Contact: Andre Banks 202-546 7961
Bangkok Summit Reveals US AIDS Plan at Odds with "Access for All"
US AIDS Coordinator Put on Defensive at International AIDS Conference
Wednesday, July 14, 2004 ( Washington, D.C.) - As 15,000 scientists,
policy-makers, advocates and People Living with HIV/AIDS gather in
Bangkok for the 15th International AIDS Conference, a rising chorus of
critics are challenging the strategy of President Bush’s Emergency Plan
for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). Randall Tobias, US Global AIDS Coordinator,
and other US officials in Bangkok are facing daily protests in Bangkok
on issues ranging from the purchase of generic drugs through the
President’s AIDS Plan to its highly controversial focus on
abstinence-based prevention programs.
"The international community has come to Bangkok under the banner of
‘Access for All’, but all too often the Administration’s AIDS plan is
undermining this critical goal," said Salih Booker, Executive Director
of Africa Action. "Blocking the purchase of cheap drugs for those in
need, forcing trade agreements that hinder African countries’ ability to
respond to the AIDS crisis, and channeling US funding into a cumbersome
bureaucracy are key obstacles to an effective global response to the
AIDS crisis."
This week Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations criticized
the stingy US commitment to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis
and Malaria, which is widely acknowledged to be the most important
multilateral vehicle in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Annan urged
Washington to show the same commitment to the fight against HIV/AIDS as
the 'war on terror'. Also this week, French President Jacques Chirac
described the Bush administration’s bilateral trade negotiations as
"tantamount to blackmail," referring to continued US pressures that
undermine African countries access to generic drugs.
Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA), an Africa Action board member and the
only member of Congress attending the International AIDS Conference,
took a tough position on the controversial question of prevention: "In
an age where five million people are newly infected each year and women
and girls too often do not have the choice to abstain, an abstinence
until marriage program is not only irresponsible, it’s really inhumane."
The International AIDS Conference, held every two years, is a key forum
for policy-makers, civil society leaders, People Living with AIDS, and
scientists to discuss critical developments in the field of HIV/AIDS.
The conference in Bangkok also serves as an opportunity to debate and
critique current strategies to fight AIDS around the world. At present,
more than 42 million people worldwide are living with HIV/AIDS, almost
30 million of these in Africa. Less than 2% of people living with
HIV/AIDS in Africa have access to life-saving medicines.
"In Bangkok, the US government has shown itself to be completely
out-of-step with the growing international consensus on AIDS funding,
treatment, and prevention," Booker added. "Millions people living with
AIDS in Africa and their advocates demand support for the Global Fund.
They demand access to cheap, generic drugs that can treat 4 times as
many people - not expensive, brand name medicines from Bush’s drug
company patrons. And they demand prevention policies that are proven and
that address the specific needs of women - not policies that play to the
conservative right in the US."
The conference in Bangkok ends on Friday, July 16.