Call for papers: The Botswana Review of Ethics, Law and HIV/AIDS
BONELA is a non-governmental organisation in Botswana, dedicated to creating an enabling and just environment for people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS through the integration of ethical, legal, and human rights dimensions into the national response to HIV/AIDS. BONELA is involved in research, training, advocacy, legal assistance and public education. HIV/AIDS raises many issues because of its complex, all embracing and multi-dimensional nature. It therefore needs to be understood in relation to numerous scientific, social, legal, political, economic, cultural and other parameters. The Botswana Review of Ethics, Law and HIV/AIDS welcomes contributions on a wide variety of relevant issues from a broad range of disciplinary backgrounds, including but not limited to Ethics, Philosophy, Law, Medicine, Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology, Development Studies, Gender Studies, Pharmacology, Political Science, Economic Policy, Cultural Studies, African Studies, Social Work and Communication. Contributions from practitioners and activists in the field are welcome. As an advocacy organisation, BONELA champions human rights for all sections of society and accordingly, BRELA is intended to reach as wide an audience as possible. To this end, papers that can be of interest to a diverse audience consisting of many levels of readership are encouraged. Submission guidelines Every contribution submitted with a view to publication in BRELA will be peer reviewed by at least two anonymous reviewers. Comments will be communicated to contributors within a reasonable time to enable revision of papers accordingly. BRELA will only publish papers that meet the required standards. Format and Length: .Contributions should include the name(s), professional details (including affiliation) and contact information of the author(s). .Articles: short articles should be up to 5,000 words and long articles should be up to 10,000 words including the footnotes. .Reviews of Books and Articles should be up to 2,500 words. .Recent Developments and Events should be up to 2,500 words. .Contributions must be in English, typed in font type Times New Roman, font size 12, and 1.5 spacing, with page numbering on the bottom, centre of the page. The style of referencing is that of the American Psychological Association (APA). For more information on this style, visit: Submission should be via e-mail as an MS Word document attachment to: Find out more about The Botswana Review of Ethics, Law and HIV/AIDS on the website of the Botswana Network on Ethics, Law and HIV/AIDS: