Equity in Health

Commonwealth Health Ministers Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, 16 May 2010: Ministerial Statement on MDGs
Commonwealth Secretariat: 16 May 2010

In this statement, Commonwealth Health Ministers acknowledged the progress made globally towards the attainment of the health-related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), including the steady reduction in under-five deaths from 12.6 million in 1990 to 9 million in 2007. They note that at least 16 developing Commonwealth countries have achieved or are on track to achieve MDG 5. Ministers called on the global community, especially the G8 and G20, to support maternal and newborn health programmes, and to meet MDGs 4 and 5. They particularly called for support to meet the target of 90% of births being attended by skilled health workers by 2015.

Inequalities in child survival: Looking at wealth and other socio-economic disparities in developing countries
Garde M and Sabina N: Save the Children UK, 2010

The analysis in this paper illustrates that the child survival picture – in terms of rate and inequality – varies in the developing world, highlighting the importance of differentiated child survival strategies between middle- and low-income countries. In many countries, reductions in child mortality among poorer households have been smaller than for the higher income groups. Once child mortality is concentrated among lower income groups – as is the case in many middle-income countries – major efforts to reduce child mortality should be equalising, but these require a focus on systematic interventions rather than ‘quick win’ strategies. On the other hand, under-five mortality in low-income countries is usually high not only among the poorest quintile, but in the bottom 40–60% of the population, suggesting the need for more comprehensive strategies to reduce under-five mortality across a broader spectrum of the population.
The paper argues that neonatal mortality tends to fall more slowly than under-five mortality, since reducing it needs longer-term and relatively more expensive interventions associated with functioning health systems. This indicates that while there are quick wins that can help improve child survival, middle-income countries (and low-income ones that have relatively low child mortality rates) need to focus more on reducing neonatal deaths.

Learning from maternal and child health successes in Africa
World Bank: 23 July 2010

This article focuses on a number of countries in Africa that have made improvements in their health outcomes and that are on their way to meeting their health Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets, including Tanzania, Kenya and Rwanda. Infant mortality fell by over 40% in Tanzania, from 99 deaths per 1,000 live births in 1999 to 58 in 2007-08, which suggests that the country can reach its Millennium Development Goal (MDG) target by 2015. Under-five mortality has also declined, from 146 deaths per 1,000 live births to 91. After a period of stagnation during which infant and child mortality rates deteriorated and life expectancy dropped, Kenya has recently made very significant progress, reversing its negative health trends between 2003 and 2007. The 2008 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) reveals remarkable declines in infant and under-five mortality rates in this period (from 77 to 52, and from 115 to 74, per 1000 live births, respectively). After the 1994 conflict, which took a great toll on the health sector, Rwanda entered the 21st century with one of the weakest health systems in the world. Yet today it shows some very strong health results. Assisted childbirths rose from 39% in 2005 to 52 percent in 2008; while under-5 mortality fell by a third, from 152 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2005 to 103 in 2008. And the use of modern contraception has increased from 10% to 27% in just three years.

Making motherhood and childhood safer: Scaling up AIDS services accelerates progress towards all health goals
International AIDS Society: June 2010

According to this paper, the world is off track in meeting the Millennium Development Health Goals. It urges world leaders and other stakeholders to accelerate progress to reach the goals set to improve maternal and child health. It calls for rapid expansion of antiretroviral coverage for women with HIV in order to reduce maternal mortality, rapid expansion of antiretroviral treatment for all men and women with HIV, the integration of services to prevent HIV transmission to infants and to achieve rapid paediatric HIV diagnosis across all sexual and reproductive health services and all services for newborns. Governments are urged to provide support to implement the most effective antiretroviral regimens to prevent HIV transmission to infants and scale up efforts to diagnose HIV in children, expand ART for children and the paper argues that expanded funding for the Global Fund is required to bring it in line with its most ambitious scenario of USD$20 billion for the next three years.

Multidrug and extensively drug-resistant TB (M/XDR-TB): 2010 global report on surveillance and response
World Health Organization: 2010

According to this report, in 2008, an estimated 390 000–510 000 cases of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) emerged globally (best estimate, 440 000 cases). Among all incident TB cases globally, 3.6% are estimated to have MDR-TB. The report notes that more data on drug resistance has become available and estimates of the global MDR-TB burden have been improved. Even in settings gravely affected by drug resistance, it is possible to control MDR-TB, although new findings presented in this report give reason to be cautiously optimistic that drug-resistant TB can be controlled. While information available is growing and more and more countries are taking measures to combat MDRTB, urgent investments in infrastructure, diagnostics, and provision of care are essential if the target established for 2015 – the diagnosis and treatment of 80% of the estimated MDR-TB and extensively drug-resistant TB cases – is to be reached.

What will it take to achieve the Millennium Development Goals? An international assessment
United Nations Development Programme: June 2010

Drawing on evidence of what has worked in 50 countries, this report provides an eight-point MDG action agenda to accelerate and sustain development progress over the next five years. The eight points focus on supporting nationally-owned and participatory development; pro-poor, job-rich inclusive growth including the private sector; government investments in social services like health and education; expanding opportunities for women and girls; access to low carbon energy; domestic resource mobilisation; and delivery on Official Development Assistance commitments. From the abolition of primary school fees leading to a surge in enrolment in Ethiopia to innovative health servicing options in Afghanistan reducing under-five child mortality, the report brings forward concrete examples that have worked and can be replicated, even in the poorest countries, to make real progress across the Millennium Development Goals. Rapid improvements in both education and health, the report illustrates, have occurred in countries where there were adequate public expenditures and strong new partnerships, where economic growth is job-rich and boosts agricultural production, where robust social protection and employment programmes are in place, and where development is country led, with an effective government in place.

WHO declares flu pandemic over, experts behind response are revealed
Mara K: Intellectual Property Watch, 10 August 2010

The pandemic threat of the H1N1 or ‘swine flu’ virus has now passed, according to World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General, Margaret Chan. The virus has largely run its course, said Chan, though she added that WHO continues to recommend the use of remaining pandemic vaccines as their efficacy has not decreased. The announced closing of the pandemic period means that the names of the WHO’s Emergency Committee, which decided when to declare the pandemic and when it could be considered ended, are now public. This new information should help answer some of the more critical questions being asked about WHO’s influenza response, such as whether conflicts of interest within the body’s expert advisory group led to an exaggeration of the risks of the H1N1 virus.

Achieving sustainable health development in the African region: Strategic directions for WHO 2010–2015
World Health Organization: 2010

This document details the main strategic directions for the work of the World Health Organization (WHO) in the African Region for the period 2010–2015 and considers regional responses to the global health agenda, including new policies and tools for programmes related to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). WHO’s strategic directions recognise the socio-economic dimension of health development and propose orientations to address the most serious health problems faced by people in Africa, as well as their key determinants. The document focuses on WHO’s mandate and its core functions, articulating its role in addressing Africa’s public health priorities, while giving space to other stakeholders involved in strengthening the implementation capacity of national health systems under the leadership of governments. Successful implementation of the strategic directions will require strong leadership, accountability and efficient use of resources. Those countries that have made progress towards achieving the MDGs are urged to share best practices with other countries in the region. According to WHO, boosting the capacity of health systems and improved monitoring and evaluation should enable the scaling up of proven and cost-effective health interventions and pave the way towards accelerated implementation of programmes aimed at achieving health MDGs.

Adelaide Statement on Health in All Policies: Moving towards a shared governance for health and well-being
World Health Organization: 2010

The Adelaide Statement was developed by the participants of the Health in All Policies International Meeting, held in Adelaide, Australia from 13–15 April 2010. Its aim is to engage leaders and policy-makers at all levels of government, including local, regional, national and international governments. It emphasises that government objectives are best achieved when all sectors include health and well-being as a key component of policy development and that the social determinants of health should be considered when addressing public health issues. Although many other sectors already contribute to better health, significant gaps still exist. The Adelaide Statement outlines the need for a new social contract between all sectors to advance human development, sustainability and equity, as well as to improve health outcomes. This requires a new form of governance with joined-up leadership within governments, across all sectors and between levels of government. The Statement highlights the contribution of the health sector in resolving complex problems across government.

African leaders urged to deliver on African Union Summit theme of saving lives of children and mothers
Save the Children: 22 July 2010

In the lead up to the African Union Summit, held from 19 to 27 July 2010 in Uganda, Save the Children has joined a broad coalition of civil society groups from across Africa and around the world to call on African leaders to deliver four key commitments that will save the lives of mothers and children. Civil society recommend that leaders at the Summit should commit to putting a plan in place. Every African country must develop and implement an accelerated national plan for reducing maternal, newborn and child deaths. Stakeholders should make sure that the resources are available. Every African country should meet and exceed its 2001 promise in Abuja, Nigeria to spend at least 15% of the national budget on health care. Additionally, a meaningful portion of this budget must specifically dedicated to maternal, newborn, and child health. Thirdly, health worker shortages should be addressed. Countries must recruit, train and retain more doctors, nurses, and midwives to help reduce the overall gap of 800,000 health workers in Africa by 2015. Fourthly, the coverage gap between rich and poor must be addressed. Countries must ensure health care, including emergency obstetric care, is accessible for the poorest people and is free at the point of use for pregnant women and children under five.
