
This annotated bibliography of publications provides materials sourced from published and grey literature within different theme areas of work relating to equity in health in east and southern Africa.

The bibliography is compiled by TARSC through contributions from steering committee members, theme co-ordinators, participants in EQUINET programmes and users of this site. We welcome you to contribute materials to the bibliography by sending us information through the feedback form on the publication of the title, author, country, full reference of the publication and url of the paper. You can also admin [at] (subject: publication%20for%20the%20bibliography) (email the full paper to us).  We are regularly updating the bibliography and welcome new content. 

To search the bibliography click on Advanced search and you can search using a variety of criteria, including key words. 

Please admin [at] (subject: Feedback%20on%20the%20bibliography) (contact us) if you have feedback on any publication in the bibliography.

Latest Bibliography Entries

Stroke incidence in rural and urban Tanzania: A prospective, community-based study
Walker R; Whiting D; Unwin N; Mugusi F; Swai M; Aris E; Jusabani A; Kabadi G; Gray WK; Lewanga M; Alberti G (2010 August)
Equity in health
The Health of Women and Girls in Urban Areas with a Focus on Kenya and South Africa
Hawkins K; MacGregor H; Oronje R (2013)
Equity in health
A comparison of urban-rural injury mortality rates across two South African provinces, 2007
Sherriff B; MacKenzie S; Swart LA; Seedat MA; Bangdiwala SI; Ngude R (2014 January)
Equity in health
Inequalities in child mortality in ten major African cities
Quentin W; Abosede O; Aka J; Akweongo P; Dinard K; Ezeh A; Hamed R; Kayembe P; Mitike G; Mtei G; Bonle MT; Sundmacher L (2014)
Equity in health
Trends in childhood mortality in Kenya: The urban advantage has seemingly been wiped out
Kimani-Murage EW; Fotso JC; Egondi T; Abuya B; Elungata P; Ziraba AK; Kabirua CW; Madise N (2014 September)
Equity in health
Prioritizing action on health inequities in cities: An evaluation of Urban Health Equity Assessment and Response Tool (Urban HEART) in 15 cities from Asia and Africa
Prasad A; Kano M; Dagg K; Mori H; Senkoro H; Ardakani MA; Elfeky S; Good S; Engelhardt K; Ross A; Armada F (2015 November)
Equity in health
Prioritizing action on health inequities in cities: An evaluation of Urban Health Equity Assessment and Response Tool (Urban HEART) in 15 cities from Asia and Africa
Prasad A; Kano M; Dagg K; Mori H; Senkoro H; Ardakani MA; Elfeky S; Good S; Engelhardt K; Ross A; Armada F (2015 November)
Equity in health
Rural, urban and migrant differences in non-communicable disease risk-factors in middle income countries: A cross-sectional study of WHO-SAGE data
Oyebode O; Pape UJ; Laverty AA; Lee JT; Bhan N; Millett C (2015 April)
Equity in health
Rural, urban and migrant differences in non-communicable disease risk-factors in middle income countries: A cross-sectional study of WHO-SAGE data
Oyebode O; Pape UJ; Laverty AA; Lee JT; Bhan N; Millett C (2015 April)
Equity in health
In urban South Africa, 16 year old adolescents experience greater health equality than children
Griffiths PL; Johnson W; Cameron N; Pettifor JM; Norris SA (2013 December)
Equity in health


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The information in the bibliography is produced by EQUINET under the principles of 'fair use'. Information referenced in the bibliography is covered by the copyright and proprietary rights specified by the original authors. The information presented is protected under the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literature and Artistic works, under other international conventions and under national laws on copyright and neighbouring rights. The designations employed and the presentation of the information in this web site do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of EQUINET or directors of TARSC concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers' products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by EQUINET or TARSC in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. EQUINET and TARSC do not warrant that the information contained in the web site is complete and correct and shall not be liable whatsoever for any damages incurred as a result of its use.