Equity in Health

WHO urges countries to prevent a tobacco epidemic among women and girls

If countries don't implement serious measures soon, tobacco-related deaths among women are going to increase substantially. Exposure to second-hand smoke and aggressive tobacco marketing and promotion are among the factors leading to a potential epidemic of tobacco-related diseases among women, said the World Health Organisation ahead of World No Tobacco Day (31 May).


After eight days of intense deliberations the 54th World Health Assembly closed its business in Geneva today. The biggest event in the annual calendar for the World Health Organization (WHO), the Assembly charts the global course for the Organization and its 191 Member States in dealing with major public health threats. For the first time in the history of the Organization, the United Nations Secretary-General addressed the Assembly. In his AIDS-focused speech, Mr Kofi Annan outlined the structure of a multi-billion dollar Global AIDS and Health Fund to fight HIV/AIDS and "other infectious diseases that blight the prospects for many developing countries – starting with TB and malaria".
