Malawi Health Equity Network National Health Forum
MHEN, 22-23 November 2007
MHEN held a National Forum on 22nd and 23rd November 2007 at Lilongwe Hotel. It brought together a network of policy makers and practitioners who work in the field of health services delivery. The forum explored the challenges in health services delivery in a non-industrialised country with limited resources The objectives of the National Forum are: • To provide an environment of reflection on stakeholders’ role in health services delivery. • To identify and build synergies amongst the stakeholders. The theme for the National Forum is “Achieving Effective Health Services Delivery in a Non-Industrialised Country with Limited Resources”. Our focus is on practical and systemic solutions to make health equity in Malawi a reality. We are looking for solutions that directly benefit low-income and marginalised populations as opposed to initiatives that consist only in public policies, health rights, or advocacy. Papers were submitted in the following sub-themes: 1. Human Resources in the health service delivery 2. Health equity and governance 3. Financing for pro-poor health services delivery 4. HIV/AIDS and health services delivery 5. Partnerships in health services delivery Participants included people from a diverse range of people from within and outside Malawi. The participants reflected on the practical questions surrounding health services delivery in relation to Malawi. The forum brought together a network of people who will continue discussions with each other about possible future projects and meetings.