Useful Resources

Arguing for Universal Health Coverage
World Health Organisation: 2013

WHO has released a handbook ‘Arguing for UHC', made to support CSOs' advocacy work on health financing for universal health coverage. WHO is happy to share with you the handbook ‘Arguing for UHC', made to support CSOs' advocacy work on health financing for universal health coverage. 'Arguing for Universal Health Coverage' includes basic principles on health financing, country examples and evidence-based arguments to support Civil Society Organizations advocating for health funding policies that promote equity, efficiency and effectiveness, and ensure that the rights of the most vulnerable are not forgotten.
includes basic principles on health financing, country examples and evidence-based arguments to support Civil Society Organizations advocating for health funding policies that promote equity, efficiency and effectiveness, and ensure that the rights of the most vulnerable are not forgotten.

FHS Webinar Social Media for Research and Research Uptake
Future Health Systems: November 2013

This internal webinar co-hosted by IDS and FHS as part of the FHS webinar series looks at a number of social media tools to support both research and research uptake.

New IRIN film: The Zebu and the Zama
IRIN: April 2014

In the Zones Rouges of southern Madagascar, economic opportunities are scarce, as is any presence of the state: the police are particularly absent from most villages. But there are lots of zebu - the country’s distinctive breed of humpbacked cattle. Millions of them. Each worth several hundred US dollars. This walking wealth makes for easy prey for rustlers known as dahalo, who rob and kill with virtual impunity. With no one to turn to for protection, civilians are forming their own vigilante units, called zama. Armed only with crude weapons and denied training or support from the government, they are no match for the dahalo, but this does little to dent their zeal. IRIN’s latest film, The Zebu and the Zama - Bounty and Bloodshed in Southern Madagascar, explores a vicious cycle of violence in which the dahalo murder those who get in the way and the zama mete out deadly “justice” on those they suspect of banditry.

"If you could do one thing..." Nine local actions to reduce health inequalities
British Academy of Science, UK January 2014

The report seeks to help local policymakers improve the health of their communities by presenting evidence from the social sciences that can help reduce inequalities in health. Each of the authors has written an article, drawing on the evidence base for their particular area of expertise, identifying one policy intervention that they think local authorities could introduce to improve the health of the local population and reduce health inequalities.

Still Standing and War on Women
IRIN: March 2014

IRIN, the UN's service for humanitarian news and analysis, has produced two powerful new films dealing with sexual violence. "Still Standing" is the story of a young rape survivor in Kenya, Ziborah Iala, and her seemingly endless quest for justice and healing. "War on Women" addresses "sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), with gripping testimonies from both survivors and perpetrators and insight from analysts and civil society activists. Impunity helps drive the horrific levels of sexual violence in DRC: it is more than a "weapon of war", and is not confined to the battlefield."

African Oral History Archive
Ichikowitz Family Foundation, March 2014

The African Oral History Archive (AOHA) charts Africa’s history, heritage and collective memory as a multi-media content to preserve African heritage. AOHA is a non-profit initiative dedicated to African story-telling, to the safeguarding of the continent’s heritage for future generations. Over 130 interviews have been recorded, including former heads of state and government, foreign ministers and other key figures who have spoken freely of the decisions they were called upon to make, the criteria by which their decisions were taken, and their personal fears and hopes for the liberation of South(ern) Africa. AOHA promotes public access to these multi-media resources as entry points for young and old to understand Africa’s past. AOHA adopts no single point of view but, rather, provides the raw material for open, pluralistic storytelling.

Construct Africa
Uncube, Uncube Magazine (17):2013

This special issue of Uncube magazine explores the changing trends in the built environment on the African continent. The issue presents case studies at various scales, from the construction of a sustainable orphanage in Guabuliga, Ghana to the results of a course in supporting residents of a suburb in Johannesburg to be experts of their own living situations.

Santé universelle : couverture privée ou soins publics ?
Municipal Services project and People's Health Movement: January 2014

Video in French: L'agenda politique entourant la 'couverture sanitaire universelle' ouvre la voie à la privatisation des systèmes de santé publics dans le Sud global. En Inde, cette approche basée sur l'assurance privée a négligé les priorités de santé publique et affaibli les soins de première ligne. Cette vidéo d'animation encourage les gens du monde entier à se mobiliser pour défendre les alternatives publiques pour réaliser la santé pour tous. Produit par: Municipal Services Project (MSP) et People's Health Movement (PHM).

Vision, Values, and Voice: A Communications Toolkit
The Opportunity Agenda: December 2013

‘Helvetika Bold’ a social justice superhero, takes you through a toolkit that offers social justice advocates tips and ideas to "unleash their communications superpowers", including guidance on forming a communications strategy, framing and messaging, and media outreach. In addition to big-picture thinking about communication strategies, readers will also find examples of a range of tactics, as well as concrete messaging guidance in the form of detachable "Opportunity Flashcards", the first set of an ongoing series of cards that provide what are intended to be short and easy-to-find advice and sample language on a range of social justice issues. "You can download and print each of these flashcards and use them the next time you have a media interview, need to write an opinion piece, or just need some ideas as you think through your messaging strategy." Each card provides a link to more in-depth information on the toolkit website.

Animation of the The Hungry Season
Leonie Joubert, with University of Cape Town and Embassy of Finland: November 2013

In a book 'The Hungry Season: Feeding Southern Africa’s Cities' Leonie Joubert. tells the story of food security, or its lack, through the voices of people. Through the lives of eight people in eight southern African places she looks at the complexity of food security in urban areas. Joubert shows that food has been a major driver of our technological development over the past 12 000 years. Food availability has allowed our cities to grow big, and ironically, has produced a lack of food security for many living in those cities. This is an animation of The Hungry Season, and tackles the question – why, when southern Africa produces enough calories and nutrients to feed the region, are so many people living with hunger or the fear of hunger? It is a journey through eight people’s lives in eight different regions.
