Human Resources

Lessons for innovative health management in the public sector, 2011
Doherty J and Gilson L: Oliver Tambo Fellowship Programme, 2011

In June 2010 a conference entitled ‘Innovative Health Management in the Public Sector’ was held in Cape Town under the banner of the Oliver Tambo Fellowship Programme at the University of Cape Town. Participants offered a number of key messages for policy makers. 1. Prioritise leadership and management development as a key element of health systems strengthening, providing strong political support yet avoiding political interference. 2. Develop a recruitment strategy that appoints appropriately skilled and committed managers to appropriate positions. 3. Recognise that improving physical infrastructure and the quality of services is essential to successful retention. 4. Build and affirm managers’ good values while challenging those who exhibit inappropriate values. 5. Prioritise leadership and management training across the Department of Health and at all levels by developing mentoring mechanisms. 6. Remove unnecessary bureaucratic obstacles that impede dynamic health systems management, decentralise authority for decision-making and reduce management fragmentation to create an enabling environment for managers. 6. Adopt a systemic approach to health systems transformation that includes experimenting with new management practices, creating the space for managers to act proactively rather than simply reacting to daily crises. 7. Explore team work and the creative use of information in developing interventions and assessing progress in an iterative cycle of change. 8. Strengthen the accountability of managers within a supportive environment that allows some mistakes to be made as part of the process of innovation. 9. Develop a strategy and mechanisms for managers around the country to share best practices and experience on an ongoing basis. 10. Create a platform for managers to express their views to senior provincial and national policy-makers. 11. Recognise, value and celebrate the achievements of managers.

Open Access Africa 2011: Access to health research for Africa’s health workers
Nduba J: African Medical and Research Foundation, 25 October 2011

This presentation was delivered at BioMed’s Open Access Conference, held from 24-26 October 2011, in Kumasi, Ghana. It documents work by the African Medical And Research Foundation (AMREF), an international African non-governmental organisation (NGO) that focuses on community health development, with programme offices in seven African countries and direct reach through training, partnerships and consultancy in 33 other African countries. With major information challenges facing African health workers and systems, the use of emerging information and innovations have a huge role to play in improving health and health systems in Africa, the presenter argues, but he warns that tools alone cannot do it – the content needs to be developed and made available. Therefore, publishing and making information available to Africa’s health workers and practitioners is an urgent issue for the improvement of health services delivery in Africa. AMREF focuses on three broad health system approaches: capacity building for community and health systems including development and support to community health workers; improving health information; and human resources for health, particularly regarding the issues of health worker numbers and skills, training approaches including task shifting, and deployment and retention. Challenges in accessing research were identified as: low investment in research within the continent; lack of infrastructure for accessing research online in appropriate platforms to share research; and the prohibitive cost of accessing research (in print or online).

Tanzanian lessons in using non-physician clinicians to scale up comprehensive emergency obstetric care in remote and rural areas
Nyamtema AS, Pemba SK, Mbaruku G, Rutasha FD and Roosmalen JV: Human Resources for Health 9(28), 9 November 2011

To address the shortage of healthcare workers providing comprehensive emergency obstetrical care (CEmOC) in Tanzania, an intensive three-month course was developed to train non-physician clinicians for remote health centres. Competency-based curricula for assistant medical officers' (AMOs) training in CEmOC, and for nurses, midwives and clinical officers in anaesthesia and operation theatre etiquette were developed and implemented in Ifakara. A total of 43 care providers from 12 health centres located in 11 rural districts in Tanzania and two from Somalia were trained from June 2009 to April 2010. Of these 14 were AMOs trained in CEmOC and 31 nurse-midwives and clinical officers trained in anaesthesia. The first eight months after introduction of CEmOC services in three health centres resulted in 179 caesarean sections, an increase of institutional deliveries by up to 300%, decreased fresh stillbirth rate and reduced obstetric referrals. There were two maternal deaths, both arriving in a moribund condition. The authors conclude that the training was a success and their model can be used for further training.

Building partnerships towards strengthening Makerere University College of Health Sciences: A stakeholder and sustainability analysis
Okui O, Ayebare E, Chalo RN, Pariyo GW, Groves S and Peters DH: BMC International Health and Human Rights 11(Suppl 1):S14, 9 March 2011

A stakeholder and sustainability analysis of 25 key informant interviews was conducted among past, current and potential stakeholders of Makerere University College of Health Sciences (MakCHS) to obtain their perspectives and contributions to sustainability of the College in its role to improve health outcomes. Results showed that the College has multiple internal and external stakeholders. Stakeholders from Uganda wanted the College to use its enormous academic capacity to fulfil its vision, take initiative, and be innovative in conducting more research and training relevant to the country’s health needs. External stakeholders felt that MakCHS was insufficiently marketing itself and not directly engaging the private sector or Parliament. Stakeholders also indicated MakCHS could better embrace information technology in research, learning and training, and many also wanted MakCHS to start leadership and management training programmes in health systems. This study points towards the need for MakCHS and other African public universities to build a broad network of partnerships to strengthen their operations, relevance and sustainability.

Ghana human resources for health country profile
Ministry of Health: 2011

According to this profile document, health services and functions in Ghana have been decentralised and budget management centres have been created to improve both access to health services and community involvement in planning and delivery of services. There are about 52,258 individuals currently formally working in the health sector in Ghana. The Ministry of Health employs 42,299 staff, which represents about 81.5% of the total health sector workforce. In addition, about 21,791 people countrywide are registered as engaged in traditional medicine, while 367 people are registered as traditional birth attendants. Current human resources policies and plans emphasise the training of more middle-level cadres, which are cheaper to train and maintain. Distribution of health workers is skewed in favour of the more affluent regions, most of which are in the southern half of the country. Highly skilled professionals are concentrated in Greater Accra region, as well as in Korle Bu and Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospitals. Although training of health professionals has been a shared responsibility between the Ministries of Health and Education, there has not been clearly defined roles and collaboration. There is no comprehensive training policy to clarify roles and address issues.

South Africa: Human Resources for Health Strategy for the Health Sector: 2012/13-2016/17
Department of Health: October 2011

In South Africa’s new human resources for health strategy, eight thematic priorities have been identified to form the strategy’s framework: leadership, governance and accountability; health workforce information and health workforce planning; re-engineering of the workforce to meet service needs; scaling up and revitalising education, training and research; creating the infrastructure for workforce and service development in the form of academic health complexes and nursing colleges; strengthening and professionalising the management of human resources and prioritising health workforce needs; ensuring professional quality care through oversight, regulation and continuing professional development; and improving access to health professionals and health care in rural and remote areas. The strategy aims to ensure necessary and equitable staffing of the health system and to ensure a workforce fit for purpose to meet health needs by: developing health professionals and cadres to meet health and health care needs; ensuring the health workforce has an optimal working environment and rewarding careers; ensuring innovative and efficient recruitment and retention of the health workforce; enabling clinical research which enhances clinical and service development; and providing the organisation and infrastructure for health workforce development. The Strategy also contains forecasts on the numbers of health workers required to fill critical gaps in public health service delivery.

South African health minister promises more doctors and nurses
Child K: Mail and Guardian, 11 October 2011

South African health minister Aaron Motsoaledi has announced that R1.24-billion (US$ 155 million) will be spent to ‘revitalise nursing colleges’ and improve infrastructure to train more nurses, as part of the department's new human resource policy. For the current financial year, the department will spend US$27.5 million, and $64 million per year thereafter. A department spokesperson said nursing colleges standing empty would have to be fixed up so that they were fit for use. South African universities currently train 1200 doctors each year. Earlier this year Motsoaledi asked the deans of South Africa's medical schools to each train 40 more students per year. Wits University was the first to do so by taking in an extra 40 at the beginning of the year at the cost of R8-million. The Wits medical faculty dean said the country was short of every type of medical specialist and it would take a long time to fix because it took six to eight years to train specialists after they had qualified as doctors.

The impact on nurses and nurse managers of introducing PEPFAR clinical services in urban government clinics in Uganda
Nankumbi J, Groves S, Leontsini E, Kyegombe N, Coutinho A, Manabe Y: BMC International Health and Human Rights 11(Suppl 1):S8, 9 March 2011

In an effort to expand much-needed HIV services in the Ugandan capital of Kampala, the Infectious Disease Institute, an affiliate of Makerere University College of Health Science, has established a community-university partnership with the Ministry of Health to implement an innovative model to build capacity in HIV service delivery. In this paper, the authors evaluate the impact on the nurses from this programme to provide more health care in six nurse-managed Kampala City Council (KCC) Clinics. A mixed method approach was used. The descriptive study collected key informant interviews from the clinics’ six nurse managers, and administered a questionnaire to 20 staff nurses between September and December 2009. Results showed that introducing new HIV services into the KCC clinics was positive for the nurses. They identified the project as successful because of perceived improved work environment, increase in useful in-service training, new competence to manage patients and staff, improved physical infrastructure, provision of more direct patient care, motivation to improve the clinic because the project acted on their suggestions, and involvement in role expansion. All of these helped empower the nurses, improving quality of care and increasing job satisfaction.

Human Resources for Health South Africa 2030: draft HR Strategy for the Health Sector
Department of Health: August 2011

This Draft Human Resources for Health (HRH) Strategy for South Africa was developed through reviewing policy and research reports and consolidating them in consultation with key informants. It addresses a range of issues affecting HRH in South Africa including: sectoral analysis by professional category and the costs; skills mix; level of human resources; equity and maldistribution; factors affecting shortages; provincial HR and Service Transformation (STP) plans and their use in workforce planning, the re-engineered primary health care (PHC) approach and its impact on HRH, retention and recruitment issues, and management and leadership. The draft strategy also provides projections on future staffing needs, how these quotas will be filled and projected training and educational requirements.

Substance use and its predictors among undergraduate medical students of Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia
Deressa W and Azazh A: BMC Public Health 11(660), 22 August 2011

This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of substance use and identify factors that influenced the behaviour among undergraduate medical students of Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia. A cross-sectional study using a pre-tested structured self-administered quantitative questionnaire was conducted in June 2009 among 622 medical students (Year I to Internship programme) at the School of Medicine. Results showed that in the 12 months prior to the study, alcohol was consumed by 22% of students and khat use was reported by 7%. Being male was strongly associated with alcohol use in the last 12 months. Khat use and use of tobacco was strongly and positively associated with alcohol consumption. In conclusion, concordant use of alcohol, khat and tobacco was observed and exposure to friends' use of substances was often implicated. While the findings of this study suggest that substance use among the medical students was not alarming, but its trend increased among students from Year I to Internship programme. The authors caution the university to be vigilant in monitoring and educating the students about the consequences of substance use.
