Human Resources

Workplace violence and gender discrimination in Rwanda's health workforce: increasing safety and gender equality
Newman CJ, de Vries DH, Kanakuze J and Ngendahimana G: Human Resources for Health 9(19), 19 July 2011

The authors of this article examined the influence of gender on workplace violence, and synthesised their findings with other research from Rwanda, before they examined the subsequent impact of the study on Rwanda's policy environment. Fifteen out of 30 districts were selected at random. Forty-four facilities at all levels were randomly selected in these districts. From these facilities, 297 health workers were selected at random, of whom 205 were women and 92 were men. Researchers administered health worker survey, facility audits, key informant and health facility manager interviews and focus groups to collect data in 2007. They found that 39% of health workers had experienced some form of workplace violence in year prior to the study. The study identified gender-related patterns of perpetration, victimisation and reactions to violence. Negative stereotypes of women, discrimination based on pregnancy, maternity and family responsibilities and the 'glass ceiling' affected female health workers' experiences and career paths and contributed to a context of violence. Addressing gender discrimination and violence simultaneously should be a priority for workplace and violence research, workforce policies, strategies, laws and human resources management training, the authors conclude.

Are workplace health promotion programmes effective at improving presenteeism in workers? A systematic review and best evidence synthesis of the literature
Cancelliere C, Cassidy J, Ammendolia C and Cote P: BMC Public Health 11(395), 26 May 2011

Workplace health promotion (WHP) is a common strategy used to enhance on-the-job productivity. The primary objective of this study was to determine if WHP programmes are effective in improving workers presence at work. The Cochrane Library, Medline, and other electronic databases were searched from 1990 to 2010. After 2,032 titles and abstracts were screened, 47 articles were reviewed, and 14 were accepted (4 strong and 10 moderate studies). These studies contained preliminary evidence for a positive effect of some WHP programmes. Successful programmes offered organisational leadership, health risk screening, individually tailored programs, and a supportive workplace culture. Potential risk factors contributing to presenteeism included being overweight, a poor diet, a lack of exercise, high stress, and poor relations with co-workers and management.

Key factors leading to reduced recruitment and retention of health professionals in remote areas of Ghana: a qualitative study and proposed policy solutions
Snow RC, Asabir K, Mutumba M, Koomson E, Gyan K, Dzodzomenyo M: et al: Human Resources for Health 9(13), May 2011

This qualitative study was undertaken to understand how practising doctors and medical leaders in Ghana describe the key factors reducing recruitment and retention of health professionals into remote areas, and to document their proposed policy solutions. In-depth interviews were carried out with 84 doctors and medical leaders, including 17 regional medical directors and deputy directors from across Ghana, and 67 doctors chosen to represent progressively more remote distances from the capital of Accra. All participants felt that rural postings must have special career or monetary incentives given the loss of locum (i.e. moonlighting income), the higher workload, and professional isolation of remote assignments. Career 'death' and prolonged rural appointments were a common fear, and proposed policy solutions focused considerably on career incentives, such as guaranteed promotion or a study opportunity after some fixed term of service in a remote or hardship area. Short-term service in rural areas would be more appealing if it were linked to special mentoring and/or training, and led to career advancement.

A technical framework for costing health workforce retention schemes in remote and rural areas
Zurn P, Vujicic M, Lemière C, Juquois M, Stormont L, Campbell J et al: Human Resources for Health 9(8), April 2011

This paper proposes a framework for carrying out a costing analysis of interventions to increase the availability of health workers in rural and remote areas with the aim to help policy decision makers. The authors review the evidence on costing interventions to improve health workforce recruitment and retention in remote and rural areas, provide guidance to undertake a costing evaluation of such interventions and investigates the role and importance of costing to inform the broader assessment of how to improve health workforce planning and management. They show show that while the debate on the effectiveness of policies and strategies to improve health workforce retention is gaining impetus and attention, there is still a significant lack of knowledge and evidence about the associated costs. To address the concerns stemming from this situation, key elements of a framework to undertake a cost analysis are proposed and discussed, which should help policy makers gain insight into the costs of policy interventions, to clearly identify and understand their financing sources and mechanisms, and to ensure their sustainability.

Carework and caring: A path to gender equitable practices among men in South Africa?
Morrell R and Jewkes R: International Journal for Equity in Health 10(17), May 2011

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between men who engage in carework and commitment to gender equity. The context of the study was that gender inequitable masculinities create vulnerability for men and women to HIV and other health concerns. A qualitative approach was used. Twenty men from three South African cities who were identified as engaging in carework were interviewed. They were engaged in different forms of carework and their motivations to be involved differed. Some men did carework out of necessity. Poverty, associated with illness in the family and a lack of resources propelled some men into carework. Other men saw carework as part of a commitment to making a better world. 'Care' interpreted as a functional activity was not enough to either create or signify support for gender equity. Only when care had an emotional resonance did it relate to gender equity commitment. Engagement in carework precipitated a process of identity and value transformation in some men suggesting that support for carework still deserves to be a goal of interventions to 'change men'. Changing the gender of carework contributes to a more equitable gender division of labour and challenges gender stereotypes, the authors argue. Interventions that promote caring also advance gender equity.

Health workers remain unprotected in Kenya
IRIN News: 17 May 2011

While Kenyan health workers treating tuberculosis patients are working without masks, government officials say problems with the supply chain and funding shortages are the main reason for the lack of protective gear. Health personnel cannot stop treating or offering services to patients even without these commodities and during that time, they risk getting infected by the very patients they treat. According to Joseph Sitienei, head of the National Leprosy and TB Control Programme, sometimes health facilities delay in requesting these much-needed materials and only do so when they completely run out. However, he pointed to increased funding to the health sector recently, which held promise that the situation would improve. He noted that the government is streamlining procurement and supply of commodities including protective gear to health facilities. In contrast, local NGOs say corruption within the health system is to blame for the haphazard availability of medical supplies, with drugs often 'disappearing' from government health facilities and sold to private pharmacies by government pharmacists.

The mental health workforce gap in low- and middle-income countries: a needs-based approach
Bruckner TA, Scheffler RM, Shen G, Yoon J, Chisholm D, Morris J et al: Bulletin of the World Health Organisation 89(3): 184-194, March 2011

The authors of this study estimated the shortage of mental health professionals in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). They used data from the World Health Organisation’s Assessment Instrument for Mental Health Systems (WHO-AIMS) from 58 LMICs, country-specific information on the burden of various mental disorders and a hypothetical core service delivery package to estimate how many psychiatrists, nurses and psychosocial care providers would be needed to provide mental health care to the total population of the countries studied. All low-income countries and 59% of the middle-income countries in the sample were found to have far fewer professionals than they need to deliver a core set of mental health interventions. The 58 LMICs sampled would need to increase their total mental health workforce by 239 000 full-time equivalent professionals to address the current shortage, the authors conclude. Country-specific policies are needed to overcome the large shortage of mental health-care staff and services throughout LMICs.

The training and professional expectations of medical students in Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique
Ferrinho P, Sidat M, Fresta M, Rodrigues A, Fronteira I, da Silva F et al: Human Resources for Health 9(9), April 2011

The purpose of this paper is to provide an analysis of the professional expectations of medical students during the 2007-2008 academic year at the public medical schools of Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique, and to identify their social and geographical origins, their professional expectations and difficulties relating to their education and professional future. Data were collected through a standardised questionnaire applied to all medical students registered during the 2007-2008 academic year. Researchers found that most academic performance of students was poor, and related to difficulties in accessing materials, finances and insufficient high school preparation. Approximately 75% want to train as hospital specialists and to follow a hospital-based career. A significant proportion is unsure about their future area of specialisation, which for many students is equated with migration to study abroad. Medical education is an important national investment, but the returns obtained are not as efficient as expected, the authors conclude. Developing a local postgraduate training capacity for doctors might be an important strategy to help retain medical doctors in the home country.

Improving the implementation of health workforce policies through governance: a review of case studies
Dieleman M, Shaw DMP and Zwanikken P: Human Resources for Health 9(10), 12 April 2011

In this article, the authors describe how governance issues have influenced HRH policy development and identify governance strategies that have been used, successfully or not, to improve HRH policy implementation in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). They performed a descriptive literature review of HRH case studies which describe or evaluate a governance-related intervention at country or district level in LMIC, including a total of 16 case studies. This review shows that the term 'governance' is neither prominent nor frequent in recent HRH literature. It provides initial lessons regarding the influence of governance on HRH policy development and implementation. The review also shows that the evidence base needs to be improved in this field in order to better understand how governance influences HRH policy development and implementation. Tentative lessons are discussed, based on the case studies.

The training and professional expectations of medical students in Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique
Ferrinho P, Sidat M, Fresta MJ, Rodrigues A, Fronteira I, da Silva F et al: Human Resources for Health 9(9), 7 April 2011

This paper provides a description and analysis of the professional expectations of medical students during the 2007-2008 academic year at the public medical schools of Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique, and identifies their professional expectations and difficulties relating to their education and professional future. Data were collected through a standardised questionnaire applied to all medical students registered during the 2007-2008 academic year. The authors found that medical education is an important national investment, but the returns obtained are not as efficient as expected. Investments in high-school preparation, tutoring, and infrastructure are likely to have a significant impact on the success rate of medical schools. Special attention should be given to the socialization of students and the role model status of their teachers. In countries with scarce medical resources, the hospital orientation of students' expectations is understandable, although it should be associated with the development of skills to coordinate hospital work with the network of peripheral facilities. Developing a local postgraduate training capacity for doctors might be an important strategy to help retain medical doctors in the home country.
