Call for nominations of NGO delegate 2009-2010 for Africa
UNAIDS was the first United Nations programme to have formal civil society representation on its governing body: it is guided by the Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) with representatives of 22 governments, the UNAIDS co-sponsors and an NGO delegation of five delegates and five alternate delegates. The NGO Delegation to the UNAIDS PCB has vacancies for two-year terms, beginning 1 January 2009 and ending 31 December 2010, for the position of Africa Alternate Delegate. This represents a unique opportunity for committed activists and HIV/AIDS advocates to make a difference to HIV/AIDS policy implementation in their regions. The position of NGO Delegates to the UNAIDS PCB is important to the effective inclusion of community voices in the key global forum for HIV/AIDS policy. NGO Delegates represent the perspectives of civil society, including people living with HIV, within UNAIDS policies and programming. Closing date: Tuesday, 31 August 2008. Include in your application: - a short profile of your organisation; - your name and brief curriculum vitae; - a personal statement as to why you would be well suited to this work; and - letters of reference from national and regional AIDS organisations in your region supporting your application. The selection will be made by the current NGO Delegates to the UNAIDS PCB. Short-listed nominations will be contacted for an interview during the first two weeks of September, and final candidates will be presented at the PCB meeting in December 2008. The decision of the PCB regarding confirmation of NGOs will then be communicated to you soon after this meeting.