Discussion paper 1: Participation and accountability in health systems: The missing factor in equity?
Loewenson, R; TARSC (2000)
Themes: Governance and participation in health
Policy paper 10: Geographic patterns of deprivation and health inequities in South Africa: Informing public resource allocation strategies
McIntyre, D; Muirhead, D; Gilson, L; Govender, V; Mbatsha, S; Goudge, J; Wadee, H; Ntutela, P; Health Economics Unit, University of Cape Town; Centre for Health Policy, University of Witwatersrand; Health Economics and Financing Programme, London School o (2000 August)
Themes: Poverty and health, Resource allocation and health financing
Policy paper 5: Health and human rights in Southern Africa?
Klugman, B; Kgosidintsi, N; Womens Health Project, University of Witwatersrand (2000 July)
Themes: Values, policies and rights
Policy paper 4: World Trade Organisation agreements: Implications for equity and health in Southern Africa
Munot, G; Southern African Development Community Health Sector Co-ordinating Unit (2000)
Themes: Health equity in economic and trade policies
Policy paper 3: A review of experience concerning household ability to cope with the resource demands of ill health and health care utilisation
Goudge, J; Govender, V; Centre for Health Policy, University of Witwatersrand; Health Economics Unit; University of Cape Town (2000 June)
Themes: Poverty and health
Policy paper 2: Equity in health in Southern Africa: Overview and issues from an annotated bibliography
EQUINET Steering Committee (1998 May)
Policy paper 1: Can research fill the equity gap in Southern Africa?
Loewenson, R (1999 September)
Themes: Equity in health, Monitoring equity and research to policy
Policy paper 7: Equity in health in Southern Africa: Turning values into practice
EQUINET Steering Committee (2000 September)
Themes: Values, policies and rights
Policy paper 8: An examination of public sector subsidies to the private health sector: A Zimbabwe case study
Mudyarabikwa, O; University of Zimbabwe Medical School (2000 September)
Themes: Resource allocation and health financing
Can the poor afford ‘free’ health services? A case study for Tanzania
Abel-Smith, B; Rawal, P (1992)
Themes: Resource allocation and health financing