
This annotated bibliography of publications provides materials sourced from published and grey literature within different theme areas of work relating to equity in health in east and southern Africa.

The bibliography is compiled by TARSC through contributions from steering committee members, theme co-ordinators, participants in EQUINET programmes and users of this site. We welcome you to contribute materials to the bibliography by sending us information through the feedback form on the publication of the title, author, country, full reference of the publication and url of the paper. You can also admin [at] (subject: publication%20for%20the%20bibliography) (email the full paper to us).  We are regularly updating the bibliography and welcome new content. 

To search the bibliography click on Advanced search and you can search using a variety of criteria, including key words. 

Please admin [at] (subject: Feedback%20on%20the%20bibliography) (contact us) if you have feedback on any publication in the bibliography.

Latest Bibliography Entries

Discussion Paper 68: Retention strategies for Swaziland's health sector workforce: Assessing the impact of non-financial incentives
Masango, S; Gathu, K; Sibandze, S; Swaziland Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (2008 December)
Human resources for health
PRA Report 10: Consolidating processes for community health centre partnership and accountability in Zambia
Mbwili-Muleya, C; Lungu, M; Kabuba, I; Zulu Lishandu, I; Loewenson, R; Lusaka District Health Team, Equity Gauge Zambia (2008 September)
Governance and participation in health
Discussion Paper 69: How power relations affect the implementation of policy on equity in access to anti-retroviral therapy: The case of rural health centres in Malawi
Simwaka, LK; Malawi Interfaith AIDS Association (2008 September)
Equity and HIV/AIDS, Monitoring equity and research to policy
Capacity Building Paper: The financial losses from the migration of nurses from Malawi
Muula, AS; Panulo Jr, B; Maseko, FC; College of Medicine, University of Malawi; Malawi College of Health Sciences (2006 June)
Human resources for health
A report of the discussion on the Zimbabwe equity analysis and the Zimbabwe launch of the Regional analysis of equity in health in east and southern Africa: Promoting health equity in Zimbabwe
Training and Research Support centre (TARSC); Regional Network for Equity in Health in East and Southern Africa (EQUINET); Community Working Group on Health (CWGH) (2008 October)
Equity in health
Resolutions by the Community Working Group on Health (CWGH) from the 15th National Conference in Harare
Community Working Group on Health (2008 October)
Equitable health services, Governance and participation in health
Open letter to British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown
Participants of the Conference on the Social Determinants of Health: November 2008 (2008 November)
Equity in health
Recommendations on the World Health Organisation Draft Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel
Health Worker Migration Initiative (2008)
Human resources for health
ART in the public and private sectors in Malawi: Results up to 30 June 2008
HIV Unit, Malawi Ministry of Health; MBCA; MSF; Area 18 Health Centre; QECH; KCH, Lilongwe; Lighthouse, Lilongwe; Mlambe Mission Hospital; SUCOMA Clinic (2008 October)
Public-private mix, Equity and HIV/AIDS
Reclamando os recursos para Saude uma Analise regional da Equidade na Saude na Africa Oriental e Austral: Introducao & Sumario Executivo
A Rede de Actividade Regional para Equidade na Saúde na Africa Oriental e Austral (EQUINET) (2009 November)
Equity in health


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The information in the bibliography is produced by EQUINET under the principles of 'fair use'. Information referenced in the bibliography is covered by the copyright and proprietary rights specified by the original authors. The information presented is protected under the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literature and Artistic works, under other international conventions and under national laws on copyright and neighbouring rights. The designations employed and the presentation of the information in this web site do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of EQUINET or directors of TARSC concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers' products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by EQUINET or TARSC in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. EQUINET and TARSC do not warrant that the information contained in the web site is complete and correct and shall not be liable whatsoever for any damages incurred as a result of its use.