries.

Training Workshop on Participatory methods for research and training for a people centred health system
Call for Participants

This call invites applicants to participate and share experiences in a Workshop on Participatory Methods for for research and training for a people centred health system being held in Bagamoyo, Tanzania, March 1-4, 2006. TARSC and IHRDC under the EQUINET umbrella and with support from CHESSORE have developed a toolkit of materials on participatory reflection and action (PRA) methods for research and training for a people centred health system. The materials provide information on areas for strengthening community voice and roles in health systems and introduce and provide examples of participatory approaches for training and research that supports this. The toolkit provides practical examples that can be used in field work, but also builds broader understanding of the elements of participatory methodologies for health. It aims to support work at national, district and local level with health systems and communities in health, with a major focus on the interactions at primary health care level.

Further details: /newsletter/id/31197
Call for Letters of Intent - New Initiative

The Global Health Research Initiative (GHRI), a partnership among the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Health Canada (HC) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), invites letters of intent from teams composed of Canadian and low and middle-income country (LMIC) researchers and research users (e.g. policy makers, practitioners, civil society organizations and community members), interested in developing innovative multi-year programs that combine applied research, knowledge translation and capacity building to solve pressing health problems in LMICs.

Further details: /newsletter/id/31149
Call for Papers: Knowledge Management for Development Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1

The Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev) community of practice ( publishes a peer-reviewed, open access e-journal in the field of knowledge sharing for development, the 'Knowledge Management for Development Journal' (KM4D Journal) at The first issue of the second volume (2006) will deal with 'Effective knowledge sharing for development in Africa.' Guest editors comprise Dina El Halaby, Reine Djuidje Kouam, Kingo Mchombu and Alice Mungwa, working with Chief Editor, Julie Ferguson.

Further details: /newsletter/id/31147
Health, Human Rights and Health Professionals

"We would like to invite you to participate at the e-conference to be hosted by the Quality Network for Rational Drug Management, or QU4RAD Network, at on 28 October to 5 November 2005. Entitled “Health, Human Rights and Health Professionals -What is the role of health professionals in promoting the peoples’ rights to adequate, affordable and effective treatment of illnesses?"."

Mobilising Civil Society around an Alternative World Health Report
Global Health Watch Update

Plans for the Global Health Watch 2007-2008 (GHW2) are underway which include a move of the secretariat to the Global Equity Gauge Alliance (GEGA) office at the Health Systems Trust in South Africa in October. The secretariat will be led by Antionette Ntuli and Bridget Lloyd of GEGA with the support of David Sanders from the University of the Western Cape. Thanks to Medact for hosting the GHW1 secretariat for the last two years. The GHW2 will be coordinated by a coalition of GEGA, Medact and the People's Health Movement (PHM) together with a new partner - the Health Research and Consultancy Centre (CEAS) based in Quito, Ecuador.

Further details: /newsletter/id/31139
Action: Case Studies - Using the Law to Implement the Right to Health
Deadline: October 15, 2005

The Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA) is pleased to invite colleagues to submit relevant case studies from different countries and regions in Africa that document attempts to use the law to push states to implement policies relating to the provision of HIV/AIDS and health-related services. While HIV/AIDS is the focus of the project, case studies documenting attempts (successful or otherwise) in addressing other public health challenges are welcomed.

Further details: /newsletter/id/31090
Call for proposals: R & D: HIV/AIDS, Malaria and TB

The European Commission now calls for proposals for clinical research projects to address the three diseases - HIV/AIDS, Malaria and TB. Their focus is on developing new effective interventions against three diseases from early discovery through pre-clinical testing and up to early human trials.

Further details: /newsletter/id/31095
Network Creates Opportunities for Knowledge Exchange in the Area of TB and Poverty

In 2004 the STOP-TB Partnership invited proposals to host the Secretariat for the Network for Action in TB and Poverty. The Malawi National TB Programme, in partnership with the REACH Trust won this proposal.

The purpose of the Secretariat for the Network for Action on TB and Poverty is to support best practice in DOTS and TB control programmes. This initiative supports the overall goal of promoting access to DOTS and TB control programmes for poor and vulnerable populations. In its first year, the secretariat is engaging key stakeholders to promote action on TB and poverty in the WHO AFRO region. Coinciding with this active engagement, the global network will be promoted through the creation of a website, quarterly electronic newsletters, and through Working Groups of the STOP-TB Partnership and the annual conference on TB and Poverty.

The Network hopes to encourage discussion on best practice and be a conduit between policy makers and on-the ground workers with respect to TB and poverty. Anyone wishing to be a part of the network, or if you know of an individual or organization that would benefit from being a part of the network, please sign up on the Network website or email
